



This table contains the department's information.

Administration > Parameters
There is an option to disable the Department filter in the parameters.
But if this flag is turned on then a lot of functionalities and records in Blindata will be divided by department.

Administration > Users
Departments can now be set up for users.

Administration > System Tables > Department
When you add a department in Administration > System Tables > Department, there are new fields in the department record.

Filter Orders by Department
A new feature was written that enabled you to restrict users to entering orders for only customers that were set up with departments that matched the departments set up against users.
The following had to be set:
This works well and means that the user can only enter orders for certain customers.
There is now an enhancement to this so the user can only see orders for the departments he is entitled to see – in other words filter by the department in order amend enquiry.

Financials > Retail Balances
This screen is now filtering orders by Department according to the user logged on. This is only applicable if Administration > Parameters > Use Department Filter is switched on.

Order Processing > Production Documentation
We can now filter works order printing by department (but only if Administration > Parameters > Use Department Filter is switched on).
The user can choose which department works orders are to be printed out, providing they have permission to see that department (set up in Administration > Users > Departments).

Reports > Outstanding Orders
There is now an option to choose by department (with a choice to select all departments).

Archive Enquiry
The Archive Enquiry screen now filter orders according to department linked to the user logged on.

Department Invoice Number
It is now possible to have separate invoice numbers for each department. Instead of using the next invoice number in Administration > Parameters > Use Custom Order Invoice Number, we hold a next invoice number against each department record. These numbers start each department invoice number at 1.
There is a new parameter called ‘Use Department Invoice Number’, which defaults to false.
Invoice Batch Print
There is a new option to choose which department when running invoice batch print. The default is ‘All’.
Order Processing > Production Documentation
There is now an option to print works orders and labels by the department.

Order Processing > Orders > Receipt Report
1. If the department filter is set to true, the address, telephone and fax number on the receipt are now taken from the branch address and not from Administration > Company Details.
2. If the title has been filled in, it is now concatenated with the name.

Order Processing > Quotations
Department filter now works for quotation enquiry screen in the same way it works for orders – if the filter is set to true in the Parameters table, then the user is only able to see the quotations that relate to the correct department.

Order Processing > Archive Enquiry
Department filter now works for archive enquiry screen in the same way it works for orders – if the filter is set to true in the Parameters table, then the user is only able to see the archived orders that relate to the correct department.

Posting Receipts and Invoices to Sage
The department number that is held against the order is posted into Sage when both invoices and receipts are being posted.
It selects the contents of the ‘name’ field in the department record and posts it to ‘Dept_number’ for a receipt in Sage and ‘global_dept_number’ for an invoice header and ‘dept_number’ for the detail line.
There is a new parameter in Administration > Parameters > Sage Parameters / Invoicing called ‘Update Departments when Posting’. If this is true, then the above should get posted.

Sage Companies by Department
It is now possible to update different Sage companies according to the department that is set up for a customer. Therefore we now hold the Sage data location against the department record. If this is left blank, then the Sage data location in Administration > Parameters is used as normal.
There is also a new field in this table to store a logo.

Delivery Docket Prints
There is now a separate delivery docket layout for customer and also for department. The system now checks the customer, the department and the default in report parameter in that order to decide which layout to use. If the customer delivery docket layout is blank, it is ignored. Then it checks the department delivery docket and if blank, ignores, and then chooses the delivery docket in the report parameter.
We therefore now hold new fields in the customer record to choose the relevant delivery docket, and also in the department record.
But we also now have the possibility to select from a number of different delivery dockets (as well as the above scenario). Therefore we have a new report parameter called ‘User Defined Delivery Docket Choice’. If this is flagged as true (the default will be false), then the choice of delivery docket is shown in the window when despatching the order. The report defaults to the one according to the rules above.

Department Nominal Codes for Stock Items
There is a new system table to hold department, stock item and nominal code.
If a matching record exists in this table when a component detail line is entered, the relevant nominal code is selected from this table, providing there is a match for department and stock item.

