


Extra Costs

There is a new menu option in Order Processing called ‘Extra Costs’.
This menu option contains the ‘Extra Costs’ form that is in the order tab.
So you will be able to enter these quicker, in a new form by selecting order number, then the rest of form is the same as the ‘Extra Costs’ tab.
There is also a new field to enter an ‘Extra Cost Reason’.
The new menu option is beneath ‘Receipts’ on the ‘Order Processing’ menu.

Cost Prices

There is a new facility to enter a cost price detail line. This is required because there may be an additional cost to an order that has not been picked up by the bill of materials.
There is now a new tab in order detail entry called ‘Extra Costs’, which is controlled by advanced permission.
The following form is displayed.
The ‘Cost Price Description’ field can be maintained in Administration > Parameters.

Option Costs

There is a new method of applying extra costs to an order.
Previously there was only a tab for ‘Extra Costs’.
This is fine but did not suit the requirements of some customers, especially those that have blind types set to ‘Cost Price Related’.
Here are some examples:

A customer wants to be able to include the cost of travel against all the detail lines.
They don’t want to have a separate detail line for travel because they want to ‘hide’ this cost in the individual detail lines.

Another customer wants to hold a commission cost against orders, but this cost must be applied proportionately to the detail lines as well.

This to work for blind types where ‘Stock Control’ = true or ‘Bought In’ = true or ‘Partly Bought In’ = true.

There is a new tab on the Orders form called ‘Option Costs’.
In here the user is able to select an option and then enter a cost price, or a percentage.
If a cost price is entered, it will be apportioned across those detail lines that have that option in them.
If a percentage is entered, it will calculate the apportioned amount to go into each detail line according to the value of the detail line.

Example 1

We have an order with 5 detail lines on it. All the blinds in the order are ‘Cost Price Related’.
There are option choices in each detail line for ‘Travel’ and ‘Commission’.

Detail Lines

Blind Type Quantity Base Price Line Total

89mm Vertical 1 45.00 45.00
89mm Vertical 1 56.00 56.00
89mm Vertical 2 38.00 76.00
Roller 1 64.50 64.50
Roller 1 74.25 74.25

Total 315.75

Uplift % of 50% gives a total value of 473.63 (all these figures exclude VAT).

In the new ‘Option Costs’ tab we add a record for option ‘Travel’ with an amount of 180.00.
Once this amount is saved, the option cost is proportionately spread across the detail lines.
There are 6 blinds so 30.00 is added to lines 1, 2, 4 and 5 and 60.00 is added to line 3.
We need to decide if we are going to hold this figure in a new field in the OrderDetail_Fabric table or not.

The total for this order now becomes (315.75 + 180.00) * 1.5 = 743.63.

If the user enters a commission amount and there is a detail line for a blind type that has ‘Cost Price Related’ = true, then it will not be possible to do this calculation.
A message should appear saying ‘There is a detail line with a cost related price – this calculation cannot be done.

Example 2

We have an order with 5 detail lines on it. All the blinds in the order have ‘Cost Price Related’ = false.
There are option choices in each detail line for ‘Travel’ and ‘Commission’.

Detail Lines

Blind Type Quantity Base Price

Blind Type Quantity Base Price Line Total

89mm Vertical 1 45.00 45.00
89mm Vertical 1 56.00 56.00
89mm Vertical 2 38.00 76.00
Roller 1 64.50 64.50
Roller 1 74.25 74.25

Total 315.75

In the new ‘Option Costs’ tab we add a record for option ‘Travel’ with an amount of 60.00.
Once this amount is saved, the option cost is proportionately spread across the detail lines.
There are 6 blinds so 10.00 is added to lines 1, 2, 4 and 5 and 20.00 is added to line 3.

The selling price of the order remains unchanged, but the profit on each detail line is reduced.

If a commission ‘Option Cost’ is entered with a percentage of 10%, the option cost for each detail line is worked out as 4.50, 5.60, 7.60, 6.45 and 7.43.
This makes no difference to the selling price but does increase the cost price and lowers the profit.

Project Profitability Report

There is a new report that will analyse profit by project, so we could have multiple orders tied to a project.
The report lists the orders and detail lines for the project, and also lists the extra costs for the orders in the project and gives a net profit figure.
The report is called ‘Project Profitability Report’ and is in Reports > Financial Reports.

