


Fabric OOS BIS

It is possible to scan a fabric as out of stock and give a reason for this (Faulty/Cut Wrong etc) and then be able to generate a report to say the customer/fabric/reason etc.

There is a system table called ‘Fabric Out Of Stock Reason’. This has fields for id and description.

There are two buttons on the ‘Order Enquiry’ form called ‘Fabric OOS’ and ‘Fabric BIS’. Both have.
Button Visibility 2’ permissions in Administration > Users. If a blind is scanned as ‘Fabric OOS’, then a lookup appears where the user can select the reason.
An order history record is also created. There is also a column choice to show if the fabric is out of stock for a record in ‘Order Enquiry’.
This field is true/false and is called ‘Fabric OOS’.

If a blind is scanned as ‘Fabric BIS’ then an order history record is created and the blind unflagged as ‘Fabric OOS’.

There is a report in Stock Control > Reports called ‘Fabric Out Of Stock’.
This shows the records that have been flagged out of stock between a start and end date, and the reason recorded.

The records are grouped by 'Fabric Out Of Stock Reason' and there are columns for Fabric OOS Date, order no, fabric description.
These records are sorted by date and the order number within the group.

If a blind is scanned as ‘Fabric OOS’, an email is now sent to the ‘Warehouse Email’ address that is held in Parameters > Emailing.
The email says ‘[Fabric description] for order number 99999 has been flagged as out of stock’.

On the Fabric OOS Email that is generated more details have been added.

1) The Required Date
2) The Reason Specified When Flagged OOS.