Sales Lead Individual Normal
Company name and telephone number now come from department if department is switched on.
Financials > Create Invoices
The department was only enabled if ‘Use Department Invoice No’ was switched on in Administration > Parameters. The department is now enabled regardless of the parameter setting.

Fitter Worksheet
1. If ‘Use department Filter = true in Administration > Parameters, then the department name and address now print instead of the company name.
2. The customer telephone number now prints below the address.
Create EDI Transaction
When an EDI file is being created, and if ‘Use Department Delivery Address’ is switched on, the delivery address is now taken from the department record and not from the sales order. (Previously, if ‘Direct Delivery by Supplier’ was switched on the delivery goes directly to the end user).
Order Processing > Credit Notes
If ‘Use Department Credit Note No’ is ticked in Administration > Parameters, the Next Credit Note No is now taken from the department table.

Employee by Department
We now have the facility to filter employee by department when viewing the Fitters Sheet / Sales Lead diary.
When the diary is viewed (ie Administration > Parameters > Use Department Filter = true), the user is only able to see the employees by relevant department.
To achieve this, we now hold the department against the sales lead record. The department is a mandatory field in sales lead entry when ‘Use Department Filter’ is true. When adding a record, the department defaults to the first one set up against the operator.

Also, the user only see sales leads that relate to the departments set up for that user.
It is possible for an employee to belong to more than one department. The departments can be set up against employees in Administration > Parameters.
Fitters Sheet / Sales Lead
Previously the displaying of orders in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’ and appointments in the diary was controlled by one parameter, ‘Use Department Filter’, and then setting departments against users.
We are now able to restrict orders by department but allow the user to see appointments for all departments. We have introduced another parameter called ‘Use Diary Department Filter’.
If this is switched off then the user can see all diary appointments, but if ‘Use Department Filter’ = true, then viewing orders is still be restricted by the department.

Order Processing > Orders
If ‘Use Delivery Address’ is set to true in the department record, then ‘Use Department Delivery Address’ is now set to true when an order is entered.

Order Processing > Orders
Department and Area fields are now mandatory fields at the order save stage.

Fabric Groups by Department
We can now hold different fabric groups by the department against the fabric.
When an order is entered, the department fabric group records are checked to see if there is a different fabric group.

Invoice Batch Print
Invoice layout can now be determined by the department that is set up in a customer record. This means that the invoice batch print run can be done by the department.
There is a new invoice layout field in the department record and is checked when the invoice print (individual and batch print) is run.
When the invoice batch print is done, and if the department is selected, the program checks the department record for an invoice layout.
If it is null then the invoice layout in the parameter record is used.

System Tables > Departments
Previously we could specify a different report layout for delivery dockets and invoices by the department. We have now included choices for quotations and order acknowledgements.
The relevant ‘Print’ buttons in Quotations and Orders have been changed to check to see if there is a layout set up in the department record.

Sales Files > Customers
If ‘Check Sage Customers’ is switched on in Administration > Parameters > Sage Parameters / Invoicing, and there is a Sage company set up in Departments, when the customer is saved, it should look at the Sage company that is set up in Departments rather than the one that is set up in Administration > Parameters.

Stock Setup > Suppliers
When an alternative XML file is created, it uses the ‘Supplier Own Ref’ from the Supplier record. However we have one customer who is going to send XML files, but they need to have different ‘Buyer Party’ and ‘Ship to Party’ identifiers. The reason for this is that they have two different sales offices and two different accounts with the supplier.
Therefore we have created a new table that holds ‘department id’, ‘supplier id’ and ‘supplier own ref’.
There is now a tab in the Department form so the user can add a record for supplier and Supplier Own Ref.
When the alternative XML file is created, it now looks to see if there is a record set up in this department form tab.
If there is, then this ‘supplier own ref’ is used in the ‘Charge To Party’ identifier and the ‘supplier own ref’ and address are used in ‘Ship Party’.
For a normal XML file, if there is a record in department, then the ‘supplier acc ref’ is used as the account code and the address as the delivery address.

