


Financial Year

Year End Financial Transactions

It is possible to identify financial transactions that are ‘year end’ transactions.
If a financial transaction is flagged as being a year end transaction, then it does not appear in the ‘Profit & Loss Report’.
There is a field in the AuditTransaction table called ‘Year End’.
There is a advanced permission called ‘Year End Entry’. This is in Users > Advanced Permissions(2) in a new section called ‘Company’.

Journal Entry

If the ‘Year End Entry’ is set to true for the user, there is a flag field in the journal entry called ‘Year End Entry’.


If the ‘Year End Entry’ is set to true for the user, there is a new flag field in the ‘Corrections’ form called ‘Year End Entry’.
The ‘Profit & Loss Report’ has been adjusted so it does not include financial transactions where ‘Year End Entry’ = true.

Company > Financials

There is a column choice for ‘Year End Entry’ in this form.

Prior Year Posting

Previously a journal could be posted to any ‘Posting Date’, a sales invoice, purchase invoice etc could all be posted for any date.
This has been changed so that a posting outside the current financial year can only be done by a user that has the ‘Year End Entry’ flag switched on in Users > Advanced Permissions(2).