


Link Options

In the beginning, the options list is filled with default values when the blind type is selected.
After that when the user enters the parameters of the blind the logic of the link option is applying if the 'Option Config' is ticked in the 'Blind Type Amend' form.

It is possible to restrict the options that appear according to other options that have been selected.
This can be achieved by going to Blind Details > Blind Types and clicking the Link Options tab.

In here you can define the rules you want to set for an option. The screen is split into 3 sections.
In the first section, you define the option that you want to have rules for.
In the second section, you enter the option selections and/or widths and drops that have been selected in the order detail line entry, and in the third section, you have the possible option outcomes.

Please note that the record you point at in the top section determines what is displayed in the second section, and the record being pointed at in the second section determines what is displayed in the third section.

You can do this by choosing the link option you want to apply the criteria to, in the top section.

In the middle section, you can then define the other choices that will determine what can be chosen.
It is possible to have a combination of up to 3 different choices to restrict options.

There is also a facility to determine the option choices based on the width and drop of the blind.
If you don’t enter a choice 1, 2 or 3 and only fill in the link field, you can then restrict option choices by width and drop of the blind only.

In the bottom section are the choices for the top option that can be selected in the detail line entry as a result of the restrictions you have set in the middle section.

Let’s use the example of a Pole option.

In the form below, we have a Pole option in the top section.
In the middle section we have an 'Arch' finish option selection and in the third section only one option choice – No Pole.
This is because there will only be a choice of ‘No Pole’ in the Pole option if an 'Arch' finish option has been selected.

In this example, Roller Tube has been set up in the top section.
In the second section, we have a number of records with width and drop ranges.
In the third section, we have roller tube choices based on the width and drop of the blind.

Two changes have been made to the logic for the link options.

There is now a flag held against an option so it will stop other options being changed if this option is changed.
This new flag is called 'Exclude From Link Option' and defaults to false.
If this flag is set to true, then the link option logic is not applied when this option is changed in an order detail line.

There is also a new flag to stop options from being changed after a width or drop is changed.
This flag is called 'No Change After Size Change' and defaults to false.
If true, then this option does not get changed after the width or drop is altered in an order detail line.

Order Processing > Orders

After the user changes width, drop, fabric or option when entering detail order detail – a function is called and this changes the options according to rules specified on Blind Type > Link Options using the following algorithm:

One check cycle moves through all ‘Link Option Name’ elements but sorting is performed by 'Sequence' field.
In other words, Inverted (sequence = 1) will be processed first and then Support Name (sequence = 2), Tube Diam (sequence = 3) and Join – the last.
(Inverted, Support Name and Join are options that have been selected).

The application searches for the first allowable condition that corresponds to data in order detail, in particular three options (Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3), range of allowable sizes (Width >=, Width <=, Drop >=, Drop <=) and Fabric Weight Group.

Again, priority depends on the Sequence field.

For example, if order detail meets all three conditions with Sequence field value 2, 7 and 9 then the condition that has field value Sequence = 2 will be taken into consideration.

Order Processing > Orders

There is a new parameter called ‘Display Link Option Changes’ in Administration > Parameters that defaults to false.
The purpose of this parameter is to allow customers to set Blindata up so that changes that are forced by link options are displayed.

If this parameter is switched on, in order detail entry, there is a prompt to inform users of what options will change from and to and give them the option to proceed or cancel.
This applies to any amendments to width/drop/colour/fabric or options with link options.
There is also a flag to exclude certain options.
This flag is held in ‘Stock items’ and is called ‘Exclude From Link Option Warning’ .

This exclude fabric defaults if the existing option is the current fabric default.

Blind Types > Link Options

A change was made recently to recalculate options after other options were changed.
This caused a problem that was partially rectified by making the sequence numbers = 0.
We have improved this further by allowing negative sequence numbers to be entered.
If these are used, then the option is not refreshed and the sequence can still be retained.

There is now a routine to make existing option choices negative.
There is a new button called ‘Convert to Negative Sequence’ in the bottom section of this form.

There is a new flag held against the Blind Type > Option Setup record called 'Ignore Negative Sequence For Width' which defaults to false.
If true, when the 'Width' value is changed, the logic of setting options ignores the negative sequence in the link options and when the fabric is changed, the logic of setting options still take into account the negative sequence.

Measure To / Options

It is now possible to force certain default options dependent on ‘Measure To’ entered.

The ‘Measure To’ field is now held in the top section of the Blind Details > Link Options form.
If this is left blank, then it will behave as it currently does.
If it has a ‘Measure To’, then the link options will apply if that ‘Measure To’ has been selected in the order detail line.