


Fabric Weight Group info

With the ‘Fabric Weight Group’ system table a user may set weight groups for fabrics.

A specific weight in the weight group is stored against Fabric record.
There is a numeric column called ‘Specific Weight’ here.
It is blank by default. A user is able to tie a weight group to the appropriate stock item.

The ‘Weight Group’ field in the ‘Stock Items’ form (Stock Control > Stock Items > Stock Enquiry > Add/Amend > Defaults > Weight Group
looks up this table. A user may select a weight group from a drop down list.

There is the button ‘Set up Weights’ in Blind Details > Blind Types > Blind Type Weights. When clicking it, the ‘Weight Table’ screen appears.
Here a user may set weight values for a selected weight group depending on dimensions (width and drop). When the weight is calculated for
the Order/Quotation detail, this ‘Weight Table’ will be referred to unless ‘Calculate Weight by BOM Sum’ flag in Administration > Parameters >
Order/Quotation Processing is checked. If this flag is checked, the weight will be calculated as the sum of BOM items weights.


We are now able to calculate the weight of a blind. This is done blind type, width, drop and fabric weight group.

Therefore we have created a new table for ‘Fabric Weight Group’ (in Administration > System Tables, a new field in the fabrics table for fabric weight group and a new table to hold weights by blind type, width, drop and fabric weight group. The functionality of this is samilar to the ‘Price Table Enquiry’ form (without the uplift options), with fabric weight group replacing fabric group and ‘Price code’ not required.
This table can be accessed in Blind Details > Blind Types > Blind Type Weights tab.

We have also changed the quotation / order entry program so the weight of a blind is calculated (by looking up the blind type weights table) and the total weight for the order displayed in the ‘Totals’ tab.

Blind Types > Blind Details > Link Options

We have improved the link option functionality. If a choice is not selected and a link field is chosen, the user can enter a choice, then width and drop minimums and maximums.
It is now possible to choose ‘Fabric Weight Group’ here as well. If the ‘Fabric Weight Group’ is left blank, then the functionality will operate as it does at present.

Order Processing > Orders (Customer Specific)

There is an issue with entering a blind and then changing the size. Here is an example.

If you enter a cassette blind with width 1300 and drop 1500, it selects tube diam 25 and cassette size 45. If you change the width to 3000, it should then select a cassette size of 64 and a tube size of 38. If you then change the width back to 1300, it reselects the correct cassette size of 45, but leaves the tube diam as 38. It should change it to 25.

The following setup is required to get this to work.

After the user changes width, drop, fabric or option when entering detail order detail – a function is called and this changes the options according to rules specified on Blind Type > Link Options using the following algorithm:

A cycle moves through all ‘Link Option Name’ elements but sorting is performed by 'Sequence' field. In other words, Inverted (sequence = 1) will be processed first and then Support Name (sequence = 2), Tube Diam (sequence = 3) and Join – the last. (Inverted, Support Name and Join are options that have been selected).

The application searches for the first allowable condition that corresponds to data in order detail, in particular three options (Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3), range of allowable sizes (Width >=, Width <=, Drop >=, Drop <=) and Fabric Weight Group. Again, priority depends on Sequence field. For example if order detail meets all three conditions with Sequence field value 2, 7 and 9 then the condition that has field value Sequence = 2 will be taken into consideration.

In fact we need to specify list of allowed options here that will be displayed on Order Detail Edit form.

Blind Types > Process Times tab

There is a new tab on the Blind Types form called ‘Process Times’. This is used to store manufacturing times for process types. It is very similar to the ‘Blind Type Weights’ form, except we add records for ‘Process Type’ instead of ‘Fabric Weight Group’ and then enter minutes in the grid instead of weights.