


Defaults (Stock Item)

Sq Metre and Price Table

A change has been made for the selling price for fabric in a blind to be a combination of the base price and the square metre price for the fabric.
Previously we could only have one or the other.
There is a new flag in the stock record called ‘Sq Metre and Price Table’.
If this is set to true then the base price for the blind will be the price that is found in the normal price table + the square metre price.

Manual Stock Usage

If this flag is switched on, then at the blind manufactured blind stage, the stock in hand figure will not be reduced for that item.
The ‘On Sales Order’ figure will still be reduced, though.
Instead, the stock in hand figure will be reduced by a manual entry in Order Enquiry > Processes.

We now hold extra columns in this form for ‘Batch Number’ and ‘Amount Used’.
For a fabric, there may be multiple records in here that have the same batch number.
As we are cutting them all at once, we only need to put the amount used in against one of the records.
When ‘Complete’ is selected, the stock in hand figure will be updated in the ‘Stock In Hand’ field and also in the batch.

Order Processing > Order Enquiry > Processes
When fabrics are sold wholesale, they need to deduct from the relevant batch number.
If ‘Manual Stock Usage’ is set to true, stock will not be deducted for wholesale orders when ‘Order Made’ is selected.
Wholesale orders will now appear in Order Enquiry > Processes, which means that batch numbers can be selected by fabric.
There must be a ‘Fabric Cut’ manufacturing process set up in the miscellaneous blind type for this to work.

Quality Check Required

There is a new flag held against the stock record called ‘Quality Check Required’.
If this is set to true and is selected when an order detail line is entered, then the order is set to ‘Quality Check’.
The details of how to work with the ‘Quality Check’ is here.

Turn If Width > Roll Width

This flag should be ticked if the fabric can be turned in the blind-made process.
This flag is used in several functions: Warning messages, Calculators, Fabric Optimisation.

Pattern Repeat Dummy Fabric

Cityscape Fabrics

One supplier has introduced a new range of fabrics with pictures of different city landscapes on them, called ‘Cityscape’.
The fabric is pulled off the roll like this (see below).
The pictures can either be 1600mm deep or 2500mm.
Obviously, the calculator has to be set for ‘Drop’ for these fabrics, but we now also hold the length of the ‘Cityscape’ in pattern repeat.

The fabrics will be set up with two different stock codes, so this is a similar problem to the one we have for fabrics that are the same except they have different roll widths.
When an order is entered for one of these fabrics, we need to check the drop against the pattern repeat to see which is the best one to use.
Let’s use the example of pattern repeats of 1600mm and 2500mm.

If the drop (including the add on amount) <= 1600, then the first fabric should be used.
If the drop (inc. add on amount) > 1600 and <= 2500, then use the second fabric.
If the drop (inc. add on amount) > 2500, the blind cannot be made.

There is a new flag held against the stock item called ‘Pattern Repeat Dummy Fabric’, which is used to indicate it is for a dummy fabric only.
As soon as it is checked a new tab appears on the ‘Stock Item Amend’ form called ‘Pattern Related Fabrics’ for allowing real fabric codes to be entered against the dummy fabric.
When an order detail is entered and the dummy fabric is selected, a warning message appears to say that is a dummy fabric and it is being replaced by a real one.

Bought In Blind Only

Zeroise Chain Length

If you select a motor (for example) you will not need a chain length, so we need some way of zeroising the chain length automatically.
There is now a new flag on the stock record called ‘Zeroise Chain Length’.
If an option is chosen with this flag set to true, then the chain length in the order entry is zeroised.

Mixed Slat

Fabric Requirement Report

It is now possible to identify mixed slat orders in this report.
There is a new flag in the stock record (Defaults tab) called ‘Mixed Slat’ and if this is set to true for an option, the fabric line in this report has ‘***** MIXED SLAT ***’ beside it.

Exclude From Link Option Warning

There is a new parameter called ‘Display Link Option Changes’ in Administration > Parameters that defaults to false.
The purpose of this parameter is to allow customers to set Blindata up so that changes that are forced by link options are displayed.

