


Hardware Optimisation

We have introduced functionality that will allow users to calculate the best way to cut lengths of headrail or tube.
As an example, white headrail is bought in 5 metre lengths.
If we have a number of orders that have detail lines in them with blinds that need white headrail, we need to calculate the best way to cut them from 5 metre lengths.

Example: we have 3 orders

Order 1 has 4 blinds with headrail widths 1340mm, 1560mm, 1675mm and 875 mm
Order 2 has 6 blinds with headrail widths 2113mm, 1650mm, 1650mm, 1332mm, 1458mm, 1602mm
Order 3 has 2 blinds with headrail widths 895mm, 1154mm.

That is a total of 17304mm. We also have to allow for the fact that the saw will use an amount eg 2mm.
We know that we will need 3 5 metre lengths of headrail to make these blinds, but we need to work out the most efficient way to cut the headrails from the 5 metre lengths, so that we use as much as possible from each 5 metre length.

Therefore we have created an algorithm that will work out the most efficient way to cut the headrails.
Here is how the result might look.

1675 + 1650 + 1650 + 6 = 4981
1340 + 1560 + 895 + 1154 + 8 = 4957
2113 + 1332 + 1458 + 6 = 4909
1602 + 875 + 4 = 2481

This means we will use three 5 metre lengths and 2.481m of a fourth length.
This can be kept but the remainder (3 pieces of 19mm, 43mm and 91mm) is scrap.
The scrap % on these 3 lengths is therefore (19 + 43 + 91) / (5000 * 3) = 1.02%.
The scrap % on 4 lengths is (19 + 43 + 91 + 2519) / (5000 * 4) = 13.36%.

Software Changes Made

There is a new parameter in Administration > Parameters called ‘Use Hardware Optimisation’.
This must be switched on for it to work.

There is a new field in Stock Setup > Stock Details > Regular PO Options called ‘Hardware Optimisation’.

The size of the stock item bought eg headrail can be held in the ‘Roll Width’ field in the stock item.

We also hold an amount for the amount lost when the saw cuts the hardware.
This is held in the stock item record in ‘Cutting Wastage’, formerly called ‘Cloth Thickness’.

We have changed the title of the menu option ‘Fabric Optimisation’ to say ‘Optimisation’ and made some amendments to the optimisation form.

There is now a tick box to choose between ‘Fabric’ and ‘Hardware’.
If ‘Hardware’ is chosen, then the optimisation is done according to the criteria.
This will check all stock transactions for sales orders where the stock item has ‘Hardware Optimisation’ = true and will use the ‘Roll Width’ field as the size of the hardware item.
Each time a cut is made, the ‘Cutting Wastage’ amount will be added to the amount that is being cut from the hardware piece.

The user will then be able to preview a report which will show:

Once the orders have been hardware optimised, it is possible to see this in the ‘Bill of Materials’ form.