



Create stock items in the Stock Items form on the Stock Setup menu.
The following fields are most important:

Stock Code
Try to use the supplier stock code. When entered, it will be copied into the supplier part number field.

This is simply a description of the stock code. Remember it will be printed on the works order so make sure factory staff can understand this description.

Blind Category
This must be one of the main blind categories.

Blind Type
This must be one on the blind types you have set up.

Price Band
If the stock item is a fabric or slat, enter the price band that this item relates to in your price tables, otherwise leave blank.

Choose a supplier. This is a mandatory field. If there is no supplier, create a supplier called ‘No Supplier’. This can be done in Stock Setup > Suppliers.

Link Option
This field ties the item to the relevant entry field in the order entry program.

This is used to calculate the stock usage factor for the item and is selected from the dimensions table.

Default Code Calculator codes require a default letter to be entered. For example, a width ratio will require a default code that will relate to the amount the width is to be multiplied by.
These letters relate to the letters held in Stock Setup > Dimension Calculations.

Default If Quantity has been chosen as the calculator code, a default quantity must be entered.

This is used only for specific items – lb is used for left bunch, rb for right bunch and sb for split bunch

Pack Quantity
This is a description field eg Pack of 12

This is used for sales analysis purposes

The following fields are also available:

Supplier Part No
Use this if the supplier's code differs from the one that has been entered

Unit Cost Price

Cost Discount

Unit Selling Price

Full Roll Price

Discount Class

Previously the ‘Fabric Class’ (to be renamed ‘Discount Class’) in the stock record was a free type field.
This is now a lookup to a new system table called ‘Discount Class’ in Administration > System Tables.
Any existing fabric class entries in the stock record have been converted to ‘Discount Class’ records.

Roll Width

Uplift %

Sales Nominal

Cost Nominal

Non Stock

Fabric Not In Use


The following fields are also displayed and relate to stock levels

Stock in hand

Suggested Order Level

Re-order level

On sales order

On purchase order

Free stock

Display Stock Message

At the moment we can get the system to bring up a message saying that there is not enough stock to fulfil an order.
This will happen if ‘Display Stock Message’ is switched on in the stock record and also in the blind type record, and there is not enough stock.
Additional info is located here: Stock Warning and Out_Of Stock and Back In Stock

Enable multiply stock

It is not used anymore.

Only One WO Label

If a component line is entered for a quantity of 10 items (eg brackets), the system previous
ly printed out 10 sets of labels.
For certain components, it is now possible to be able to print out only 1 works order label.
There is a new field in the stock item record called ‘Only One WO Label’.

If this new field is set to true, the following changes take effect in the works order label print:

1. Only one set of labels will print out, regardless of the quantity entered.
2. If the quantity is 10, instead of displaying ‘10 M’, it will only show ‘1 M’.
3. The quantity is printed on the large label.
4. Instead of saying ‘1 of 10’, it will say ‘1 of 1’.
If you had 10 components on one detail line and then a roller blind, it would say ‘1M, 1R’, and ‘1 of 2’.

This applies to 'Label Print – 5 x 1 ½', 'Works Order – CB'.
It is possible to update the ‘Only One WO Label’ field’ from the stock update spreadsheet (Import From Excel > Stock Update).

To Be Discontinued

If this fabric is chosen and ‘To Be Discontinued’ = true, then a message appears saying ‘This fabric has been discontinued and will not be reordered’.

Square Metre Pricing

We have created a new field in the stock record called ‘Square Metre Pricing’.
If true, then the unit cost price will act as the square metre price.

We have a new table to hold the dummy stock code, roll width and real stock code.
This table is called ‘Fabric Roll Widths’ and is held in Administration > System Tables.

When the blind detail line is entered, the dummy fabric code is selected – it has a calculator of ‘Roll Width’.
The real stock code to be used is found by looking in the ‘Fabric Roll Widths’ table.
This is found by making sure that the width or drop (depending on whether the fabric is turnable or not) is lower than the roll width in the ‘Fabric Roll Widths’ table.

Actual Example

We are making blinds using the fabric ‘Fabric’.
We have a dummy code called ‘Fabric’ and four real fabrics, Fabric1 (roll width = 1600mm), Fabric2 (roll width = 2000mm), Fabric3 (roll width = 2500mm) and Fabric4 (roll width = 3100mm). The fabric is turnable.
The real stock codes have ‘Square Metre Pricing’ = true and the price is £10 per square metre.

