


Customer Hold

The 'On Customer Hold' flag is included in many Blindata functionalities.

For example in the algorithm of calculating the required date:
4. The program then examines the holiday table to see if any holidays are applicable and then works out the required date based on removing weekend days, holidays and then adding the lead time days to the order date to get the required date. If the ‘on customer hold’ flag has been unchecked, the calculation will be done from the current date, not the order date.

There is also a global parameter - 'Allow ‘On Customer Hold’ works orders to be printed?'.

27. Orders > Credit Note Entry

‘Inv No’ now says ‘Credit Note No’. in credit note entry. Entry Type is only ‘Credit Note’.
‘Must Go’, ‘On Customer Hold’, ‘On Credit Hold’, ‘Remake’, ‘Previously on customer Hold’ and ‘Date Hold’ do not appear for credit note entry.

174a. Order Processing > Production List > Production List by Blind Type
Exclude previously out of stock condition is now working, exclude on customer hold condition is now working, only show previously out of stock and only show on customer hold are correct way round.

284. Order Processing > Orders
If an order is put on customer hold, when it is taken off customer hold, the required date is now calculated from the current date, not the order date.

381. Order Processing > Orders > Create PO
It is no longer possible to create a bought in PO if a sales order is on credit hold or customer hold.

519. Stock Setup > Purchase Order Enquiry > Generate Bought In PO
Purchase orders no longer get generated for sales orders that are on customer hold..

528. Stock Setup > Purchase Order Enquiry > Generate Bought In PO
Purchase orders are now generated properly where sales orders were previously on customer hold.

642. Reports > Lead Times
There are now extra options to exclude ‘on customer hold’ and ‘on credit hold’ records.
Also, the lead time days is now calculated as follows:
Manufacturing Date – from order date to manufactured date
Delivery date – from order date to delivery (despatch) date
Invoice date – from order date to invoice date

693. Stock Setup > Purchase Order Enquiry > Generate PO
It is no longer possible to create a regular purchase order for stock items from a sales order that is on credit hold or customer hold.

1325. Printing Works Order Documentation
The works order labels no longer print if the ‘on customer hold’ field is flagged and parameters are set to stop these orders from printing.

1708. Order Processing > Orders
If an order is flagged as ‘On Customer Hold’ before detail lines are entered, the promised date now generates properly.

1803. Order Processing > Production Documentation > Works Order A4 Individual
If the system is set up to not print ‘On Customer hold’ records, ‘Works Order A4 Individual’ no longer prints the works order.

718. Order Processing > Orders
We are now able to colour code fields on the order amend enquiry form. In the screenshot below, you can see how this might look.
This is done by altering new parameters in Administration > Parameters under a new tab called ‘Forms’.
There is a colour choices for all status fields, for orders on credit hold, on customer hold, must go, quality control and remake.

515. Order Processing
We now have an order history record if an order is set to ‘On Customer Hold’ or is taken off ‘On Customer Hold’.
If an order is taken off ‘On Customer Hold’ or placed ‘On Customer Hold’, an order history record is created.
It says either’ Taken off customer hold’ or ‘Placed on customer hold’.

1458. EDI Import
1. The EDI import now ignore strange characters that the system will not accept eg &.
2. If an order comes in with multiple blinds and some cannot be made (over max) it is put on customer hold.
3. EDI orders are not imported if the quantity in a detail line is 0.

Production Scheduling
If an order goes ‘on customer hold’ or is scanned as ‘Out of Stock, then the scheduled date is removed from it, and the time deducted from the ‘Normal Scheduled Time’ or ‘Priority Scheduled Time’.
This happens for all the blinds on that order. If an order is updated or deleted, then the schedule is updated.
If an order is taken off customer hold or scanned back into stock, the scheduled date is calculated from the current date, not the order date.
If a blind is manufactured before its scheduled date, then the schedule is updated because there will then be more time available to make other blinds.
If ‘Use Production Scheduling’ = true and ‘Display Checked’ = true, the scheduled date is calculated until the ‘Checked’ box has been ticked on the order form.
Other Rules

