


HD Web Import

Alta Web Services Connection

We now hold connection details for the Alta web services integration. See documentation. This functionality will be suitable for all customers that place orders online using the Hunter Douglas PIC Business portals.

The vendor needs to be set up in the Vendor table and the correct information entered when ‘HD Web Import’ is ticked. This information can be provided by the vendor.

There is a new advanced permission in Administration > Users > Advanced Permission that should be switched on.

When this flag is switched on, the following button will become available in Order Processing > EDI Enquiry > Receiving Data.

When this button is selected, all quotes that are held on the vendor portal that have not previously been imported will be imported in to Blindata as quotations.
This will import quotes that have a status UN-SUBMITTED QUOTE’ as well as other quotes.

The quotes will only import correctly if the correct account code exists in Blindata – this has to match what is entered in the ‘Client Reference’ field in the header section of the quote in the portal.

The blind type code is also validated and will have to exist in Blindata.

If either of these fields do not match, a warning message will appear in the import screen and the record will not import.

It is now possible to select a specific quote number to be imported to Blindata (by selecting the Quote number).
It is also possible to import quotes from a start and end quote date.

There is a new flag held in the Vendors table that will allow quotes that have already been imported to be re-imported.
This will not happen if the quote has already been converted to an order in Blindata.

There is a system table called ‘Import File Blind Type Mapping’, which has two fields: Import Blind Type Code, Blind Type Code.
This table will have to be filled with the KMAT code in the ‘Import Blind Type Code’ and the Blindata blind type code in ‘Blind Type Code’.
When the HD Web Import is being done, the ‘Blind Type Mapping’ table is searched for ‘Import Blind Type Code’ (the KMAT product code in the import file) and is then substituted with the ‘Blind Type Code’.

Further changes have been made to this import.

‘Order Category’ is taken from the blind type record
‘Order Entered By’ is now filled.
‘Direct Delivery’ is now always set to TRUE.
City was being moved to Delivery Address2 – it now goes in delivery address 3.
State / Zip was in wrong field – the first part (the state code) now goes in the State field.
Customer Email is now getting picked up – it goes in the ‘Email’ field.

The following changes have been made.
If a quote is reimported, it now deletes the existing lines, and then reimport the header and all the detail lines.

The ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ filter has been removed.
The Quote # now displays as 9999999, not 9,999,999

When the records are being imported, it now displays the quote number (not the id of the quote (Order) record.

A couple of changes have been made to the HD Web Import.

The base price and net price that are imported now match.
Previously the net price included a promotional discount – this was fine, but the problem was that the base price did not include this (it should do) and so if the detail line was edited, the net price was changed.
The base price is now also the net price with the promotional discount from the site included.

When a detail line is imported, it now picks up any discounts from Pricing > Discounts ie in exactly the same way as if it was being entered manually.

When the Quote # is entered, there is no longer a choice to leave it blank so all the quotes are imported. It is now only possible to import one quote at a time.

The following changes have been made when the import is done,

Imported the ‘Line Surcharge’ field to a new order detail line field called ‘Line Surcharge’
and make it a column choice in ‘Window Blind Amend’.
No longer import ‘Location’, ‘Width’ or ‘Height’ to Special Instructions
There is now a carriage return in between each field imported to Special Instructions.

It is now possible to map the ‘Mount Type’ to ‘Measure To’ in Blindata. There is a new system table called ‘Import File Measure To Mapping’.

The unit price is now calculated as being ‘Extended Price / Quantity’.

1. When a quote is imported, it should Set Proforma to No, regardless.

2. Required date: this is no longer mapped into the quotation, and can be edited by the user when converted to an order.

3. The Delivery Address Email is now set to the Customer email in their profile

4. It is now possible to set a default Dispatch Method when a quotation is imported. This can be set up in System Tables > Despatch Method.

5. We now map Alta’s Quote # to Blindata’s Quote Notes… “Alta Quote #: xxxxxx”.

6. Added Notes to the column choice in Quotation Inquiry.

Some columns have been added to the pipe delimited file that was now causing an import error in the HD Web Import routine. A change has been made to resolve this issue.

There is now a criteria for ‘Vendor’ as we have a customer who orders from multiple HD vendors.

There is also a flag called ‘Import As Order’ which defaults to false.

It is also now possible to import the cost price into the cost price field.

If the user selects the quotation to be imported as an order, there is now an option to set the order date as the current date.

When an order is imported, the vendor selected in ‘HD Web Import’ is used as the supplier (Vendor) in the order detail line.

At the ‘Create Order’ stage in Quotations, if a quote is being converted for a customer that has ‘Delivery Notes’ held against the customer record, those notes are now saved against the order.
This also happens if an order is copied to another order, and also if an import is done for a ‘HD Web Import’.

When an order is imported from the HD web system, the zip code is now split correctly in the quotation/order entry.