


Fast Track Charge

Variable Same Day Production 'Fast Track' Charges

System Tables > Option Names

There is a new choice of ‘Fast Tack Charge’ in the ‘Code field lookup.

System Tables

There is a new table called ‘Fast Track Charges’.
This consists of two tables, one to hold header information and a second related table to hold records related to the header record.
There are fields in the header record called ‘Area’ and ‘Customer’. It is possible to enter a record for one of these fields, but not both.
The second table holds the ‘Number Of Blinds’ and ‘Fast Track Charge’.


There is a new flag in the Carriage tab called ‘Allow Fast Track Charge’.

Quotations / Orders

If the ‘Allow Fast Track Charge’ is true in the customer record, then a new flag appears in the quotation / order entry called ‘Fast Track Charge’.
This defaults to false. If this flag is set to true, then when the quotation / order is saved, it creates a new detail line for a ‘Fast Track Charge’ and calculates the charge based on the area/customer and the number of blinds.
This detail line will only be created if there is a stock record set up with a description of ‘Fast Track Charge’ and a link option of ‘Fast Track Charge’ ie an option name record set up with ‘code’ = ‘Fast Track Charge’.

If there is not a stock record set up, then a message appears saying ‘The Fast Track Charge cannot be applied because there is no Fast Track Charge record set up’.
When a quotation is converted to an order, it pulls across this new flag.
If the quotation/order is edited, then the fast track calculation is carried out again when the quotation/order is saved.