


Customising Top Panel Buttons

By default only four buttons are visible on the top panel of each Blindata Online website:
- Refund Policy
- Privacy Ploicy
- Terms and Conditions
- Contact Us

The contents of these pages are hardcoded and could be changed by Ball Software developers only by particular Customer request.

Starting from Blindata the Top Panel buttons became customisable.

At the moment up to seven buttons could be displayed on the Top Panel.
Four of them are still hardcoded as described above and three of them are new ones.

Visibility of four hardcoded buttons is controlled from Blindata Desktop application.

To switch hardcoded buttons visibility on\off you should go to 'Administration > Parameters > Online' tab and use corresponding flags in the Buttons Visibility section:

Three customisable buttons are controlled from Blindata Desktop application as well.

To adjust customisable buttons you should go to 'Administration > Parameters > Online' tab and use corresponding controls in the Custom Buttons Visibility section:

Visibility of customisable buttons is controlled by flags 'Custom Button 1', 'Custom Button 2' and 'Custom Button 3'.

After visibility flag is ticked the corresponding controls for button Caption and Page Contents become available.
Text entered to the right of corresponding flag is a custom button Caption.

User is able to fill custom page contents by his own.
Do to this the corresponding button located to the right of Button Caption is used:

After using the button mentioned above the form for Custom Page Contents edit will be displayed.
User is able to use buttons at the top of the form to adjust contents formatting:

After Page Contents and Parameters saving you should be able to see your changes on the website:

Online Ordering > End User Quote
There is now a new button on the online order form called ‘End User Quote’.
The purpose of this button is to allow the user to generate a quotation for their end user customer.
There is a new flag in Administration > Parameters > Online > Button Visibility called ‘End User Quote’, which will determine whether this button displays or not.
When the button is opened, the user will be able to enter a customer name and address, then a mark up % or an overall price for the quotation.
There will then be an option to generate a pdf of this end user quotation.
The layout will be similar to our quotation layout, but will select the logo from the customer record, the company name from the customer record.
If a mark up % has been entered, the detail line totals will be shown.
If a quotation total has been entered, the detail line totals will not be shown.

Some adjustments have been made to the End User Quote functionality for online customers.
If the mark up % is used, the unit price and customer discount are no longer shown.
If Overall Price is used the VAT is now shown.

N.B. Changes will be visible ONLY after Blindata Synchro application will synchronise Desktop and Online Databases according to its schedule!