


Fabric Out Of Stock Reason

This system table is used when scanning a fabric as out of stock and giving a reason for this and then generating a report
to say the customer/fabric/reason etc.

There are two buttons on the ‘Order Enquiry’ form called ‘Fabric OOS’ and ‘Fabric BIS’. Both should have ‘Button Visibility 2’
permissions in Administration > Users. If a blind is scanned as ‘Fabric OOS’, then a lookup appears where the user can select the reason.

An order history record is also created. There is a column choice to show if the fabric is out of stock for a record in
‘Order Enquiry’. This field is true/false and is called ‘Fabric OOS’.

If a blind is scanned as ‘Fabric BIS’ then an order history record is created and the blind is unflagged as ‘Fabric OOS’.

There is a report in Stock Control > Reports called ‘Fabric Out Of Stock’. This shows the records that have been flagged out of
stock between a start and end date, and the reason recorded.