Order Processing > Orders
If ‘Credit Hold at Order Entry’ is set to true, then if an order is amended, it can only be set automatically to ‘On Credit Hold’ if the status of the order is ‘Order Entered’. In other words, the credit limit / balance functionality will only be applied when an order is saved at ‘Order Entered’ stage. This part works.
The credit control department can change an order to ‘On Credit Hold’ by using the ‘On Hold’ button. We made a change to include a new advanced permission called ‘On Hold Full Permission’. This did not work satisfactorily. The logic for ‘Credit Hold at Order Entry’ is no longer related to the ‘On Hold’ button. If a user has permission for ‘On Hold’, then they are able to use it up to and including order status ‘Order Manufactured’.

Department in Diary
We have a customer that is going to set up departments because they have 4 shops. They are also going to create separate accounts for each retail sale (unless the same person buys again). At the moment if we set up ‘Sales Lead Default Customer Account’, then the default customer that is set up will have a specific department, and it may not necessarily be the right one.
We have resolved this by holding the ‘Sales Lead Default Customer Account’ against the department as well. When the department is chosen in the sales lead entry, it will then use this department to find the correct default customer account to copy to the new account when ‘Create Customer Account’ is chosen.

Departments > Quickbooks
We now hold the Quickbooks data location in the department record (in the same way it is done for Sage). If this is filled in, then this Quickbooks company is updated instead of the one in Parameters.

Administration > System Tables > Departments
There is a new field in the Department form called ‘department Number. If this is filled in, then when the department is updated to Sage when invoices or receipts are posted, it will use this field.

System Tables > Departments
There is now a VAT number field in the department form.

Administration > Maintenance
If you ran ‘Update Nominal Codes in Detail Lines’, it did not take into account ‘Department Nominal Codes’.
It now looks at these if ‘Use Department Nominal codes’ is switched on in Parameters.

EDI Import
‘Department Nominal Codes’ is now used in the EDI Import if ‘Use Department Nominal Codes’ is switched on.

Child Safety Regulations
Child safety is now applicable by department – this is because it is not required outside the EU.
We have added the “Disable Child Safety” flag on the “System Tables > Department > Department Edit” form.
Costing By Department
It is now possible to hold the cost price by the department for each stock item. This means that when the BOM is calculated, the program needs to look at the department record within the stock item to see if there is a cost price there.
There is already a ‘Fabric Group by Dept’ tab in the stock record, so the cost price is held here.
Quickbooks Department Nominal
We now hold two new Quickbooks ref field, (called ‘Quickbooks SI Ref’ and ‘Quickbooks PI Ref’) in ‘Department Nominal Codes’.
It should be possible to save this record with either a nominal code in it or with either (or both) of the new Quickbooks fields filled.
If there is a department nominal code record, and Quickbooks is being used and there is a Quickbooks SI Ref in the new field, then for a sales detail line that has a bought in blind, this field should be used instead of the one that is held in the blind type record when an invoice is posted to Quickbooks.
For a bought in the purchase order, if there is Quickbooks PI Ref in the department nominal code, then this is used when the purchase invoice is posted to Quickbooks.

Order Processing > Orders
This is relevant if ‘Use Department Filter’ is switched on.
If switched on, then there is now another parameter called ‘Use Receipts By Department’ which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then it is possible to filter receipt types by the department. This means there is a new table that holds receipt type and department and also a tab on the receipt type record for the department.

Reports > Receipts By
If ‘Use Department Filter’ is switched on , then only receipts for the department set up for the user now print in the ‘Receipts’ reports.
Fitters Sheet / Sales Leads
There is a new parameter to control the employees that can be seen in the diary called ‘Use Diary Department Filter’. This defaults to false.
If this is set to true, the employees in the Diary form are filtered by department.
This means that only employees should be shown in the diary if the department that is set up for that user and the department is set up against the employee.
Also, if this parameter is set to true, the same filter is now applied in Order Processing > Orders > appointments tab, so that only employees relating to the department set up for the user can be selected.

