


Man Process Types

Process Types

It is possible to hold process types against blind types.
These can be printed out on works order label 1 and replace the existing text field.

Please check the Scheduling for further details.

We have added additional fields to the Man Process Types tab of the Blind Type Edit form, these fields are used to select a Sub Division and check if a process is scanned or not.
These must also be entered.

The program will work as follows:

The new logic is on the Order Enquiry form.
If the “Enable Shop Floor System” parameter is enabled, an additional button “Shop Floor Scan” will be displayed on this form.
There will also be a panel at the bottom of the form with the buttons “View Process Transactions” and “View Process Transactions by Subdivision”.

When you click the “Shop Floor Scan” button, you will see a form that can be used for scanning.
After each scan operation, the program will check the validity of data received from the barcode reader and if there are errors, it will display a corresponding message.
If the data is correct, the application will display the process completion confirmation, and then it will save the corresponding Process Transactions.
If all processes have been completed for the scanned Serial Detail Line and you try to scan again, the program will show a corresponding message (an important detail – the last process in each Sub Division should be a scanned process, otherwise there will be no way to complete the Sub Division).

If, after a scanning operation, the program determines that all processes for all Serial Detail Lines have been completed, the status of the order detail will change to Blind Manufactured.
If all order details have “Blind Manufactured” status – Order Made logic will be applied.

You can use the “View Process Transactions” button to view the history of Process Transactions for the selected Order Detail Line.
There is also a “Delete Last Transaction” button on the form, it allows deleting the last transaction for the selected Serial Detail Line and Sub Division.
However, you cannot delete the transactions for Order Detail if its status is Blind Manufactured.

When a user prints Works Order Label 1, the procedure checks to see if the ‘Enable Shop Floor System’ parameter is enabled.
If it is disabled, the old logic is applied, i.e. it prints the order detail id on the top small labels in the barcode, and the Sub Division field is not displayed.
When the ‘Enable Shop Floor System’ parameter is enabled, the serial number of the order detail and the subdivision code is printed in the barcode, so that it can be scanned in “Shop Floor Scan” mode.
The subdivision field is also being displayed below the barcode.

Here is the list of exceptions, which may appear when printing Order Label 1 with the ‘Enable Shop Floor System’ flag enabled:

1. If it prints the previously added order details (the serial number does not exist for these details), then the old version of the barcode will be printed and there will be no Subdivision field, i.e. it will look similar to the situation with ‘Enable Shop Floor System’ disabled.
2. If a new order is added (serial numbers exist for the details of this order), but there are no processes and subdivisions for this Blind Type, then the barcode is not displayed and the Sub Division field is not being displayed as well.
3. If there are processes with only one subdivision for the blind type, then the barcode and subdivision field will be printed only on the top left label.

When we worked on this report, we completely reworked the stored procedure which generates Works Order label 1 report, with the purpose of speeding up the generation of work order labels.

Label Print 3.5 x 1 Process Barcode

A new 3.5” label print called ‘Label Print 3.5 x 1 Process Barcode’ is required has been created.
This is required because one client is going to implement the shop floor and ‘blind type process’ parameters so that the barcodes can be generated with serial numbers and processes on them We now have a similar barcode on these labels, identifying blind id and process id.
If the barcodes for each process are printed on labels, then the ‘Shop Floor Scan’ in Order Processing > Orders can be used to update the status of blinds and orders.
This functionality is already working.
The idea is that we print out on 3.5” x 1” labels, with 2 different types, ‘Production Label’ and ‘Barcode Process’ labels.

There will be a different number of labels depending on the way the blind type ‘Label Control’ and ‘Man Process Types’ have been set up.

For example, for rollers, we need two roller labels and then one barcode process label, for verticals we need two vertical labels and two barcode process labels.
But if there is more than one process set up for a blind type, the barcode labels need to be printed out after each production label.
But we only need to print one process label after each production label and we need to work out which one to print.

So they would print it out in this order.

Roller label 1
Roller label 2
Roller barcode
Vertical label 1
Vertical barcode 1
Vertical label 2
Vertical barcode 2

The following setup needs to be done.
First, we need to set up records in the ‘Free Type’ field for ‘Label Control’.
Then we need to set the order of the labels by going to the ‘Man Process Types’ field.
There is a new field here called ‘Print After Label Control’.

Label Print – Bespoke 33A

A new label print has been created that is based on ‘Label Print – Bespoke 8’ but has four labels on the address label.
Instead of printing the address, this is where man process types will print. We have allowed for up to 4 processes to print.

Blind Details > Blind Types > Man Process Types

We can now hold an integer in here which can be used as a barcode. It should therefore be a unique number that cannot ever be an order detail or serial number.

Administration > Employees

We can now hold an integer in here which can be used as a barcode.
It should therefore be a unique number that cannot ever be an order detail or serial number.

These barcodes can be printed onto reports in Reports > System Reports.
The ‘Man Process Types’ barcodes will print by blind type, and the employee barcodes will print onto an A4 page, with employee name and barcode, 2 across the way, 6 or 8 down.

The employee barcode report will then be cut up, and each factory employee is given a laminated card that will have their barcode on it.

Blind Types > Man Process Types

This is the form that is displayed after selecting the ‘Processes’ button.

The user will then be able to select the blinds that have been completed.
Once they have selected records, they will then select their own employee name.
The record will also be updated with the date and time the process was done at.
It will then be possible to see the completed processes in Order Enquiry > View Process Transactions .