We have to enter an order that has blinds of the following sizes:

Width Drop
1100 1800
1100 1900
800 900
850 1200
2100 2300
2600 2700

The ‘Fabric Roll Widths’ table is set up as follows:

Dummy Code Roll Width Real Code
Fabric 1250 Fabric3
Fabric 1600 Fabric1
Fabric 2000 Fabric2
Fabric 2500 Fabric3
Fabric 3100 Fabric4

The first blind can be cut from Fabric3 using roll width 1250. The fabric required is 1100 * 1800 = 1.98 sq. m. but there is wastage (scrap) of 150mm * 1800mm = 0.27sq. m. so the total fabric usage is 2.25 sq. m.
We could also cut the fabric from Fabric2 because 1800mm fits into 2000mm.
The same square metreage of fabric is required to make the blind, but the wastage is only 0.22 sq. m.
Therefore the total fabric usage is 2.2 sq. m. and this should be used.
The cost will be £22.00.

The second blind will have the same logic as the first.
The third blind will be cut from Fabric3 using the roll width of 1250mm. The total fabric usage will be 800mm * 1250mm = 1 sq. m. and the cost will be £10.00.
The fourth blind will have the same logic as the third.
The fifth blind will use Fabric3, roll width 2500mm. The total fabric usage will be 2100mm * 2500mm = 5.25 sq. m. and the cost will be £52.50.
The sixth blind will use Fabric4 and the total fabric usage will be 2600mm * 3100mm = 8.06 sq. m. The cost will be £80.60.

When the bill of materials record is written, we should ignore the scrap % in the stock item record.
For the first blind, the quantity is 1.98, the price (1) is £19.80, the scrap is 0.22 and the price including scrap (2) is £22.00.

Square Metre Pricing

If square metre pricing is switched on in the blind type record, the price is calculated as (Width * Drop / 1000000) * Square Metre Price.
We now hold a minimum width and drop for this method of pricing.
For example, if the minimum square metre width is 1000mm and the minimum square metre drop is 1000, then the minimum price for the blind is (1000 * 1000 / 1000000) * Square metre price.
If this price is greater than the price calculated for the blind, then this price is used.
We, therefore, have two new fields in the blind type record called ‘Minimum Square Metre Width’ and Minimum Square Metre Drop’.
These are only displayed if square metre pricing is set to true in the blind type record.

There is a further complication, as we want to hold this price by blind type and department as well.
This table is held as a tab against the blind type and contains blind type id, department, minimum width and minimum drop.
If there are no records here, then the minimum square metre price width and drop in the blind type record is used.

In Colour in Option List

If this is switched on, then if this option is selected in an order, it is printed it in the colour that is selected in the stock item ('Stock Items > Defaults' tab > Colour)in the option list.

Check Fabric Drop

On Perfect Fit Rollers there are drop restrictions on some fabrics because of the thickness of the fabric when rolled up which hinders the operation.
‘Perfect Fit’ is normally set up as an option so we now have a flag against the option to indicate that the fabric thickness should be checked.

We have used the ‘Cloth Weight’ field in the stock record because it is not used for anything else.
It has been renamed to ‘Fabric Drop Value’. The maximum drop should be entered here.
There is also a new field called ‘Check Fabric Drop’.
If this is set to true for an option, then the order detail entry check the value held in the fabric ‘Fabric Drop Value’ stock item record.
If it is less than the entered drop then a message appears saying ‘The maximum drop for this fabric with this option is n (where n is the ‘Fabric Drop Value’ value).

Fabric Not In Use

If true then the stock item cannot be selected in the order detail entry.

Equal Taper Item

If the blind is Equal Taper (normal or inverted), LH Offset can now be calculated automatically. ‘Equal Taper’ means that the LH Offset and RH Offset will be the same size, because the blind will be symmetrical vertically. An option can be flagged as an ‘Equal Taper Item’ in the stock record.
If you entered an Eq Tap or Eq Inv Tap blind shape the program correctly calculates the LH Offset.
If you then added a new blind the information from the previous blind is copied over, including the LH Offset.
If you then changed the blind shape the LH offset remained so if the user forgets to take out the offset, then the LH Offset is printed on the documentation causing confusion.
If the ‘Blind Shape’ option is changed to one where, in the stock record ‘Equal Taper Item’ = true, the LH Offset figure is now removed (ie blank).

Quotation Technical Sheet

If the blind shape is for an item that has ‘Equal Taper Item’ = true in the stock record, then the LH Taper Offset is no longer printed.

Unavailable Online

There is a new field to flag stock items as being non online ie they cannot be uploaded to the online database.
The field is called ‘Unavailable Online’.
We have also altered the synchronisation program so stock records where ‘Unavailable Online’ = true do not get uploaded to Blindata Online.