If this parameter is switched on, in order detail entry, there is a prompt to inform users of what options will change from and to and give them the option to proceed or cancel.
This applies to any amendments to width/drop/colour/fabric or options with link options.
There is also a flag to exclude certain options.
This flag is held in ‘Stock items’ and is called ‘Exclude From Link Option Warning’.
This excludes fabric defaults if the existing option is the current fabric default.

Enable Sage 300 Posting

Sage 300 Integration (Finished)
The ‘Update Stock Item from Sage 300’ routine is now available with time intervals between updates.
The ‘Update Customers from Sage 300’ routine is now available with time intervals between updates.
The database connection for Sage 300 is now available to edit.

At the Order Entry stage, the credit limit and balance are taken from Sage 300 (when the Order is saved).
However, if the customer is on hold in Sage and not updated in Blindata, it meant the customer was still not on hold in Blindata.
It now puts an order on credit hold if it is on hold in Sage.

The ‘Adjustment Posting’ routine is running at the ‘Order Manufacture’ stage (‘Order Amend Enquiry > Order Made’).
It is now possible to exclude blind types – there is a new field in the blind type form called ‘Enable Sage 300 Posting’.
It is also possible to exclude stock records - there is a new field in the stock record form called ‘Enable Sage 300 Posting’.

Use Stock Uplift % in Component Detail Entry

Uplift % can now be pulled into the component detail line from a stock record.
The new parameter to do this is called ‘Use Stock Uplift % in Component Detail Entry’.

Labour Item

There is a new flag in the stock record called ‘Labour Item’.
If this is set to true, then when the BOM is created, the stock transaction will be created but the ‘on sales order’ and ‘stock in hand’ figures will not be updated.
This new flag defaults to false.

‘Labour Item’ records that are set to true in ‘Stock Items’ no longer appear on Stock Control > Reports > Stock Valuation report.

Multi Blind BOM Only

If a multi blind is entered (when ‘Multi Blind Choice’ = true and ‘Multi Blind Auto Create’ = true), the bill of materials records should not be created for the overall blind detail line.
However, there could be an exception to this. Therefore there is a new flag in the stock record called ‘Multi Blind BOM Only’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then a BOM record is created for the overall blind, but not in the automatically generated detail lines.
There are now column choices for ‘BOM Label, ‘Multi Blind BOM Only’ and ‘Exclude From Project BOM’.

Main Blind Option Price

It is now possible to select the option price for the main blind but not for the multi blind.
At the moment if ‘Multi Blind Pricing’ is switched off, the blinds are priced based on the blinds that are auto created.
But there may be cases where there needs to be a price for an option (eg valance) in the first blind entered.
There is now a flag held against the stock item to do this.
The flag is called ‘Main Blind Option Price’ and defaults to false.
If true, the option price is applied to the main blind but not the others.

Please note this only applies if ‘Multi Blind Pricing’ is switched off.
If ‘Multi Blind pricing’ is switched on, then all of the price is in the main blind.

Is Null

There is new functionality in Blindata to not allow order detail saving if specific options are selected.
This is similar to the existing 'Is Null' column against 'Blind Types > Blind Type Setup > Measure To' used at the moment.

There is a new field in the 'Stock Items > Defaults' tab called ‘Is Null’ which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then if this option is selected in the order detail entry, when it is saved, a message will appear saying ‘This option, [option description], cannot be selected’.

Reduce Stock By Rounded Up Amount

There is a new flag in the stock record called ‘Reduce Stock By Rounded Up Amount’.
This is required for the following reason.

Let’s say a sales order has a BOM sales order transaction for 1.17 metres of fabric.
But the fabric can only be ordered in minimum amounts of 0.1.
Therefore a purchase order of 1.2m will be created.
At the moment, when the blind is made, 1.17m will be reduced from stock. This leaves an amount of 0.03m because 1.2m was ordered.
In reality, this will be thrown away.
If the new flag is set to true (it defaults to false), when the blind is made and the stock transaction is deducted from stock, it is first of all rounded up to the next minimum order quantity.
Therefore in this case the quantity in the stock transaction would be 1.2m and the stock will be reduced by that amount.
If there is more than one blind in the order, then it does not matter, because the fabric quantity will be held in the BOM for the first blind (it will have been optimised).

