



Discounts can be preset by the customer, product, blind type, promotion, class, blind, fabric group, fabric class and fabric supplier or any combination thereof.
The gives the user an incredibly powerful tool to amend prices depending on circumstances.

The ‘Order Number’ determines the priority of the discount.
The higher the number, the higher the priority.
If you have discount set for blind type (in this case order number 1) and discount set for customer and blin type (order number 3), then the second discount will override the first discount unless the accumulative button is set against the specific customer blind type discount.

The discount can be amended by clicking on ‘Amend’.
In here the blind type can be changed and the employee can be included (this is a mandatory field. Employees can be set up in Administration > Employees, and you will need to set the ‘Discount’ flag to true against the Employee).
The start and end date can also be added but are not mandatory.
However, if there are dates set in here, the discount will only be applied if the current date falls between the entered dates.

Discounts can be calculated cumulatively or not.

The order in which discounts are applied can also be amended by the user.

When the Discounts menu option is selected, the first screen that is displayed is a discounts order screen.
This allows the user to enter a discount order (the higher the number, the higher the priority of discount), the parameters to be selected (one or more of the customer, product, blind type, promotion and class) and a discount description.

Once the discount order fields have been set up, the user should click on the setup discounts button at the bottom of the screen.
A new screen will then appear that highlights the fields that have been checked in the discounts order screen.
Unchecked fields will be blanked out. These records can then be entered with the relevant fields and discount percentages.
If the accumulator field (Acc.) is checked, then the discount will become accumulative.


Joe Bloggs Blinds gets 10% discount on all blind types.
They then get a further 20% discount on roller blinds. The discounts should be set up as follows:

In the discounts order, there should be records set up for customer discount (only check the customer field) and customer blind type discount (check customer and blind type fields).
In set up discounts, create a new record for 10% customer discount for Joe Bloggs Blinds. Then create another record for 20% customer blind type discount.
If you do not check the Acc. Box, then this discount will override the customer discount.

Roller blind price is £50

Customer discount is 10%
Customer blind type is 20%

Non-cumulative discounted price is £40 (£50 less 20% discount).

Cumulative discounted price is £36 (£50 less 10% = £45, £45 less 20% = £36)

Previously we could set a discount to be accumulative or not. If you had two discounts set up for the same customer you could have the following:

1. Customer discount 10%
2. Customer blind type discount 20%

Price of blind 100.00

If accumulative = false, then the discount will be 20% and the nett price will be 80.00.
If accumulative = true, then the discount will be 28% and the nett price will be 72.00.

We have introduced a third option, where the discounts will be added together.
Therefore in the example above, the discount will be 30% and the nett price will be 70.00.

There is a new flag in the discount form called ‘Accumulative from full price’. If this is set to true, then the third method will be used.
It is not possible to have the ‘Accumulative’ and the ‘Accumulative from full price’ switched on at the same time.

Discount by Blind Quantity

There is also a 'Discount by Blind Quantity' functionality in the 'Parameters > Order/Quotation Processing' as shown below:

It is now possible to have a discount by quantity for made to measure blinds.

There is a new parameter in Parameters > Order/Quotation Processing called ‘Discount by Blind Quantity’, which defaults to false.

At the moment all the discounts held in Pricing > discounts can be applied to regardless of the number of blinds.
If the new parameter above is set to true, there is a new column in the Pricing > Discounts form called ‘Number Of Blinds’, which defaults to zero.
The user will then be able to enter a number there, which will represent the number of blinds over which discount will apply.

Order Processing > Orders

When an order is saved , and the new parameter above is set to true, the detail lines is checked to see if there are any discounts that need to be applied because of the number of blinds in the order.
For example, if the a customer blind type is set up and the number of blinds is set to 9, then if the order has 10 or more blind for the relevant discount, the detail lines will be recalculated.