



Please check the EDI Import section.

Auto EDI Download

An Auto download start time field has been added.
This is called ‘ Auto Start On Hour ’ and is a tick box in the Parameters EDI tab.
If set to true, then it will start at the start of an hour eg 1100.
If ‘ Check for new transactions automatically ’ is set to 15 minutes, then the import will be done at 1100, 1115, 1130, 1145, 1200, 1215 etc.

Invoicing of EDI Orders

We have created a new invoice print for orders that have been transferred via EDI.
This creates only one invoice for all the orders in a batch.
We have created a new parameter in Administration > Parameters called ‘ EDI Batch Invoice ’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to false, the ‘Create Invoice’ routine works as it does at present.

If ‘EDI Batch Invoice’ is set to true, the ‘Create Invoice’ routine does the following:
1. Sorts orders by EDI batch number
2. Create invoices as normal for those with no batch number (ie assign invoice number and change status to ‘Invoice Created’.
3. Groups remaining orders by batch number and assign an invoice number to the batch – this means 10 different orders with the same batch number will all have the same invoice number.
A new invoice layout has been created. This has the same layout as ‘Invoice Bespoke 6’, except for the following:
1. Customer Order No. displays the EDI batch number.
2. Customer reference and Order No. are not required.
3. Details of invoices have been replaced by order header information – order date, order contact name, order id, customer order no, customer reference, nett amount.

When creating invoices with ‘EDI Batch Invoice’ switched on, the program now only allocates one invoice number to the orders that share the same PO number (and have been imported in a batch together).
Previously it was giving a new invoice number to each individual order.
It now only does this if ‘EDI Batch Invoice’ is switched off in Administration > Parameters > EDI.

When an order is imported, previously the detail lines were flagged as out of stock if there was a stock shortage.
There is now a parameter in Administration > Parameters > EDI called ‘ Check Stock at EDI Import Create Order Stage? ’.
If this is set to true, the stock should be checked and OOS updated if necessary.
If it is set to No, OOS will not be updated at all.

Acknowledgement XML Sending

At the moment an order acknowledgement XML can be sent automatically if the folder is set up against the customer and ‘Send EDI Order Ack’ is set to true.
If ‘Use Production Scheduling’ = true, then the file is only sent when the order is scheduled.

It is now possible to send the XML acknowledgement back to the customer as soon as the EDI order is imported successfully, so there is a new flag called ‘ Send EDI Acknowledgement On Import ’ which defaults to false.
If set to true, then acknowledgements are sent straight away.

When a client places an online order for blinds and the roller blind requires a join, a message appears saying that a join is required.
When the order is imported it is being placed automatically on customer hold.
There is a new parameter called ‘ Fabric Join Exclude From Customer Hold ’, and when an order is imported, it will not be placed on customer hold if a join in the fabric is required.

It is now possible for ‘Same Day Despatch’ orders that go on credit hold to be automatically changed to normal orders.
There is a new parameter to switch this feature on and off called ‘ Block Same Days for Credit Holds ’.
When an order is created during the EDI import, any same day despatch flags can now be ignored if the order is placed on credit hold and it is scheduled as a normal order for that customer (taking their must go status into consideration).

There is a new parameter called ‘ Send XML Order Ack at WIP ’.
If this is set to true, the XML order acknowledgement will be sent at the WIP stage and not when the EDI file is imported.

There is now functionality so that if an order is imported and any base price in a detail line is zero, the order goes on customer hold.
A history record is created for the order to say it has been placed on customer hold because the base price was zero when imported.
There is a new parameter for this called ' Place Zero Price On Customer Hold ' in the Parameters > EDI tab.