


Fabric Weight Group

With the ‘Fabric Weight Group’ system table a user may set weight groups for fabrics.

A specific weight in the weight group is stored against Fabric record. There is a numeric column called ‘Specific Weight’ here.
It is blank by default. A user is able to tie a weight group to the appropriate stock item.

The ‘Weight Group’ field in the ‘Stock Items’ form (Stock Control > Stock Items > Stock Enquiry > Add/Amend > Defaults > Weight Group
looks up this table. A user may select a weight group from a drop down list.

There is the button ‘Set up Weights’ in Blind Details > Blind Types > Blind Type Weights. When clicking it, the ‘Weight Table’ screen appears.
Here a user may set weight values for a selected weight group depending on dimensions (width and drop). When the weight is calculated for
the Order/Quotation detail, this ‘Weight Table’ will be referred to unless ‘Calculate Weight by BOM Sum’ flag in Administration > Parameters >
Order/Quotation Processing is checked. If this flag is checked, the weight will be calculated as the sum of BOM items weights.