



It is now possible to email an order acknowledgement to a customer as soon as the quotation is converted to an order.
There is a new parameter in Administration > Parameters called ‘ Email Order Ack after Quotation Conversion ’, which defaults to false.
This cannot be set to true if ‘Email Order Ack at WIP’ is true and vice versa.
If the new parameter is set to true, then an order acknowledgement is emailed as soon as the quote is converted to an order and an order history record is created.

There is a new parameter so that an order acknowledgement can be sent by email at the point it becomes WIP.
This parameter is called ‘ Email Order Ack at WIP ’.
If it is set to true, then an order acknowledgement is emailed when the order is changed to WIP.
It is not possible to email an order manually (using the ‘Email Order Ack’ button) before this, but it is possible to do it afterwards.

A message appears when an order is saved and the customer record is set up as ‘Receive Order Ack’ = true and ‘Ack Delivery Method’ = Email.
But if we also have ‘Email Order Ack At WIP’ set to true, the order acknowledgement should only be sent out at the WIP stage.
Therefore the message does not appear if ‘Email Order Ack At WIP’ is set to true.

This relates to systems that have order checking implemented.
If an order was imported via EDI, the XML Order Acknowledgement is being sent at the point of it being brought in using the EDI import wizard.
When this happens it has not been checked and is given a standard date which is incorrect.
If ‘Email Order Ack At WIP’ is switched on, the XML order acknowledgement is now sent when the order is changed to WIP.

This has the same functionality as ‘ Email Order Ack at WO Print ’ except the email will be sent when the labels are printed.

There is a new Parameters > Email flag called ‘ Email Order Ack After Check Complete ’.
If this new flag is set to true, then the order acknowledgement is emailed after the order is flagged as checked and saved.
Only one of these flags can be set to true at any one time.

There is a new flag in Parameters > Emailing > Order Acknowledgement called ‘ Also Email To Rep ’.
If this is set to true, then when an order ack is emailed to the customer, it is also sent to the rep in the order.


There is a new parameter called ‘ Email Quote After Check ’, which defaults to false.
If this is set to true, then once a quote has been checked and saved, the quote will be emailed.
This will also apply to proformas.
Once the quotation is checked and then converted to an order, it remains checked.

There is a new parameter called ' Email Quote After Save ' which defaults to false.
If set to true, when the quote is saved, a message appears saying 'Do you want to email this quotation to the customer now?'.
There are then choices for 'Yes' and 'No'.

If ‘ Select Email Address ’ is switched on in Administration > Parameters then a message will appear with the field where you need to enter/confirm the email address.

Previously email messages could only be sent out from Blindata in standard text format.
There is a new parameter called ‘ Html Email Messages ’ which defaults to false.
If true, then the email messages will all be sent in HTML.

The HTML setting can then be adjusted in Administration > Company Details > Email Texts.

If ‘Auto Email Delivery Docket’ is switched on in the customer record, when the ‘Despatch’ button is used (and in ‘Order Enquiry’ as well), an email is sent but the pdf attachment was missing from the email.
Please note that parameter ‘ Attach PDF to Auto Email Delivery Docket ’ must be switched on in Administration > Parameters.

We have added new 'Parameters > Emailing > Send Email To Despatch Dept ' flag for function.
An email will not be sent to the despatch email address unless this flag is switched on.