The ‘Processes’ button has an ‘View Processes’ choice in ‘Advanced Permissions’.
It is displayed to the right of the ‘Order Out Of Stock’ button on the top row of buttons.

Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan > Print Label

A label will now print after a process scan is done, providing ‘Print Label’ is set to true against the relevant man process type.

If you need to see the detailed information of the processes that were done, please check the 'Employee Process Drill Down Report' system report:

Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan

If the ‘Sequence Number’ in Blind Types > Man Process Types > 0, then the ‘Blind Made’ scan cannot be done until all processes with ‘Sequence Number’ > 0 are scanned.
If these processes have not been scanned, then a message appears saying ‘The following processes have not been scanned: (list of processes).

There is a new parameter call ‘Enable Scanning by Sequence’. If this is switched on, then processes must be scanned in their sequence order (set up in Blind Types > Man Process Types.

The Sub Division field must also be set up in ‘Man Process Types’ if this new parameter is switched on.
This was put in a long time ago because you could have a situation where the blind is made in two or more parts and processes are tied to this.
For example, for a vertical blind, the headrail can be made independently of the vanes.
So we could have processes for the headrail cut in subdivision 1 and for the vanes in subdivision 2. So we could have

Process Type Sequence Subdivision Scan
Headrail cut 1 1 Yes
Trucks 2 1 Yes
Cording 3 1 Yes
Vanes Cut 1 2 Yes
Sewing 2 2 Yes

So if ‘Headrail Cut’ was scanned first, this would be ok. But if ‘Sewing’ was then scanned this would not be ok because an earlier scan in the same subdivision had not yet been done.

Process Scanning

We have made two changes to process scanning recently, devs 3523 and 3561. These deal with process scans for options (3523) and process scanning in sequence order (3561).
We can now handle process scans in order properly if you also have a process scan for an option.
For example, in roller blind, if a shaped finish is selected then it might have a process scan, but this process scan is not in the sequence, set up in Blind Types > Man Process Types.

The following setup is required.
There is a new flag in Blind Types > Man Process Types called ‘Option Choice’.

If an option is to be scanned, then in Stock Items the following field needs to be set up.
It is also necessary to untick ‘Non Stock’ in the General tab of the stock record.
It is possible to scan the relevant option.

There is a flag held against the record in the Blind Types > Man Process Types tab called ‘Print Cutting Sheet’.
When this process is scanned at the ‘Blind Process Scan, the system will print out the cutting sheet for the fabric for that order.

Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan

If an order is entered and the ‘Repair’ flag is set to true, it means that the blind detail line can be entered using the ‘Repair’ button in ‘Window Blind Amend’.
Regardless of how many ‘Man Process Types’ are set up in the blind type, as soon as the first process scan is done for one of these blinds, the status of the whole changes to ‘Order Manufactured’.
There is a new parameter called ‘all Process Scans For Repair’ which defaults to false.
If true, then the scan for a repair detail line behaves the same way as a normal blind detail line ie process transaction recorded, blind status and order status are changed when all processes are complete.

There is now an option to scan either one process or another.

We have a customer that has two different fabric cutting machines.
They have set these up as processes ie ‘Machine 1’ and ‘Machine 2’.
When a blind process scan is done for a blind, it will be done for one or other of the machines, but not both.

To achieve this, there is a new system table called ‘Process Group’.
A record can be entered here, and then a new field in Blind Types > Man Process Types called ‘Process Group’ can be updated.
If the same process group is applied to two different processes, then only one of them has to be scanned.

Reports > System Reports > Man Process Types Barcodes

If a record is ticked as ‘Misc Scan’ in System Tables > Process Types, it now prints in this report.

Label Print After Scanning

We added functionality so labels could be printed when process scans were done.
This works but prints all of the labels blind.
For ‘Label Print – Bespoke 70’ it now only prints the labels that are associated with the process type ie the label that is set up in the ‘Print After Label Control’ field in Blind Types > Man Process Types.

Roman Blind Manufacturing Sheet

There is a new flag held against Blind Types > Man Process Types called ‘Print Works Order After Scan’ which defaults to false.
If this flag is set to true, then the works order that is held against Parameters > Reports > Work Order 2 is printed.

‘Works Order – Bespoke 70’ has been changed.
If ‘Print Crease Lines’ is set to true in the blind type record (blind identifier = Austrian/Roman), then the creases from System Tables > Roman Creases are printed out horizontally in the detail section

Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan

There is a flag in Blind Types > Man Process Types called ‘End Scan’ which defaults to false.
When this blind process scan is done, if this is set to true it then updates another new flag in the order enquiry screen called ‘End Manuf. Done’.
‘End Manuf. Done’ is also now a column choice on the ‘Order Enquiry’ form.

Blind Type Setup > Man Process Types > Print After Label Control
This functionality will now work with ‘Label Print – 4 x 2 Bespoke 73’.

Blind Types > Man Process Types

Previously if ‘Print Label After Process Scan’ was ticked, the label that prints were the one set up in Parameters > Reports > Label.
There is a new field in Blind Types > Man Process Types called 'Label Print' which is editable when 'Print Label After Process Scan' is switched on.
This looks up the label print reports.
If this ‘Label Print’ field is filled, it will print this report, otherwise, the existing label print will be applied.
There is a new label layout for this called 'Label Print - Bespoke 33 4 x 1'. The label should be 4" wide and 1" deep.