


Folding and Headrail Settings

Standard/Cascade folding

We need to know if the Roman blind has Cascade or Standard folding.
Cascade means that the folds get increasingly larger.
Standard means the same. If Cascade then only the information in 3 will print out.
If Standard then only 4 will print.

Cascade folding

There is a new field in the ‘Cascade Folding Section’ called ‘Add Amount’.
To do the calculation, first of all calculate X.
X = Drop + Top Margin + To Minus Top Fold (these fields are in Headrail Settings in Folding Settings, so we need to check the headrail selected).

Then look up cascade folding table and divide X by relevant divider (Div Num of A) to give Y.
Y + Add Amount (new field) = Z

Z is the last fold (LF)

We then apply this formula: X – Z = A + (A+40) + (A+80) + (A+120) (we get A+ etc from the Cascade Folding Setting depending on the drop).

We then need to work out A.

Then first fold (FF) = A + 20

A4 (on works order) = FF + A4 (in Cascade Folding Setting)
A8 (on works order) = FF + A8 (in Cascade Folding Setting)


Drop is 1435
1435 + 10 - 50 = 1395 (X)
Y = X / 9 (div num of A?) = 155
155 + 30 (from new field called ‘Add Amount’ in ‘Cascade Folding Setting’) = Z = 185
Z is the last fold (LF)
A + (A+40) + (A+80) + (A+120) = X – Z
1395 – 185 = 1210
A + (A+40) + (A+80) + (A+120) = 1210
4A = 970, A = 242.5
Add 20 to A to get first fold(FF) = 262.5
A4 = 262.5 + 40
A8 = 262.5 + 80
A12 = 262.5 + 120

Standard folding

This is headrail dependent.

For standard balance fold: drop of the blind plus Top Margin, then minus 25mm, then minus 80mm, then divide by the ‘Num Of Fold’ in ‘Standard Folding Setting’.

The result of this is Y (Balance fold).

Main fold (meaning first fold in the blind) is (Y+80)


Blind is 1800 drop
1800 + 10 – 25 – 80 = 1705
1705 / 9 = 189.5 (balance)
189.5 + 80 = 269.5 (main)