1. Quantity in the order detail line is taken into consideration when working out the scheduled time.
2. Scheduled date is recalculated each time an order is saved (or checked).
3. Same day orders go under priority scheduled time.
4. If you do set a scheduled date with permissions, the manufacturing time goes into the relevant assigned time
5. It is possible to manually schedule orders by serial detail line (scheduled date is on this record)
6. Orders can be scheduled with multiple lines over multiple days – if there is not enough time in one day, then the next available schedule date is used.
7. Delivery Day customers - scheduled date is the next free slot as normal. Required date is the next delivery day on or after scheduled date
8. Standard Customers - scheduled date = required date
9. The schedule is updated for delete, amendments, customer holds, OOS scans etc.
10. OOS Scan - all other blinds on the order in that manufacture location are unscheduled (then rescheduled for ‘Back In Stock’ scan)
11. Manufacturing blinds depletes the schedule time capacity, but only if the manufactured date is before the scheduled date (date only, ignore time).

3026. EDA Import
When an EDA import comes in, the order is put on customer hold, and it is also set to Checked = false.

1757. EDI Amendments Import
If an EDI amendment is imported, it now creates an order history record, with the text ‘EDI amendment – placed on customer hold’.

1814. EDI Import
Previously it was possible to import a detail line for a fabric that has been discontinued ie is flagged as ‘Not In Use’ = true.
It should be possible to keep doing this, but a record should be written to the EDI log file to say a discontinued fabric order has been imported, and when the order is imported, it should be put on ‘customer hold’.

3338. JL EDI Import
Delivery address now imports for laminated rollers.
Options are now in the correct order after the file has been imported as an order
Location is used for EDI invoice for wood and bamboo, and also now for laminated roller.
Orders in the JL Import routine no longer go on customer hold when they are imported.

2846. Order Processing > Orders > Feasibility Check
This is only applicable to order detail lines for blinds with feasibility switched on.
The feasibility test is designed to stop operators from entering options for blinds that cannot be made (like ‘Link Options’) but the problem with the feasibility function is that there is no way to save a detail line if it has failed the test.
This has been changed so it allows the user to save the detail line, but flags it as ‘Failed’, which in turn puts the order on customer hold.

3071. Order Processing > Bought In Tracking Form
If ‘Auto Generate Bought In PO’ is switched on, Bought in POs are now created automatically at the following points:
Copied Remakes – These are created from the Archive using the Remake/Repair copy function.
EDI/Online Orders – Any orders generated for Online/EDI customers should automatically generate a PO if they contain bought in blinds.
Also the cost prices now generate for these Online/EDI orders.
Orders on Customer Hold – previously, if an order was saved whilst on customer hold, it did not generate a PO.
It is now generated but not sent to the supplier whilst on customer hold. The Send PO and Export Single CSV buttons are disabled for orders on Customer Hold.
Also, the Export Batch CSV ignores these orders.

4135. Tuffnells File Creation
If an order is on customer hold or marked as out of stock then the order is not put in the Tuffnells file.
Carriage lines are not exported to the file.
If a blind has been manufactured before the CSV file is created then the order now goes into the Tuffnells file.
Customer notes now import from Blindata to the file.
For offshore deliveries (Jersey, Guernsey, non UK), the price of the goods now goes into the file.

4167. Works Order Print
A customer has reported an order that had the order detail status set to ‘Works Order Printed’ but the order header was still ‘Order Entered’.
This happened because this order was flagged as 'customer hold' during the works order was printed.
The program changes the order details status to 'Work Order Printed' but did not change the order status if the order was flagged as 'customer hold'.
This no longer happens.

3222. Order Processing > On Credit Hold / Customer Hold
When taking an order off hold, the user can now be prompted to change the required date.
This is controlled by a parameter called ‘Off Hold Amend Required Date’.
This will apply to an order being taken off customer hold in the order entry form and also in the ‘Orders On Hold’ form.
The message says ‘This order has been taken off hold.
Please amend the required date’

4436. Order Processing > Delivery Docket Batch Print > Delivery Run Report
This report no longer includes orders that are on credit hold, on customer hold or are flagged as OOS (out of stock).