The new field is an import choice in Import From Excel > Stock Update.
Let’s take an example where there are 3 separate sales orders, all for the same blind type and fabric, with respectively 1 blind, 2 blinds and 3 blinds in them.
The BOM for each blind is calculated as follows:

First Order: 1.23m
Second Order: 1.61, 1.11, 1.56
Third Order: 0.56, 0.56, 1.98

A PO will be generated for this fabric and will calculate that 8.61m of fabric needs to be ordered.
This gets rounded up to 8.7m because there is a minimum order quantity of 0.1.
At the moment after all of these blinds are made, the system will say that there is still 0.9m in stock, when in actual fact this will be thrown away.
When the PO is created, we know which sales orders are related to it.
Therefore every time a blind is made, it checks to see if all other blinds are manufactured (ie there will be a date issued against the stock transaction) and if it is the last blind that is manufactured, it creates a stock adjustment record for the difference.

Base Price Table Option

Order Processing > Orders > Two Fabrics
We have a customer who manufactures a product that uses two different fabrics.
This will be entered in an order detail line as one fabric as normal with the second fabric selected as an option.
It has to be priced as if two blinds are being manufactured.
Therefore there is a new flag held against the stock record called ‘Base Price Table Option, which should default to false.
If set to true, when the price is looked up, it will look in the normal price table and not in the option price table.
It will look at the fabric group that is set up for the fabric in the option.

Exclude From Torque Calc

Torque Calculation

We need to make some further changes to the torque calculation.
There will be certain stock items in the BOM that should not be included in the weight when calculating torque.
Therefore a new field has been added in the stock record called ‘Exclude From Torque Calc’.

Also, the amount of fabric that is used in the calculation is now only the width of the fabric and the drop of the blind.
The amount of fabric that is always wrapped around the roller tube is excluded as it will never go up or down.

Exclude From Gear Weight Calc

Gear Selection Based On Weight

We have a customer that wants to be able to select a motor (which will be an option choice) based on the weight of a blind.
We need to compare the weight of the blind against the table below.
The best way to do this would be to use link options.
However, we only hold a ‘Fabric Weight Group’ in the middle section of the ‘Link Options’ form.
We also need a field in here for ‘Maximum Weight’.
When an option choice is made for Motor/Gear, it will check the weight of the blind against the ‘Maximum Weight’ and decide which options can be selected.

Currently, we have 2 methods of Blind Weight calculation:
1. If ‘Calculate Weight By BOM Sum’ = TRUE in Parameters then Weight of Blind is the sum of specific weights of all BOM elements.
2. If ‘Calculate Weight By BOM Sum’ = FALSE in Parameters then the Weight of Blind is found in the Blind Type Weights table by Fabric Group, Width and Drop of Blind.
At Order Detail, entry link options are applied each time when relevant data is changed (Width, Drop, Option Choice etc.). But BOM is not calculated in this case.
BOM is calculated only at the Save stage.
This means this functionality won’t work at the Order Detail entry if ‘Calculate Weight By BOM Sum’ = TRUE in Parameters as Weight will always be 0.
The parameter ‘Calculate Weight By BOM Sum’ should be set to true.
There is a new parameter called ‘Check Weight At Detail Save’ which defaults to false.
If this is set to true, then the weight of the blind will be checked against the weight in the link option and if it is too heavy, a warning message will appear.
This means we need to compare the blind weight with one particular Link Option weight.
There is a new Option Code against the Option Name in System Tables > Option Names called Gear Weight.
As the Gear Weight option might appear in BOM as well and it has a Specific Weight filled then this option will be included in Order Detail Weight calculation as well as other BOM items which is not logical.
Therefore we have added the ‘Exclude From Gear Weight Calculation’ flag to the stock record which should be ticked for all Gear Weight Stock Items.

