


File Attachment

Order Processing > Orders

It is now possible to hold attachments against quotations and orders.
These could be very large (photographs, scale drawings etc) and so they are not held in the database.
There is a new button on the bottom right of the Order Amend Enquiry’ form called ‘File Attachment’.
Here you can add, view and delete attachments.

Order Processing > Orders > File Attachments

There is a new flag on the sales order called ‘File Attachment’.
If a file attachment is added for an order, this flag is ticked.
The new field is also a column choice in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’.
Also, an order history record is created when a file attachment is added to the order.

Order Processing > Quotations

When ‘File Attachments > Add’ is clicked, a folder name is created which is the quote number (if it does not already exist).
This folder name will be created within the folder that is set up in Company Details > Attach Docs Root Location’.
It is important to provide access (Network) to the 'Attach Docs Root Location' folder for other users' PC so that they can open the attached file.

File Attachment Folder

When an order is converted from a quote the file attachments window lists the file path name for any of the attachments.
When an order is converted back to a quote, any quote attachments from the original quote number remain in a folder with the original quote number.
There is now a new file attachments button that opens a window that will bring the user to the file path for the quote attachments folder or Order attachments folder, if an order is converted back to a quote then there is a second quote attachments folder path for the new quote number.
The new button is called ‘File Attachments Folder’ and has a button visibility flag in Administration > Users.
This Button is available on the Quotation Enquiry, Order Amend Screen, and Archive Enquiry forms.
When the window opens for ‘File Attachments Folder’ there is a drop down for each file path listed in the File Attachments Folder Window.
The drop down would list the files in the selected file path. When the add button is used the file being attached would be moved to the selected file path.
To delete a file the user would select the file path > from the drop down of file attachments > select the file to be deleted > Use the delete button at the bottom of the window as the user currently does.

Administration > Maintenance

If a customer alters the file attachment folder (in Administration > Company Details) there is now a routine to alter the file attachment links to the new folder.
There is a new Maintenance option called ‘Reassign Attachment Folder’ which allows the user to enter the old and new folders and then change the folder for all file attachments.

Order Processing > Global Search

There is now a ‘File Attachments’ button on this form – it has a Button Visibility’ flag, and so have all the other buttons on the bottom of this form.
There is a new section in Administration > Users > Buttons Visibility(2) called ‘Global Search’.

Order Processing > Orders > File attachments Button

If there is a file attachment for a specific order, the ‘File Attachment’ button has a background colour the same as the colour set up for the ‘Notes’ button (Administration > Parameters > Forms).

Projects > File Attachments

It is now possible to create file attachments for projects in the same way as they are done for orders/quotes.
If an order is assigned to a project, when a file attachment is added to an order, it is added in the ‘File Attachments’ for the project in Projects and also in Order Amend Enquiry > Project Attachments.
If a file attachment has been added to an order, and after that a project is assigned to that order, the file attachments is also visible in Projects > File Attachments and also in Order Amend Enquiry > Project Attachments.
The same principle applies to quotation file attachments.
Also if a file attachment is being added in Projects, and there is at least one order related to the project, a window appears asking ‘Do you also want to attach this to an order?’ and displays a choice of related orders.

Contact Management > File Attachments

It is now possible to attach files to contact management records in the same way as they are attached to sales orders.
There is a new button on the ‘Contact Management’ form called ‘File Attachments’ which displays the ‘File Attachments’ form.
When the attachment is saved, it indicates the sales order it is attached to (if it is attached to a sales record).

Stock Setup > Stock Items

There is now a ‘File Attachments’ button against the stock item.
This is exactly the same as holding attachments against orders.

Sales Files > Customers

We have added a button for file attachments to the customer record (same as Stock Items).

Stock Items > Suppliers

There is now a File Attachment button on the Supplier enquiry form.

Purchase Order Enquiry > Amend (Regular PO) Improvements
1. Once a GRN number has been entered it is remembered for the next item in the purchase order.
In most cases, the PO will be delivered all at once in the same delivery and will therefore have the same goods received note (GRN) for all detail lines.

2. There is now an option for saving a file attachment for each purchase order: this could store the GRN or written copy (these would be scanned documents).
Therefore there is a new button on the ‘Purchase Order Enquiry’ form called ‘File Attachments’.
This works in the same way it does for Orders and Quotations.