3727. Order Processing > Orders on Customer Hold
There is a new advanced permission flag called ‘Take Off Customer Hold’ which defaults to false.
It is displayed in the ‘Orders’ section. If this flag is false, then the user will not be able to take an order off customer hold.
4787. Users > Advanced Permissions > Take Off Customer Hold
Even if “Take Off Customer Hold” = true for a user, if feasibility failed, the order was placed back on customer hold.
Enabling this permission now allows the user to take off customer hold if feasibility fails as well.

4683. AutomatedTask.exe
An amendment has been to AutomatedTask.exe so we can specify which orders appear on the report that goes to customers.
There is a new flag in the program called ‘On Credit Hold and Customer Hold Only’, which defaults to false.
If it is set to true, then only orders that are on credit hold or customer hold are included and the title of the report is called ‘Orders On Hold’.

4759. Batch Picking List
This report now prints all serial detail lines, not order detail lines.
The barcode that prints is the serial id, not the blind id.
There is a line printed between orders.
Orders that are on credit hold/customer hold/backorder/non-checked do not print on this report.
The box blind stock code for the detail line now prints.

5377. Administration > Parameters > Online
There is a new flag for ‘On Customer Hold’ in the ‘Order Columns Visibility’ section.

5406. EDI Enquiry > Import
When a client places an online order for blinds and the roller blind requires a join, a message appears saying that a join is required.
When the order is imported it is being placed automatically on customer hold.
There is a new parameter called ‘Fabric Join Exclude From Customer Hold’, and when an order is imported, it will not be placed on customer hold if a join in the fabric is required.

5513. Order Processing > Orders > Delivery Postcode
For manual orders, there is now a ‘Mandatory Postcode’ parameter for the delivery address postcode in the order entry.
The parameter is called ‘Delivery Postcode’ and is in the ‘Mandatory Fields’ section of Parameters > Order/Quotation Processing’.
For EDI import, if postcode is blank, the order should go on customer hold.

5753. Order Enquiry > Blind Process Scan
If a process scan is done on a blind process for an order that is 'On Customer Hold', a message appears saying 'This order is on customer hold so this process cannot be scanned'.

6240. Regular PO Amend
In ‘Set Related Sales Orders’ in the regular PO form context menu, it now only shows the past 12 months of orders.
The ‘Assign Related Sales Orders’ can select any sales order to be assigned to a PO and there does not have to be a stock transaction related to the sales order.
On ‘Set Related Sales Orders’ form all Sales Order which are NOT Cancelled, On Credit Hold or On Customer Hold are currently displayed.

6410. EDI Import
There is now functionality so that if an order is imported and any base price in a detail line is zero, the order goes on customer hold.
A history record is created for the order to say it has been placed on customer hold because the base price was zero when imported.
There is a new parameter for this called 'Place Zero Price On Customer Hold' in the Parameters > EDI tab.

11048. Parameters > On Customer Hold Preview WO / Label Only
There is a new parameter called 'On Customer hold Preview Works Order / Label Only' in Parameters, which defaults to false.
If false, the existing logic works.
If True, the it is possible to print preview the works orders / Labels, but the status of the order does not change to 'Order Printed'.

11011. Reports > System Reports > Outstanding Manufacturing Report
There is a new report in Reports System Reports called 'Outstanding Manufacturing Report', which should be in Reports > System Reports.
There are criteria for 'Up To Date:', and choices for 'Exclude Customer Hold', 'Exclude Credit Hold', 'Exclude Amendment Hold', 'Exclude Bought In'.

11098. Order Processing > Orders > On Customer Hold
At the moment if a sales order is placed on 'Customer Hold', it is still possible to create a bought in PO from this order.
If you try to create a bought in PO for a 'On Customer Hold' sales order, a message should appear saying 'This sales order is on customer hold so a bought in PO cannot be created'.
There is a new parameter called 'Create Bought In PO if Order Off Customer Hold', which defaults to false.
If true, when the sales order is saved after 'On Customer Hold' has been set to false, the 'Create PO' functionality runs automatically.

11860. Order Processing > Orders
There is a new button on the ‘Order Amend Enquiry’ form called ‘Batch Cust Hold’.
This can be switched on in Administration > Users > Button Visibility if the ‘Batch Cust Hold’ flag is set to true.
This new button will allow the user to place all filtered records on ‘Customer Hold’.

14467. