


Expected Delivery Date

Purchase Order Enquiry > Due Delivery Date

There are two places where you can enter an 'Expected Delivery Date', the first is in the purchase detail and the second is in the purchase order.
We hold a due date and expected delivery date against regular PO detail lines.
If the expected delivery date is entered here, it updates the stock record - 'Stock Item > General' tab.
Also if there is an expected delivery date in the stock record ('Stock Item > General' tab), it is updated in the PO detail line.

And the 'Expected Delivery Date' that is entered in the purchase order will update the 'Stock Item > Purchase Orders' tab, please see below:

There is a similar field in the 'Bought In Purchase Order':

Bought In Purchase Order Print (all)
Purchase order print – the total now appears on the bottom of the PO. Want to print the username and email address on PO as well.
Reports also print ‘Expected Delivery Date’, not ‘Required Date’.
The records also display and print (on the purchase order) in the same order as they do on the sales order.

Purchase Order Bought In – Standard / Purchase Order Bought In (Blind Size)
There are now parameters to show ‘Required Date’ and ‘Expected Delivery Date’ in Report Parameters > Purchase Order.
These parameters are called ‘Show Required Date’ and ‘Show Expected Delivery Date’.
Also, the column headers have been tidied up in ‘Purchase Order Bought In (Blind Size).
Fabrics > On Purchase Order Date
We now hold a new field – Expected Delivery Date (for purchase orders) on the Stock Items form.
This is updated when a purchase order is created.
When the warning message appears in the order entry program to say that an item is out of stock, it should also give the expected delivery date.

Purchase Order Enquiry
If a PO email is sent, the PO is automatically flagged as sent.
We can now calculate the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ for regular purchase orders.
It calculates this as the longest ‘Lead Time’ held against a stock item that has been ordered.
If ‘Factory Stock’ is enabled, at PO entry, the user now has the choice of whether the item is for factory or warehouse.
This has the same default rules as described in 2297.
When the PO is updated, the stock transaction now state whether it is factory or warehouse

Purchase Order Entry (Regular)
We now hold the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ that is inputted. Previously this was automatically changing to a lead time held within the system.
If the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ is changed manually, then it stays as that date.

Purchase Order Enquiry > Due Delivery Date
We now hold a due date and expected delivery date against regular PO detail lines. If the expected delivery date is entered here, it updates the stock record.
Also, if there is an expected delivery date in the stock record, it is updated in the PO detail line.

Purchase Order Enquiry > Amend
The form allows you to change the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ but when saved, it did not save this change. the field can no longer be edited.
Purchase Order Enquiry > Regular PO
The ‘Expected Delivery Date’ in the header can now be edited.
Purchase Order Regular – all reports
If there was no ‘Expected Delivery Date’, the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ on the report appeared as 31/12/1899. If there is no date for this, then it is now blank on the report.
Order Processing > Orders
If the Out of Stock Pop Up box text does not have an ‘Expected Delivery Date’, then '(Expected delivery date unknown)' is removed from the form.

Lead Time By Option
It is now possible to calculate lead time by an option chosen in an order detail line.
There is already a ‘Lead Time’ field held against a stock record.
If this is not 0 or null, and it is a bigger number than the lead time held against the blind type, then it can be used for calculating the required date.
NB. Originally this functionality worked for Regular POs only in the Expected Delivery Date calculation (and only if Add Option Time to Scheduling was ticked in Parameters).
Now the ‘Required Date’ calculation for Sales Orders also takes Stock Item > Lead Time into account

Order Processing > Orders > Out Of Stock Notification

If there are a number of purchase orders for a stock item, the date in the pop-up box only shows that date from the most recent purchase order placed ie from the ‘Exp Delivery Date’ in the stock record.
There is a new ‘Parameter’ flag called ‘Take Exp. Del. Date From PO’, which defaults to false.
If true, in a sales order, when the form below is displayed, it takes the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ from the oldest undelivered PO for that stock item.

Please note that in order to display this message the 'Display Stock Warning' flag should be ticked in the 'Stock Item' and 'Blind Type'.

Purchase Order Enquiry

Colour can be held in Parameters > Forms > Purchase Order Enquiry to indicate whether a purchase order is overdue or not.
The ‘Parameters > Forms > Overdue Undelivered’ colour will fill the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ when ‘Purchase Order > Expected Delivered Date’ is filled and it's less or equal to the current date and there is at least one PO detail line that is not been delivered and is not complete.

The ‘Required Date’ from the XML Order Acknowledgement file is then updated to the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ in the PO.
The PO history is then updated.
There is an automated task for this.

Order Processing > Purchase Orders

If the ‘Expected Delivery Date’ or ‘Revised Delivery Date’ is changed in a purchase order, the history in the sales order is updated.