


Logged Users

If a VPN connection is lost, there is the possibility that the user will still be recorded as being logged in, and will therefore not be able to get into the system.
We have introduced a ‘Log Out’ button in Administration > Parameters > Logged Users to free the user login record and allow the user to log in again.

There is now an option for displaying who is logged on to the online system, and an option to remove their login.
When you log is as Customer you will see ‘Log In as Admin’ at the top right.
This logic gives you access to the administrative part of Blindata Online website.

There is a new tab called ‘Logged Users’ there and a button ‘Log Out’.
Using this administrative function any person who knows the administrative login and password (which is stored on Online tab in Parameters in Blindata Desktop) will be able to remove logged users from the website.