


Installer Export Sheet

There is new functionality for importing costs to Blindata from the ‘Installer Export Report’ .
The following workflow will take place.

The fitting appointment is entered.
The ‘Installer Export Report’ spreadsheet is exported.
The fitting/installation is done and the fitter fills in the ‘Installer Export Report’ with the actual hours they worked and whether they had lunch or not.
The ‘Installer Export Report’ spreadsheet is imported and updates the actual times in the appointment.
Various reports are then run for payroll and installation reports.
Project Profitability reports are also run.

Importing ‘Installer Export Report’

The appointment number is now held in the ‘Installer Export Report’ when we export it.
When importing it we are able to identify the correct appointment.

There is a new button to import this spreadsheet in the Fitter Sheet / Sales Lead form under ‘Installer Export Sheet’ called ‘Installer Import Sheet’.
If this is selected, the user is able to import the spreadsheet from a remembered location.

When the import is done, the actual start and end times are updated in the appointment record id that is in the title.
The cost will be the hours worked multiplied by the ‘Hourly Rate’ from the Employee record.

This now has a ‘BOM Group’ held against it because we want these costs to appear in the ‘Project Profitability By BOM Group’ report.

It is also possible to take into account whether the employee is using their own vehicle or not and whether they have taken lunch or not.
There are now new fields for ‘Own Vehicle’ and ‘No Lunch’ (both flags) in the FitterSheet table. Here are the rules:

1. If the installer is using a company vehicle, (or if they ride along with somebody else), they get paid for their full amount of time worked that day, less a 30 minute lunch period (unless they state that they did not take lunch). Therefore, the number of hours paid for that day would be their end of the day time, less their beginning of the day time, (called Total Hours Worked) on the report, less 30 minutes for lunch.
2. If the installer is using their own vehicle, they get paid for the actual hours on site(s), plus mileage, plus trip charges, plus any miscellaneous expenses they incur.
They will not be getting paid for the time they commute between job sites.
Once again, 30 minutes is subtracted for lunch unless they state that they did not take lunch.
Therefore, each day they drive their own vehicle, they will be getting paid for the “Total Time on Site” at the bottom of the daily installer report.
They will also be paid for the total miles driven, so that must be available on the report.
Since we currently verify the expenses (from their receipts), and trip charges, I would like columns available for them on the report, but at this point, we will manually add them after the fact.

Installer Export Sheet

There is a new Parameter called 'Include Balance to Appointments' which defaults to True. If set to false, this will exclude Balance from Additional Instructions on this report.