System Tables > Option Restrictions
There is a new field in this form called ‘Department’ which will look up the department records. It is possible to set up a record without a customer but with a department.
If a record is set up for department, then in the order detail entry, the blind type or option restrictions are controlled by department (instead of by customer).

Order Processing > Orders > Order Entry > Appointments

If ‘Diary Department Filter’ is switched on in Parameters, then only employees for the department the user has access to vcanbe seen in the employee lookup.
Order Processing > Orders > Receipts > Receipt Report

If the ‘Use Department Filter’ is switched on, then the VAT number in this report is taken from the department that is held against the order, and not from ‘Company Details’.
Order Processing > Orders > Receipts > Receipt Print

If ‘Use Department Filter’ is switched on, then the registered office information at the bottom of the page is taken from the department record.
‘Reg. Company No’ has been added as a field in the Department form.

Bought In / Manufactured Blinds
We have a customer that runs four companies and are going to have all four in Blindata, set up as different departments.
Company A is a retail company ie they sell blinds but do not manufacture any blinds themselves. Company B will manufacture some of the blinds for them and others will be manufactured by outside vendors.
All four companies will use the same blind types. When company A enters an order for a roller blind, they want to create a bought in PO for this roller blind. The vendor will be company B.
The plan is that they create an EDI bought in PO, which is sent to the FTP server. It will then be imported as a sales order for Company B (the customer being Company A).
This means there will be two sales orders on the system. The blinds will be made by Company B and then delivered to Company A.
The problem is that they are both sharing the same blind type. For Company A it is a bought-in blind, but for Company B it needs to be a ‘Stock control’ blind.
At the moment the blind type can only be set as one or the other.

If you enable 'Manufacture / Buy in Choice' parameter in the blind type record, you can also use this blind type as 'Bought In'.
When adding a detail line for this blind, it is possible to select a supplier/vendor from the drop-down list and create a Bought In PO from this.
This functionality has been modified in the following way:
A 'Supplier' drop down list has been added to the Department Edit screen.
When a detail line is entered for a blind and Manufacture / Buy in Choice = true then the department record is checked and the supplier selected automatically if a supplier is selected in Department.

Purchase Order Enquiry > Departments
We now hold a department against a purchase order. If it is a bought in PO, then the department is taken from the sales order. If it is a regular PO, then the user is able to enter a department.
When posting purchase invoices to Quickbooks, the purchase invoice functionality looks at the department record to see which Quickbooks company it has to post to.

Administration > Accounting Utilities
If ‘Quickbooks Accounting’ is switched on, there is an option for ‘Create/Update Customer Details Into Quickbooks. This checks the department to make sure it is updating the correct Quickbooks company.
Emailing By Department
If email text is being picked up from the department record, the subject line now gets the company name from department.
The first letter of all words is now in upper case, currently “cust ref” is the only thing lowercase.

System Tables > Departments
There is a new field in the department record called ‘EDI Account Code’ which defaults to null. If this field is filled, when a bought in PO EDI record is created, it uses this field instead of the ‘Account Code’ that is held in Administration > Company Details.
Financials > Invoice Batch Print
There is a new field in the Department > Email Texts tab record called ‘Email Invoice Text’. Also the subject line in the email says the invoice comes from the department name and not the company name from Administration > Company Details. Please note that ‘Get Company Details from Department’ in Report Parameters must be switched on.
Purchase Order Enquiry > Generate Bought In PO
If there is an account code in Departments, it uses this rather than the account code in ‘Company Details’ when the XML file is created. It already does this for ‘Create PO’ in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’.
System Tables > Departments
If ‘Peachtree’ is set as the accounting system to use in Administration > Parameters, we also now have it set up in Departments in the same way we do for Sage 50 and Quickbooks. Once this is done, when invoices are posted, the system will check to see if there is Peachtree information held against the department before looking in Parameters.

