


Invoice Email

According to Blindata logic the 'EMail Invoice' functionality on the Order Amend/Achieve Enquiry screens takes into account the email address from the 'Orders > Amend > Other Contracts > Invoice Email. This field is filled automatically from the 'Customer > Amend > Email Fields > Invoice Email' while the order entry.

However, if this field is empty then the email address is taken from the delivery email address (see below).

If the address is empty in both places then Blindata shows the message "Please make sure the e-mail address is specified in the customer record".

However, there is another way to send the invoice to the email address specified in the customer > 'Invoice Email' field.

You may use Financials > Invoice Batch Print, then to switch off 'Email by Order' and filter by order number, then select Reprint and Email Only flags. So the email address will be taken from the Customer> Email Fields> Invoice Email (in case it is empty then from the Default Email field). And also the 'Email Invoice Only' flag should be ticked in the customer record.