


Fitter Postcode Day

There is a new system table called ‘Fitter Postcode Day’. This has fields for ‘Fitter’, Postcode First Part’, ‘Postcode Second Part’, ‘Day’.
It is possible to only partly enter the second part of the postcode. For example, if a postcode is BT7 3JF, so the second part could be entered as 3 or 3J or 3JF.

There is also an import for this table in Administration > Import From Excel.

Fitters Sheet / Sales Lead

There is a new field in Administration > Parameters > Fitters Sheet / Sales Lead called ‘Max Blind Fittings Per Day’.
If the fitting appointment is being created when the sales lead is turned into an order, the ‘Fitter Postcode Day’ table is checked to find the correct fitter by postcode and make sure that the day matches the date entered.
The second part of the postcode only needs to match the number of digits entered in the second part postcode field in the ‘Fitter Postcode Day’ table.
It also checks that the ‘Max Blinds Per Fitting’ is not being exceeded.
This check also takes place when a fitting appointment is being created from a sales order.
If there are no records in the ‘Fitter Postcode Day’ table, then the existing logic applies.

Parameters > Fitter Sheet / Sales Lead

There is a new parameter called ‘Check ‘Fitter Postcode Day’ which defaults to false.
If true then the logic for that table is used. If false, then it is not looked at.