System Tables > Departments
There is now a field for ‘Country’ in the Department table. This defaults to the country that is set up in Parameters.
When a bought in PO XML file is created and ‘Use Department Delivery address’ is switched on in the sales order, the Country in the XML file is taken from the Department record.

Sales Files > Reports > Aged Debtors Reports
There are now criteria to print these reports by the Department.
It should be the department that is held against the customer record, and there should be choices for ‘All’ or individual department.
Sales Files > Reports > Audit Trail
There are now criteria to print these reports by the Department.
It should be the department that is held against the customer record, and there should be choices for ‘All’ or individual department.

Company > Financials > Audit
There is a new filter here for ‘Department’. There is an option for ‘All’ (default) as well as departments.
The department now appears at the top of the report.
Company > Financials > Trial Balance
There is a new filter here for ‘Department’. There is an option for ‘All’ (default) as well as departments.
The department now appears at the top of the report.

Company > Financials > Profit & Loss
There is a new filter here for ‘Department’. There is an option for ‘All’ (default) as well as departments.
The department now appears at the top of the report.

Company > Financials > Balance Sheet
There is a new filter here for ‘Department’. There is an option for ‘All’ (default) as well as departments.
The department now appears at the top of the report.
Order Processing > Orders > Create PO
When using Order Amend Enquiry > Create PO – the department that is saved in the purchase order is the department that is held against the customer record.

Order Processing > Orders > Create PO
There should be a new flag in System Tables > Departments called ‘Use Dept in PO Report Header’, which defaults to false. If true, the report ‘Purchase Order Bought In – Standard’ prints the header name and address from the department record held against the PO.
Purchase Order Enquiry
There is now a column choice for ‘Department’ in this form.

Purchase Order Enquiry > Update > Purchase Invoice
If ‘Use Department Filter’ is switched on, when a purchase invoice is posted to Sage, it now checks the department record held against that PO, and if there is a Sage company set up there, it posts the purchase invoice to that company.
It is possible to have a situation where the departments for sales invoices and purchase invoices are posted to different Sage companies i.e. one will use the Sage company in Parameters, the other the Sage company in the department. Therefore, there is a new flag in Parameters called ‘Post PI to department’.
Also, if the ‘Post PI to department’ is switched on then the Department field in the Post Purchase Invoice routine then the Department must be filled.
The Validation is implemented by Purchase Order > Department > Sage data location if the ‘Post PI to department’ flag is switched on for the post not batch PI invoice routine.

Pricing > Discounts
When displaying discount records after selecting a ‘Discount Order’, there is a column for ‘Department’ (if the Customer flag has been ticked).

System Tables > Department Nominal Codes
If ‘Use Department Nominal Codes’ is switched on, the sales nominal code for a blind type is taken from the ‘Department Nominal codes’ table.
For a bought in blind, we now do the same for the cost nominal code. There is a new field in the ‘Department Nominal codes’ form called ‘Cost Nominal Code’.
This 'Cost Nominal Code' is taken from the 'Department Nominal codes' in Purchase Order Enquiry > Update if ‘Use Department Filter’ is switched on.
So if there is a 'Cost Nominal Code' in the 'Department Nominal Codes' table for that blind type it uses that, otherwise it uses the existing logic, which is to use the 'Cost Nominal Code' in the blind type record.
This is only for bought in blinds.

Fitters Sheet / Sales Leads
There is now a button on this form so employees can be filtered by department. The form defaults to show ‘All’ but then has a filter by department.

System Tables > Customer Default Options
There is a new column for ‘Department’. It is now possible to enter a record with a Department and no customer or a Customer with no department, but not both.
The order detail line entry has been changed to take this into account.
Blind Types > Bought In Blinds
There is now a Department column in Blind Types > Bought In Blinds. When an order is entered, and if the department is filled is 'Bought In Blinds', it will filter the supplier by the department.

Filter Purchase Orders By Department
There is a new parameter in Parameters > PO Parameters called ‘Filter Purchase Orders By Department’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then the purchase orders in the ‘Purchase Order Enquiry’ form is filtered according to the departments set up against the user.

Pricing > Option Discount
In the Pricing > Option Discount, there is a new column for ‘Department’ for customers.
If the department is filled, then all customers in this department will receive a discount on the relevant option.

Peachtree Sales Invoice Export
There is a new parameter for Peachtree Accounting called ‘Prefix Department To Nominal Code’ which defaults to false.
If true, then the nominal code that goes into the Peachtree sales invoice export should be Department Code-Nominal code.

Order Processing > Orders
If ‘Use Department Filter’ is switched on, when entering an order, the rep lookup is now restricted to those reps that are available for the department selected in the order.

Reports > Cancelled Reports
There is an option to filter the report by the department.
There is a choice of filtering by order or cancelled date.
There are column choices for the actual net, VAT total and actual total.
The report has been changed to landscape.

Pricing > Option Discounts
It is now possible to set up option prices by Customer Class. This means we could have prices by customer or department or customer class.
It is only possible to have one of these filled in any record.
The order detail line entry has been changed to take this into account.

Peachtree Invoice Posting
If ‘Prefix Department to Nominal Code’ is set to true, two changes have been made (for both SL and PL invoices).
1. It now uses the ‘Company Name’ and not ‘Department No’ – this is because e.g. 06 is saved as 6 for Department and it needs to be 06.
2. It now saves as Nominal Co-Branch Name eg 4000-06.

Administration > Users > Department
Previously you had to press the Up or Down key to save a new record. There is now a Save button. Also there is a button to ‘Add All’ departments.

Online Ordering > Order Acknowledgement
It is now possible to select the company address from the department record. To activate it you should tick the 'Use Dep Address in Order Ack' flag on the 'Administration > Parameters > Online' tab.

Packing Slip - Bespoke 70
1. If customer has a logo attached in customer logo 1 then this customer logo 1 is printed in the header. If customer logo 1 is empty, then department logo 1 is printed in the header.

2. If customer logo 1 is used in the header then the customer address is printed below the logo. If customer logo 1 is empty, then the department address is printed instead.

Purchase Order - Bought In Standard
If 'Direct Delivery By Supplier' = true and 'Use Department Delivery Address' = false in the sales order, the delivery address from the order should print in the delivery address header fields.
If 'Direct Delivery By Supplier' = false and 'Use Department Delivery Address' = false in the sales order, the delivery address from Company Details should print in the delivery address header fields.
If 'Direct Delivery By Supplier' = false and 'Use Department Delivery Address' = true in the sales order, the delivery address from the department record should print in the delivery address header fields.
If 'Direct Delivery By Supplier' = true and 'Use Department Delivery Address' = true in the sales order, the delivery address from the department record should print in the delivery address header fields.

System Tables > Option Restrictions
There is a new column for 'Option Name' so that entire options can be restricted by customer or department or customer class.

Blind Types > Size Restrictions
There are extra fields in this form for Department and Customer Class.
It is now possible to hold a record that has Customer, Department or Customer Class in it but not more than one of these fields can be filled per record.

Fabric Requirement Report (Detailed)
There are additional criteria for 'Blind Type', 'Category' and 'Department' for this report. These have a choice of 'All' as well as a specific choice.
By 'Blind Type' is the blind type in the order detail line, 'Category' is the category in the stock record, and 'Department' is the department held against the order.

Reverse Edi - Drop Ship Status
There is a new flag in the customer record called 'If Drop Shipped, Status is Despatched' which defaults to false.
If true, and if the order is 'Use Department Delivery Address' or 'Direct Delivery By Supplier' when the reverse EDI PO file comes back to the purchaser, the order status is changed to 'Despatched'.

Department BOM Cost Price
If there is an 'Additional Option' for a stock item in the BOM, the additional item is added to the BOM.
If there is a 'Fabric Group By Dept' record for that additional item, and the department in the order and fabric group for the fabric match, the cost price is now taken from the relevant ‘Fabric Group By Dept’ record.