


How to use filters and customize search in Blindata

There is an option in Blindata to customize the filter which may simplify your search and where you can specify the exact criteria in detail. In order to use it, you have to left click on the column filter and select Custom Filter choice like below.

After selecting it the Custom Filter window pops up and it is possible to enter the values for that column using % and _ to represent any single character or series of characters. Also changing the 'AND' clause to 'OR' the condition for two values can be selected.
Once it's done the "Customize" button appears at the left corner of the screen.

If you then press the "Customize" button, the 'Filter Builder' window appears. It has more options and conditions which may be set for the search and the search could be more detailed and specified.
Clicking on the 'AND' clause, on the Column name, on the 'Like' clause the list with the possible option choices will be displayed. Using these option choices, you will be able to build a complex query and filter the records by different criteria and by different columns. Also, by left click on the three dots, it is possible to add additional conditions or even create a group.

On the picture below, you can see the filter created for orders created between October 1st and December 5th that are placed on customer hold for customer names 'Test' and 'Test Trade'.
"Save As" and "Open" buttons allow you to save the queries on the PC in a '.flt' format and then open them again for further usage.