


Invoice Print and Post

This form allows you to create, print or post invoices.

There are ‘Create Invoice’, ‘Print Invoice’, ‘Hold Invoice’ and ‘Clear Invoice Hold’ buttons.
‘Print Invoice’ is available only when the order has the status ‘Invoice Created’ and invoice not held.
‘Create Invoice’ is available only when the invoice is not held.

When an invoice is held, the original invoice number and invoice date are retained in Inv No and Inv Date fields for reference.

When clicked, the ‘Clear Invoice Hold’ button:
1) prompts for new invoice date to be entered (original invoice number will be retained)
2) sets the order status back to ‘Invoice Created’.
3) clears the ‘Hold’ status

It will then be up to the operator to re-print the invoice.

We have excluded ‘held’ invoices from all retail debtors reports and credit letter routines.

We have introduced the status of ‘Invoice on hold’ to Financials > Invoice Print and Post.
An invoice can only be placed on hold if it has the status ‘Delivered’ or ‘Invoice Created’ or ‘Invoice Printed’.
If the invoice is on hold then it cannot be posted to Sage Line 50.

This has the same functionality as putting an invoice on hold in Financials > Retail Balances.
There are buttons for ‘Hold Invoice’ and ‘Clear Inv Hold’ on the Invoice print and post form.

The logic of these two buttons did not seem sensible. If we clicked ‘Hold Invoice’, then the invoice was put on hold.
This is ok but it had no effect on anything else.
If you clicked ‘Clear Inv Hold’, then it asked for a new invoice date, gave the order a new invoice number (overwriting the old one) and left the ‘Invoice on Hold’ flag = true.
Now it does not create a new invoice number and only makes ‘Invoice On Hold’ = false.