


How to set up EDI Import functionality

The example of the EDI XML file structure

Before the EDI functionality would be set up in Blindata, please check the following on the PC with an EDI import used:
1. Blindata program should be run under the current windows account but not an administrator account.
2. Make sure that the 'EDI' folder exists in Blindata folder ('c:\Program Files (x86)\Ball Software\Blindata\EDI').
3. Also please set up 'Full control' access to Blindata folder ('c:\Program Files (x86)\Ball Software\Blindata') for the 'Users' group (if it hasn't been done before).

In a case with SFTP server:
4. Please make sure that antivirus or firewall on this PC wouldn't prevent Blindata to connect the SFTP server.
(if is one of them is used please add a rule for the Blindata and the psftp.exe - this program connects to sFTP and transfers XML files and located in Blindata folder).
5. Please check that the Blindata shortcut has a correct working folder and isn't empty.

To set up the EDI FTP functionality, the user needs to specify the following parameters in the 'Administration > Parameters > Set Connection' tab and in the 'Parameters > EDI' tab.
Parameters > Set Connections > FTP Settings.
The path (login and password) for FTP server should be specified as '' or ''.
As well as the path to FTP server folders to the receipt EDI transactions. This information should be provided by the Blindata Support Team:

Automatic EDI Import

We have now automated the EDI import completely. If an imported order has all of its criteria matched, then the order can be imported without user action.
We need to set this parameter to determine if the EDI records are to be imported automatically – this is already used to receive the EDI file, but is also now used to do the full import.

The results of the EDI creation are now written to a table. This includes order IDs created, stock warnings etc and any not imported due to mapping issues.
The report can be viewed in EDI Enquiry > Receiving Data > Import Report.

Sales Files > Mapping

Previously the 'Administration > Import from Excel > Mapping Records' routine functionality would only update the existing mapping records based on customer and outer code.
This has been improved to handle all combinations.
Please note this change has been made in Blindata v 10.1 3

There are further settings in the EDI tab on the same form, which will allow you to define whether EDI files are received and/or transmitted automatically.

Blindata EDI Setup (Vendor > Supplier)

Purchases > Suppliers (Vendors) > Supplier Amend > FTP Settings.
The supplier should be set up as follows. The ‘Transfer File’ must be switched on and the FTP catalogue field should be filled with the following example entry (this information should be provided by the company that you will cooperate):

After that tick 'Transfer File' flag for the suppliers that will receive EDI transactions on the Supplier editing. This can be done in ‘Supplier Amend > FTP Settings’.
You must also make sure that the correct FTP catalogue is set up in this record.
Then open Blind Type form and set the “Bought In Blinds” parameter for the Blind Types.
You must also make sure that the correct supplier is setup in the blind type record.


Now you need to create an order and add blinds of the correct type to the order.
Then you need to create the Purchase Order.
If the Purchase Order is created from the Order form, and if there is at least one Supplier with “Transfer File” flag in this order, then the program will suggest creating an EDI transaction.
If the user clicks Yes, the transaction will be created, and if 'Automatically Send File' is ticked in parameters, it will be emailed automatically.

The user can then send several Purchase orders in one transaction. To do that the following must be done:

Go to 'EDI Enquiry' form in the 'Sending Data' tab;
Filter Purchase Orders by Supplier
Select the records, which should be sent using the tick boxes in the 'Send' column
Click Send File button.

You can also create an EDI transaction on the Purchase Order Enquiry form. To do that - click “Generate Bought In PO”. When saving the generated Purchase Order, the program will suggest creating an EDI transaction for this Purchase Order.


EDI can be received either manually by pressing the button EDI Enquiry -> Reception Data -> “Сheck New Transactions”, or automatically, if the corresponding option is checked in the parameters. If there is a new transaction received, the user will see a corresponding message.

After the transaction is received the user may start the data import (mapping) by pressing the 'Import Wizard' button.
The import process consists of two parts – creating relations between received data and the database data and creating an order.
The mapping process consists of 5 steps – mapping Customer information, selecting import data, mapping Blind Type, Fabric, Options.
After the Wizard is started, the user will get to the Customer relation form. The relation is set by selecting an Inner Code for the customer – i.e. mapping the customer to the corresponding customer in the database.
The same method is used to map all other data.

On Select Import Data tab, the user can check the orders they want to import to the system and view the content of these orders.
On Import Blind Type tab, the user can set the relation for Blind type and check the details for this blind type. Import Fabric tab works in the same way.

On the Import Options tab, the user can set the mapping for Options and check the details. You can also see the field name this option belongs to.
Import Information tabs shows the import stats.

The next step is creating an order based on the imported data.

We have speeded up the EDI import process in the following areas.

1. Automated as much of the process as possible. If an order has come from Blindata Online, then the order does not need to be mapped because all the codes are the same (obviously).
2. For non Blindata Online orders, we have created a new flag in the customer record called ‘Auto Map EDI Records’, if this is set to true, then the import records will be mapped automatically.
3. There is now a file that records if the XML file has imported properly or not. If an EDI import fails, an email is sent back to the sender saying there is a problem.
4. When importing fabrics/options, the program now checks that the blind type is in ‘Product Blind Type’.
5. It is no longer possible to run the ‘Check New Transactions’ button if the records are importing automatically.
6. If an import fails part way through the import, previously only half an order would be imported. Now the order is rolled back so it is not imported at all and the file can be investigated.

There is an example of the EDI XML file structure

Please note, that the name of the XML file should start from the 'EDI-'.
Also, if you need to import components (Miscellaneous) and blind type in the same order, there is a specific setting you should check first.
So to import it the 'Import Carriage in EDI Order' box should be ticked in the 'Customers > Carriage' tab this allows uploading XML file with the components and blinds inside the order.

EDI Import

On the end of day despatch, it currently creates a CSV file each night. When an order comes across in XML format the Order reference is put in as “SO: 0012634,PO: 12634”.
As this has a comma in the order reference the whole CSV file jumps one column along.

When an order is imported from the online system the customer reference is under certain conditions set as "SO: 0012634 PO:12634.
This is now imported it without the comma i.e. "SO: 0012634 PO:12634".