


How to create a Bought In Purchase Order

As for the parameters that should be configured in Blindata, please check the PO Parameters section first.

There are two types of purchase orders that can be ordered in Blindata.
The first is for stock items ordered from a distributor or supplier and the second is for bought in blinds ordered from a blind manufacturer.
The first type is referred to as a regular purchase order and the second as a bought in the purchase order.

So these are settings that related to the 'Bought In Purchase Order' , please check the following.

Then whether or not a blind is added to bought in purchase orders are determined by the selection of 'Stock Control' and 'Bought In' in the blind record.

In case when the blind type is 'Bought In' there should be another record added in the 'Blind Types > Bought In Blinds' table:

It is possible for a customer to buy the same type of blind from more than one supplier.
For this please add a new supplier record to the 'Blind Details > Bought In Blinds' tab and then select a supplier in the blind detail.

In addition, we have created a new parameter in the blind type record called ‘Use Fabric Supplier’ .
If this is set to true, then the supplier from the fabric record is used as the bought in supplier.
This supplier should already be set up in the Blind Type > Bought In Blinds form.

Bought In Purchase Orders
A scenario could exist where a customer could purchase different blind types from which are bought in blinds from different suppliers.
For example:
Blind type KR is bought from supplier ENA002 and supplier ENA002 has to send the order back to check prior to sending it to the customer.
Blind type AR is bought from supplier GRA002 and the order is to be drop shipped.
Previously the only place to determine if the supplier is to send directly is a parameter in the customer record called "Direct Delivery by Supplier"
This has been altered to also decide where to deliver based on the supplier record.
There is a new flag called ‘Direct delivery to customer delivery address’.
If this is set to true it goes to the customer delivery address.

Enter a Cost Price for the supplier price band:

Create a sales order and select a supplier in the blind detail as shown below:

Discount 4 % and Uplift 10%

Create PO:

In order to deliver a purchase order please press the 'Deliver' or 'Deliver All' buttons:

Functionality to View & Reinstate Cancelled Purchase Orders

A new 'Use Bought In PO Cancelled Status' parameter with a default of false has been added in Administration > Parameters> PO Parameters tab
If this parameter is true and the operator tries to delete a bought-in PO, then this PO will be moved to a new 'Cancelled' status instead of being deleted.
All existing logic (stock transactions, etc.) will work as before.
A new 'PO Cancelled' record has been added to PO history.
If 'Cancelled' PO is selected in the Purchases > Purchase Order Enquiry screen, then all buttons on this screen will be disabled except 'Amend'.
If the 'Amend' button is pressed for 'Cancelled' PO, then all buttons will be disabled on the 'Bought In Purchase Order Amend' screen except 'Cancel'.

In addition, if you want to send an EDI XML File with the purchase order details to the supplier, then please check the EDI section for more details.

If you need to invoice a purchase order then please use the Purchase Invoicing section.

Send a bought-in purchase email.

When a purchase order EDI record is created, the PO is now flagged as sent.
If ‘Transfer File’ is switched on for a supplier, then it is no longer possible to email a purchase order.
The ‘Send Email’ button is disabled in the ‘Purchase Order Enquiry’ form and in the ‘Regular Purchase Order Amend’ and ‘Bought In Purchase Order Amend’ forms.