Web Services

When an order detail line is being entered for a blind that is being looked up via Web Services, it is no longer possible to see options that have been set up as ‘Unavailable Online’.
It is now possible to create an automatic notification if a new stock item is created and marked as 'Unavailable Online' = False, or 'Component Not Available Online' = False.
An email is sent to a new field called 'Stock Item Change Email' in Administration > Parameters > Email Addresses.

Non Discount Item

The 'Non Discount Item' flag is related to the option choice and component's entry.

Invoice Non Print

A new Invoice – Bespoke 14 layout has been created.
This is similar to most other invoices, except there is a tear off part at the bottom to give to customers.
All the normal fields appear in the normal places.
All rules regarding detail lines apply, with the addition of a new one.

Example: a company will sell two blinds and then apply a fitting charge.
This will be entered as two blind detail lines and one component detail line.
But they do not want to show the fitting charge (the component detail line) on the invoice.
So we now have a new flag in the stock item to stop it from being printed on the invoice.
It is called ‘Invoice Non Print’.
If one of these lines is entered on an order, the flag ‘Hide Detail Line Totals’ is set to true (in the Totals tab in Orders).
This logic has been applied to all invoices.

Free Type Entry

There is a new parameter in the blind type and stock item record called ‘Free Type Entry’.
If this is set to true, then the user is able to manually enter the blind type description and also the fabric description.
The default is false.
We can also store these blind type and fabric free type descriptions so they can be used again.
We have made adjustments to the window blind detail entry form to allow for a ‘Free Entry Type’.
The simplest thing would be to adjust the form so the fields were entered as follows.

Batch Numbering

Details here.

Non Picking List

There is a new report that can be printed in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’ called ‘Picking List’.
This picking list report is similar to bill of materials, but does not have cost or scrap but has two blank columns for signing by an operator.
There is a line between each product.
The picking list can be printed by selecting the ‘Picking List’ button on the Order Amend Enquiry form.
However, it must first be switched on in Administration > Users > Buttons Visibility.
The report is grouped by blind type and has a different page per blind type.
However, we do not necessarily want to show all the records from the bill of materials.
Therefore there is a new flag in the stock record called ‘Non Picking List’.
If this is set to true, then the stock item does not appear on the report.
Process types also appear at the bottom of the report.
If a stock item has the flag ‘Non Picking List’ set to true, then this item will not print on the Picking List 1.

Bought In


This flag is needed to track the carriage on reports.


Label Print – Bespoke 18
For inverted blinds underneath the text on the bottom 2 labels (of the 4) it prints in bold lettering INSTALL INVERTED.
You must switch on the ‘Inverted’ flag in stock items for the relevant options.
We can print stock items on the labels that are specific to a customer who asks for those items regularly.
These are set in spare parts.

Stock Held

This flag should be true, if stock items should be calculated in the Stock Control and added to the BOM.

More details here

Non Stock

This flag should be false, if stock items should be calculated in the Stock Control and added to the BOM.

Non Print Item

There is a new field (true/false) in the stock item table to say that an item should not be printed on documentation.
The field is called ‘Non print item’ and should default to false, its not printed on:
Works Order – Bespoke 15
Film Cutting Sheet
Acknowledgement – Bespoke 37
Works Order – Bespoke 33
Works Order – Bespoke 34A
Purchase Order Bought In - Bespoke 64
Works Order – Bespoke 45
Work Order – Bespoke 64a

Blind Types > Blind Type Setup > Label Control
There is now a way of stopping a label from printing if certain options are chosen.
This can be done by using the ‘Non Print Item’ in the stock record.
This will relate to all label prints that use this functionality.
If all the options selected for the label have ‘Non Print Item’ = true, then the label should not print.

If ‘Non Print item’ is set to true, it is not be saved in the option list.
There is a new parameter for this in Parameters called ‘If Non Print Add To Option List’.

BOM Label

If true, then display on the Label Print – Bespoke 18.

Display Depth

If a curved headrail option is chosen, we now display the ‘Vanes’ and ‘Depth’ fields.
Previously this only happened only when ‘Curved Headrail’ = true in the blind type record.
We have made the following changes:
1. Created a new field in the Fabrics table called ‘Display Depth’.
If this is true, then the Depth field now appears in the order detail entry form.
2. There is a new ‘Price Method’ in the Pricing > Option Price Enquiry’ form, called ‘Width and Depth’.
It is possible to hold the option prices in here for curved headrails.
3. The option price is now calculated by looking at the width and depth instead of the width and drop.

Bedding Blind Identifier
There is a new blind identifier called 'Bedding'.
It has the same setup as 'Curtain' in the blind type, but there is a new flag called 'Display Depth Size', which defaults to false.
If true, a new size appears in the order detail line entry called 'Depth' (beneath 'Drop').
This field now appears in the detail section for 'Works Order - Bespoke 73', 'Quotation - Bespoke 73' etc.
There should also be a button for 'Depth' in the 'Formula' form for 'Dimension Codes' and also 'Pricing'.