Out Of Stock

This flag refers to the Out Of Stock and Back In_Stock, Stock Warning functions.

Currently Not In Use

There is a new flag called ‘Currently Not In Use’ in the stock record.
There is a new criteria in Stock Control > Reports > Stock Valuation, called 'Include Currently Not In Use' which defaults to true.
If set to false it will exclude all the stock items where 'Currently Not In Use' = true.
There is now a column choice for ‘Currently Not In Use’.
Also, this has been added as a field choice in ‘Fabric Group Setup’.

Allow Horizontal Join

If ‘Allow Horizontal Join’ = true, then if blind drop > roll width, for no fabric stock items where calculator = ‘Width’, the quantity was being multiplied by 2 or more depending on the blind drop size.
It now calculates as just the width.

At the moment there is an ‘Allow Horizontal Join’ held against the blind type record if the blind identifier = Roller.
This flag is also available in the stock record if the blind identifier = Roller and the link option = Fabric.

The order detail entry now checks the fabric record to see if a horizontal join is allowed. If it is set to true in the blind type, then it will apply to all roller fabrics.
If it is set to false in the blind type, then it will check to see if it is true in the fabric record.

Exclude From Project BOM

There is a new flag in the stock record called ‘Exclude From Project BOM’ which defaults to false.
The purpose of this field is to distinguish between records where the BOM cost will not change eg brackets, roller tube, and items which could change eg fabric.
These records will then be excluded in the ‘Project Profitability By BOM Group’ project cost but still included in the estimate amount line.
There are now column choices for ‘BOM Label, ‘Multi Blind BOM Only’ and ‘Exclude From Project BOM’.

Component Not Available Online

There should be a new flag in the stock record called 'Component Not Available Online', which should default to false.
If true, in the Yewdale site it will not be available in the component search or component detail line entry.
There should be a 'Stock Update' field choice for this. It should also be a column choice in Stock Enquiry.

It is now possible to create an automatic notification if a new stock item is created and marked as 'Unavailable Online' = False, or 'Component Not Available Online' = False.
An email is sent to a new field called 'Stock Item Change Email' in Administration > Parameters > Email Addresses.

Print WO As Blind

Order Processing > Orders > Component Entry
There is a new flag in the stock record called ‘Print WO As Blind’.
If this is set to true, then in ‘Works Order – Bespoke 77’ a component detail line with this flag switched on and ‘Box Width’ and ‘Box Drop’ entered, this line will print as a blind.

Enable Process Scan

Component Process Scanning
At the moment when process bar code scanning is done, when all blinds are fully process scanned, the order status changes to ‘Fully Manufactured’, even if there is a carriage detail line or component detail line on the order.
One customer wants to be able to process scan certain components, so there is now a new flag held against the stock item called ‘Enable Process Scan’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then it will allow a process blind scan to be done for this component detail line.
‘Enable Process Scan’ has been added to the fields that can be imported in ‘Stock Update’.

Tick Price Overridden

Order Processing > Orders > Cust Own Fabric

If ‘Cust Own Fabric’ is chosen and ‘Replace Fabric Group With Price’ is true, the price will be 0 which means the base price will be 0, so we need to tick ‘Price overridden’ automatically.
Therefore there is a new flag held against the stock record called ‘Tick Price Overridden’ which defaults to false.
If this is set to true, then it ticks the Price Overridden flag in the order detail line entry, when ‘Save’ is pressed.
There is a new field in 'Sales Files > Customer > Options called ‘Tick Price Overridden' flag.
If this is set to true, then the ‘Price Overridden’ flag is set to default to true in the order.

Option Colour

At the moment there is a flag ‘In Colour In Option’.
If this is set to true, then the option prints in red on ‘Label Print – Bespoke 33B’, Works Order – Bespoke 20.
It is now possible to print options out in different colours on this report so there is a new field in the stock record to define the colour.
It is called ‘Option Colour’.

Exclude from Shutter Rules

Is not used.