


Cutting Options

This document describes how to set up ‘Cutting Options’ in Blindata.
It is possible to calculate both width and drop cutting sizes by blind type for any combination of options chosen when entering a blind.
The user can define the number of cutting sizes they want to appear on the works order documentation.
For example, we may want to print a particular cutting size for a ‘Roller’ blind.
We would create a new cutting option and then set up particular cutting additions or deductions if the ‘Roller’ blind type is chosen.


There is a table called ‘Cutting Options’ in Administration > System Tables. This is where cutting option descriptions can be defined.
The cutting description will appear on the works order.

There is a flag in Blind Details > Blind Types called ‘Parameterised Cutting Options’.

There is a tab in Blind Details > Blind Types called ‘Cutting Options’.
This is where the specific information can be filled in.
There are three tables to be filled in, and all are related.
The first subform contains the cutting option (that was set up in System Tables > Cutting Options).

The second subform allows you to enter a ‘Combination Name’.
This is a name that the user can decide, but should be meaningful and relate to the options that will be applied to it.
It will only be related to the cutting option that is being pointed to in the first subform.
We can also define the order in which the cutting options are printed out on the works order by filling in the sequence number.

We have added two new fields to the cutting options form, for ‘Minimum Size’ and also a formula field.
We have done this to improve the flexibility of the cutting calculation.
For example, we may need to calculate the length of a chain as (drop * 2) – 656, with a minimum of 1500.
We also need to be able to do the following calculation:

Cutting Size = (width + drop) * 2 – 746.

We can now do this by using the new field called ‘Formula’.
This will allow the user to enter a formula eg (Drop * 2) – 656 or ((Width + Drop) * 2) – 746 or (Width / 2) + (Drop * 3)
or any other variation of widths, drops, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

If the formula field is filled, then it will be used, otherwise, the existing calculations will be done.

Blind Types > Cutting Option By Customer
There is a new field for ‘Customer’ in Blind Types > Cutting Option so specific cutting options can be held by the customer.
When cutting sizes are calculated the customer is now taken into account.

The third subform allows you to enter options that must be chosen before the relevant combination name and additions/deductions can be applied.
You can enter as many options as you like here.
Again, these options will be related to the combination name you are pointing at in the second subform.

We have made a change to make the cutting sizes set up a bit easier.
Previously if you have (for example) 5 options that all have the same cutting size, they have to be added individually in ‘Cutting Sizes’.

We have added a new flag for this called ‘All Choices Match’, which is True by default.
This means the system will work as it does now.
If this flag is set to ‘false’ then the cutting size will apply if at least one option matches.