



It is now possible to fitting details against an order. There is a new 'Fittings' button on the blind detail entry screen.

The following must also be set up:

1) Add a ‘Blind Type’ with ‘Type’ field = ‘Fitting’, all other fields should be filled similar to ‘Miscellaneous’

2) Add a ‘Stock Item’ related to the new ‘Blind Type’

On the new form, the user can create “Fitter Sheet” records related to the new order detail.
The following fields are being used: fitter, fitting start date and time, fitting end date and time, fitter sheet status, hourly rate, hours worked.

When you fill in all fields, the program recalculates the price of the order detail and also updates the fitter diary.
We have also added a new ‘Fittings Report’ to ‘System Reports’. This will only show records that have the status ‘Fittings Completed’ = true.

The 'Fittings' button is used to add to the order detail with the blind identifier 'Fitting'.
In order to get this works, there should be set up at least one blind type with the 'Fitting' identifier.
Also, there should be a stock item with the 'Fitting' link option related to the mentioned above blind type.
The price should be configured for this blind type/stock item as well.

Please follow the steps below:

1. Create options name with 'Fitting' option code in the 'System Table > Options Names':

2. Create a stock item with the 'Fitting' link option:

3. Create a blind type with the 'Fitting' blind identifier:

4. Press 'Fittings' button in the 'Window Blind Amend > Blind Details' tab

5. Fill the fields:

6. Check the 'Fitting' blind detail in the order.

The 'Fitting' button is intended to change the amount of all fitting-type options for all blinds filtered in the ‘Window Blind Amend’ form
To set up ‘Fitting’ button in the 'Window Blind Amend > Blind Details‘, please follow the steps below:

Select the blind type where fitting option should be added:

Select the option choice (could be a stock item as we entered above):

Enter blind detail according to the settings:

Click on the 'Fitting' button in the 'Window Blind Amend > Blind Details':

Fill the new price for the fitting option:

Check a new price for the fitting: