


Export to ERP

A different XML file is now created for each order.
Previously if there were multiple orders that were ‘exported to ERP’, they all went into the same file.

The XML file that gets exported to the ERP system has had two changes made to it.

1. The fabric code now goes into the options section and is treated as the first option.
2. There is a new section for <BILLOFMATERIALS>.
This then includes a bill of materials records that are created for orders and have fields for <BOMSTOCKCODE> and <BOMQUANTITY>.

If there are no BOM records (stock items are marked as 'Non Stock'), then the <BILLOFMATERIALS> section will not be exported via the ERP export routine.

The width and drop now appear in the <ORDERLINEDATA> section and the fields are called <WIDTH> and <DROP>.
They are taken from the width and drop that are entered in the order.

Shutter Export

For all shutter orders, there is now a routine that exports a CSV file to a location (specified in Parameters > Data Path).

There is a new parameter called ‘Export Shutter CSV’.
If this is set to true, then there should be a location where the file goes – it is the same file as the ‘Export to ERP’ location, as they will never both be used by one customer.
The file name is called Shutters.[order_id].csv

Sizes are only exported as a metric, regardless of whether they have been ordered in imperial or metric.

In dev item 4429 we added functionality so XML files would be sent to a different folder. This is now working properly.
If an order is entered and the ‘Export XML account code’ is filled, the XML file is sent to ‘Export Folder 2’.

Order Processing > Orders

In Parameters > Auto-Download, if ‘Export to ERP’ is switched on and the ‘Export XML account code’ is not null in Sales Files > Customers.
The XML file that goes to the ‘Export Folder’ location now contains a field called ‘ORDLOPT’.
This is the sum of the option prices for the detail line – these option prices are found in the ‘Option Price Table’ where the price table is taken from the ‘Trade Price Table’ in Sales Files > Customers.

It goes in here below ORDLVVL and is called ORDLOPT.

The ‘Export to ERP’ parameter in Automated Tasks is used to send orders to separate folders. This has been expanded to include 4 folders.
If in the customer record, ‘Export XML Account Code’ is not null, a separate XML file is exported to ERP. This file now contains the customer invoice address.
In fact, the address now goes into the file that goes to ‘Export Folder’ and not into the file that goes into ‘Export Folder 2’.

When the export is done for a component order, the ORDQT field is always filled with the ‘Unit Quantity’ amount from the order detail line.