Cutting Table

Raytech Table Generation

We now hold a flag against the blind type record to determine if it will be a blind type that is cut on the table.
The flag should be called ‘Cutting Table’ and should default to false.
We hold a flag against the fabric record to determine if it will be a fabric that is cut on the table.
The flag is called ‘Cutting Table’ and default sto false.
We now have extra criteria in the Fabric Optimisation form for ‘Blind Type’ and ‘Fabric Description’ as well the existing ‘Supplier’ criteria.
A fabric is only eligible for optimisation if it has ‘Fabric Optimise’ set to true.
We also check that the order has a status of ‘Entered’ or ‘Order Printed’, that ‘Order Checked’ = true if Parameters > ‘Display Checked’ = true, that the order is not ‘On Customer Hold’ and that the order is not ‘On Credit Authorisation’.
When the fabrics are being optimised, the program then checks to see if ‘Cutting Table’ in the fabric record is set to true and ‘Cutting Table’ in the blind type record is true.
If it is, then a record is written into the ‘CuttingTableDetails’ table.
The width and drop that are written in here are the same sizes that are used in the optimisation.
When the serial number is scanned to make the status = ‘Blind Manufactured’, the relevant record is removed from the CuttingTableDetails table.

Use Category

If true then 'Category' is used from the stock item.

Sq/Rect Item

Quotations > Technical Data Sheet

These blinds are all square ie there should be no ‘LH Taper Offset’ amount. Fixed.
We have added a new flag called ‘Sq/Rect Item’ in the Fabric table and analyzed it for option “Blind Shape”, similar to what was done for “Fabric > Equal Taper” flag for the ‘Shape’ option.

Kanban/BO OOS

Bought In Out Of Stock Warning

The description for ‘Kanban OOS’ has been changed to ‘Kanban/BO OOS’.
If an order is entered for a bought in blind and the fabric has ‘Kanban/BO OOS’ set to true, then the detail line is flagged as ‘Out Of Stock’.
This has no impact on the existing Kanban functionality.

Kanban Item

We have added a new field (true/false) for a ‘Kanban item’.
If the fabric for a blind is flagged as being a Kanban item then it is flagged on ‘Works Order Label 1’.
It appears on the top line of the main ticket to the right hand side (after the 1 of 3 part).

For your information:

There are now two buttons on the stock enquiry form called ‘Flag Item Kanban OOS’ and ‘Flag Item Kanban Bin’.
These have button visibility permissions in Administration > Users.
This allows the user to set to true/false the fields ‘Kanban OOS’ and ‘Kanban Item’ respectively.
‘Kanban OOS’ and ‘Kanban Edit’ now both appear as column choices in the stock enquiry form.

Fabric Related

Bought In Purchase Order

A situation can arise where a customer might enter a sales order for an awning, which is to be bought in from a supplier.
But they might fit the fabric themselves to the awning.
To resolve this, when you create the purchase order, there is a flag in the purchase order to say ‘Include Fabric’.
If this is set to true, then the purchase order is created as normal.
If it is set to false, then the purchase order is created without the fabric being mentioned (it should say No Fabric).
There are also options that are related to the fabric and we need to identify which ones should not print.
This is done by having a new flag against the stock item called ‘Fabric Related’.

It is possible to have a popup warning for both desktop and online for patterned fabrics with a scallop.
When a detail line is saved, if the fabric has ‘Pattern Repeat’ > 0 and an option has ‘Fabric Related’ = true, a message appears saying ‘You have entered a patterned fabric with a matching scallop.
Please be aware that the pattern between the blind and the scallop may not match’.

Update Checked

There is a new date field in the stock record called ‘Last Updated’ to indicate the last time a stock record was updated.
Previously we stored a history record when the stock item was updated – it now updates the date field ‘Last Updated’ as well.
This field is also a column choice for the stock enquiry form.

There is also a new field for ‘Update Checked’, which is a true/false flag and which is also a column choice.

Stock Enquiry > Shortfall
There is now a column in this form for ‘Last Stock Checked’ and also for ‘Update Checked’.
There is also a button at the bottom of the form for ‘Stock Item’ which will allow the user to edit the stock record.

Frame Include

If a blind type is Perfect Fit, the Glass Size cutting sizes will print on the small labels and lower right label on Works Order Label 5.
A new blind identifier has not been created for this, so there is a new flag on the blind type and in the stock record to indicate it is a Perfect Fit.
The flag is called ‘Frame Included’ and it defaults to false.
If this is true, then the ‘Glass Size’ amounts will print on the right hand label.