


Fabric Roll Widths

The ‘Fabric Roll Widths’ system table holds the names of dummy fabrics assigned to real fabrics.

There could be a situation when the company has a number of rolls of the same fabric, yet the widths of these rolls differ.
In such a case the dummy fabric (not real) may be created and used like a common name for these rolls.

The fabric selected/created as a dummy type should be flagged as ‘Dummy’ in
Stock Control > Stock Items > Stock Enquiry > Add/Amend > Regular PO Options > Dummy. Now, in the ‘Fabric Roll Widths’ system table,
this fabric (Dummy Stock Code) may be selected and assigned to a real fabric (Real Stock Code) with a specified width (Roll Width).

When the order is entered and a dummy fabric is selected, the ‘Fabric List for Dummy Fabric’ form appears. A user should select the
required real fabric roll from this list.