Purchase Order Enquiry > Update

When a purchase invoice is created for a PO, the user is asked if they want to enter a carriage amount.

If yes is answered to this, a carriage amount is then taken from the PO or can be entered.

When ‘Save’ is selected here, it is now possible to assign this carriage amount to the sales order or orders that relate to this PO.
Therefore another window now appears that says ‘Assign Carriage Cost to Sales Order(s), with choices of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’, default ‘Yes’.

If ‘Yes’ is answered, then the carriage cost is apportioned against the sales orders, with a record or records created in the ‘ExtraCosts’ table for the value entered for Carriage in the PO.
This record will then be viewable in the sales order in the ‘Extra Costs’ tab.

There is a new field in System Tables > Cost Price Description called 'Carriage'.
When the cost price is added for PO carriage, the system will try to find the record with 'Carriage' = true.
This record will then be used in the added Sales Order>Extra costs record.

Order Processing > Orders > Extra Costs
There is a new field in the System Tables > Cost Price Description table called ‘BOM Group’.
This looks up the BOM Group system table.

There is a new field for ‘BOM Group’ in this form, which looks up the table System Tables > Categories.
The BOM Group displayed defaults to the one held against the ‘Cost price Description’ selected, but it is possible to change it.

Project Profitability By BOM Group

There is a new report in Reports > Financial Reports called ‘Project Profitability By BOM Group’.

It is possible to print out this report by either ‘Project Name’ or ‘Order No’. There are criteria for choosing one of these.

The purpose of this report is to compare original estimates for costs against actual costs, either by project or by order.

When an order is entered, the costs are calculated by the BOM (for blinds made in house) or by bought in cost (if blinds are bought in).

However, when the blinds are made, a different amount of material may be used. The cost of this can be calculated by associating the PO cost for the fabric with an actual sales order.
There may also be a difference in installation cost and this can be added by using the ‘Extra Costs’ form.

The report prints up to 7 BOM Group columns. The figures in the rows with the order number in them will show the actual costs – these are the totals by BOM Group excluding records where ‘Exclude From BOM Group’ = true.

The actual costs for the BOM Groups are taken from the following data

Sales order BOM records where ‘Exclude From BOM Group’ = false
PO records that are associated with sales orders
Sales order bought in order detail line records (cost of blinds)
Extra costs record held against sales orders

The original estimate costs are taken from

Sales order BOM records
Sales order bought in order detail line records (cost of blinds)

The report has the following columns

Order No/Invoice No – the first row will print the order no, the second row will be the invoice number. If ‘Project Name’ has been selected, there could be several orders/invoices.

OrderDate/Invoice Date – first row order date, second row invoice date.

Gross sale – the actual invoice total (including sales tax).

Net Of Sales Tax – total excluding tax.

‘BOM Group’ headings. The figures in here are the grouped totals for BOM Groups, taken from the BOM, Extra Costs and bought in blind type ‘BOM Group’.
These records will exclude BOM stock codes where ‘Exlude From Project BOM’ = true.

Total Costs – total of the BOM groups.

Net Profit – this is equal to ‘Net Of Sales Tax’ – ‘Total Costs’.

% - Net Profit / Net Of Sales Tax.

The report has the following rows at the bottom.

Project Totals – this is a total for the columns

Original Estimates – this is the ‘BOM Group’ taken from the bill of materials held against the orders.
It does include records where ‘Exclude From Project BOM’ = true.
It excludes ‘Extra Costs’ records and PO records associated with sales orders.

Difference – this will show the differences by ‘BOM Group’, ‘Total Cost’ and ‘Net Profit’.

Order Processing > Extra Costs

There is a new menu option in Order Processing called ‘Extra Costs’. This menu option contains the ‘Extra Costs’ form that is in the order tab ‘
We have a customer that wants to be able to enter these quicker, in a new form by selecting the order number, then the rest of the form is the same as the ‘Extra Costs’ tab.
There is also a new field to enter an ‘Extra Cost Reason’.
The new menu option is beneath ‘Receipts’ on the ‘Order Processing’ menu.