


EDI Amendments

There is a facility so an EDI order amendment file can be received.
There is a tab on the EDI Enquiry form for EDI Amendments.
The import routine (automatic and manual) has been amended to also include importing EDI amendments after normal EDI orders are imported.
The EDI amendment files are called EDA-*, * being the customer reference.
The XML file only contains four fields: ‘Account Code’, ‘Customer Reference’, ‘Amendment Date’ and ‘Amendment Notes’.
There is a field called ‘EDI Amendment Email’ that is held in Administration > Parameters > Internal Email Addresses.
There is a table called ‘EDI Amendments’. This contains id, order id, account code, customer reference and ‘Amendment Notes’.
There is a menu option in Order Processing (below EDI Enquiry) called ‘EDI Amendments’.

This displays ‘Amendment Date’, ‘Order No’, ‘Account Code’, ‘Customer Reference’ and ‘Amendment Notes’.
There is also a flag to say the order has been updated – similar to the flag in ‘Quality Control’.

This menu option has advanced permission.

When the EDI amendment record is read, there are the following potential outcomes:
1. It updates the sales order in Blindata which has the same account code and customer reference, and if the order status is before ‘Work In Progress’ changes the order to ‘On Customer Hold’.
An email is then sent internally to say the order has been amended (to the email address in ‘EDI Amendment Email’).
2. If the order status = ‘Work In Progress’ or later, the order is not amended and an email is sent internally saying it was too late to be amended.
3. If the XML file cannot be read, it goes into the broken files folder.
4. If the order with the same account code and customer reference cannot be found, the file stays where it is and is read again the next time the EDI import is run.

EDI Amendments Import

If an EDI amendment is imported, it now creates an order history record, with the text ‘EDI amendment – placed on customer hold’.
There is now a broken EDA file set up just like the EDI one and also in EDA archive.

Order Processing

There is now an EDI amendment notes column on the order amend enquiry form.