



There is a 'Maintenance' form in Blindata which includes a lot of routines, but before running any of these functionalities please make sure that you back up the database.

'Clear Orders' functionality is clear out all the orders in a database.
'Clear Quotations' functionality is clear out all the quotations in a database.
'Clear Customers' functionality is clear out all the customers in a database.
'Clear Stock' functionality is clear out all the stock items in a database.
'Clear Blind Types' functionality is clear out all the blind types in a database.
'Clear Suppliers' functionality is clear out all the suppliers in a database.
'Clear Sales Leads' functionality is clear out all the sales lead records in a database.
'Clear Purchase Orders' functionality is clear out all the purchase orders in a database.
'Clear Post Codes' functionality is clear out all the post codes in a database.

‘Recalculate Bill Of Materials’ functionality recalculates bills of materials between a start and end order number and only work for sales orders that have a status of ‘Order Entered’ or ‘Order Printed’ or ‘Work In Progress’ (but only if WIP is on and stock is reduced at manufacture stage).

'Recalculate Stock In Hand' procedure updates the 'Stock in Hand' value based on entries from the 'Stock Item > Stock Transactions' tab for each stock item.
It taking into account the Stock Take, Receipt, Issue, Stock Adjustment records.
Therefore, the formula is:

Stock in Hand = Stock Take + Receipt Quantity - Issue Quantity + Stock Adjustment Quantity

'Recalculate On Sales Order' functionality looks at the stock transactions that have an issue date but not a receipt date, groups them by stock code, and then the sum of the quantity is updated to the ‘On Sales Order’ field in the Fabrics table.
This sums the ‘On Sales Order’ amounts in stock transactions where the blinds have not yet been manufactured (or are work in progress if ‘Update stock at WIP Stage’ = true).

'Recalculate On Purchase Order' functionality looks at the PO transactions and sums the (quantity ordered – quantity received) amount for each stock item and updates the ‘On Purchase Order’ field in the fabrics table.

'Repricing' functionality will allow the user to reprice a lot of orders at once.
This is required because some prices may have been set up incorrectly, or discounts not set up, and it will make it a lot easier to reprice between two order numbers rather than have to change each one individually.
The program asks for a start and end order number, and then looks up and store each base price, option price, discount percentage and then recalculates the value of the detail line and then the order.
It ignores all detail lines where the price is overridden = true.

'Update Stock Item' procedure marks all stock items with the 'Not In Use'=false/true values based on the BlindType, Supplier, Option Name conditions.
Please note that all of these conditions are mandatory.

‘Delete Unused Stock Items’ is an option in the maintenance program to automatically delete stock items that have no orders against them and are flagged as ‘Fabric Not In Use’.

'Clear Posted Scheduling' functionality removes old scheduling records, this can be done for orders with the status ‘Invoice Posted’.

‘Replace Stock Codes’ maintenance routine was used and there were existing Mappings records, then the outer codes needed to be matched to the inner codes.

‘Update Order Categories In Details Line’ this does the same as ‘Update Category Codes In Orders’ but instead uses ‘Order Category’ from the blind type and saves that in the order detail line.

‘Update Nominal Codes in Detail Lines’ functionality did not take into account ‘Department Nominal Codes’.
It now looks at these if ‘Use Department Nominal codes’ is switched on in Parameters.

‘Clear Financial Transactions’ functionality will remove all financial transactions and zeroise balances on nominal codes but it works only if ‘Blindata Accounting’ is switched on.
This is similar to clearing transactions in Sage > Maintenance > Rebuild, with only ‘Keep My Transactions’ unticked.

‘Clean Up Locations’ functionality will allow locations to be changed to all ‘Proper Case’ or all ‘Upper Case’.

‘Update Area Codes in Orders’ functionality will do the next - if area codes were changed in customers, they would then be updated in all orders.

‘Update Reps in Orders’ and ‘Update Departments in Orders’ functionalities updates reps and departments this works the same way as for the ‘Update Area Codes in Orders’.

There is a new option on the Maintenance form called ‘Stock Transaction Clean Up’.
There is now clean up routine for stock transactions.
Here is an example of what gets cleared up.
In both boxes 1 and 2 there are transactions that should not be there.
In the case of 1 they will be removed completely.
In the case of 2 the program checks the PO transactions.
If they do not exist, then these transactions are removed.
Also please note that when this routine is run, it now removes the superfluous records.

‘Clear Expired Discount’ functionality is clearing the expired discounts in the 'Pricing > Discounts' form.
In order to remove discounts with the Discount End Date - 01/01/2023, the 'Maintenance > Discount End Date' field should be set as 02/01/2023.

'Update Price Tables' is a routine to change price tables in the customer record and in Stock Items > Unit Of Sale.
The new option is called ‘Change Price Tables’. If this is selected, a small form with two fields should be displayed.
The fields should be called ‘Existing Price Table’ and ‘New Price Table’.
Both will have lookups to the price table.

When these fields are filled, a further form appears with buttons for ‘Unit Of Sale’, ‘Customer’ and ‘Both’.
There is now a maintenance routine to change all the price codes in the Stock Items > Unit Of Sale from one price code to another.
This option is called ‘Update Unit Of Sale Price Tables’.
There is then be a choice to select the price code to change and the new one.

When ‘Sales History’ is selected, previously it only showed 12 months. It is now possible to show multiple years.
This can be done by going to Administration > Maintenance and running ‘Build Customer Sales History’.

We have had several instances where imported stock records have had tabs and/or spaces at the end of the stock code and the description.
Therefore we have created a routine that removes spaces and tabs from the end of stock codes and descriptions.
There is now an extra item in Administration > Maintenance called ‘Remove Tabs Etc From Stock Codes’ to do this.

'Nominal Transaction Check' functionality now ignores rounding errors and checks records to 2 decimal places.

‘Remove Unused Fabrics’ function has been changed so even if stock take transactions are there, the fabric is removed.
There is a criterion to remove these records by the supplier now.
The purpose of it is to remove fabrics that have not been used ie there are no transactions against them or they are not tied to orders, and also they have ‘Fabric Not In Use’ = true.
The problem was that if there is a ‘Product Blind Type’ record tied to the fabric, this stops the fabric from being deleted, even if the other conditions are true.
Therefore we now remove a fabric record if it has no stock transactions against it, it is not tied to a sales order (in live orders or in archived orders), if ‘Fabric In Use’ = true.
It does not matter if there are ‘Product Blind Type’ records related to it.

‘Delete Inactive Customers’ functionality works as if a customer is flagged as inactive and there are no quotations, orders or credit notes (in live or archived tables) then the customer can be deleted.

There is a new choice in Administration > Maintenance called ‘Update Order Categories In Orders’.
This does the same as ‘Update Category Codes In Orders’ but instead uses ‘Order Category’ from the blind type and saves that in the order detail line.

There is a new option called ‘Update Unit Cost Prices’.
If this is selected each stock items (with ‘Non Stock’ = false) is looked at.
If there is no unit cost record held against the stock record, then it is created.
A record with ‘Unit’ is saved and the cost price is updated from the stock record.

There is now functionality to remove all records from the Locations table.
There is a new option in Administration > Maintenance called ‘Remove all Locations’.
There is also a flag to enable this feature in Administration > Users > Advance Permission (2).

There is a new option in this form called ‘Delete Customer Email Addresses’.
If this is run any orders with ‘Customer Email Rejected’ will have the email addresses removed.

'Table Sizes' functionality is looking at the sizes of the tables in the database.

‘Reassign Attachment Folder’ allows the user to enter the old and new folder and then change the folder for all file attachments.
If a customer alters the file attachment folder (in Administration > Company Details) there is now a routine to alter the file attachment links to the new folder.

‘Clear Stock Transactions’ functionality removes all stock transactions in the system. It also removes all batch stock transactions as well.

‘Delete Zero Quantity Batches’ if this is selected, then all batch transaction records with ‘Stock In Hand’ = 0 are deleted. These are the records that should be removed.

'Clear Product Blind Types' functionality has been amended so it only removes records where link option = Fabric.

Clear Database Cache
Clear Database Cache

Cleardown Stock Batch Records
This will clear down all of the records for batches of fabrics.

Update Group Stock Loc. In Stock. Trans.
If selected, the user can select a 'Group Stock Location' from a lookup and then all stock transactions that have a blank in the 'Group Stock Location' will be filled with the selection made.
There is a criteria called ‘Update All Stock Transactions’ for this function.

Remove Stock Take Transactions
The Stock Take Transactions can be deleted based on the 'Stock Take Number' from the 'Stock Item > Stock Transaction' tab.

Clear Cancelled Orders
There is a new function in Administration > Maintenance to clear cancelled orders.
When this is selected, the user is able to select a start and end order date, and also filter by Customer or 'All'.
When selected, the relevant cancelled orders will be deleted from the database.

Remove Customer Product Discounts
There is now a routine in Administration > Maintenance for 'Remove Customer Product Discounts'.
Also in Administration > Export Data, there is a new option called 'Product Discount'.
This will export data in the same format as is used in the 'Customer Product Discount' import.