


Email Order Acknowledgement

According to Blindata logic the 'EMail Order Ack' functionality on the Order Amend/Achieve Enquiry screens takes into account the email address from the 'Orders > Amend > Other Contracts > 'Order Ack. Email'. This field is filled automatically from the 'Customer > Amend > Email Fields > 'Order Ack. Email' while the order entry.

However, if this field is empty then the email address is taken from the delivery email address (see below).

However, there is another way to send the Order Ack to the email address specified in the customer record but not in the sales order

So if 'Send Order Ack to Customer Email' flag is switched on then the Order Ack will be sent on email address specified in Customer > Email Fields > 'Order Ack. Email' field.

If 'Send Order Ack to Customer Email' flag is switched on and 'Order Ack. Email' field is blank the email address will be taken from the 'Default Email' field

If the 'Receive Order Ack' flag is enabled in the customer record the following logic is applied in Blindata at the moment.

1. Before an order ack. is printed Blindata is checking 'Customers > Amend > Options > Ack. delivery method' choice.
If it is 'Email', the following warning message appears:

2. When a sales order is saved, 'Customers > Amend > Options > Ack. delivery method' is 'Email' and the 'Administration > Parameters > Emailing > Email Order Ack at WIP' is disabled, the operator will get another Yes/No message like below:

3. Before an order ack. is emailed Blindata is checking 'Customers > Amend > Options > Ack. delivery method' choice.

If it is 'Fax', the following warning message appears: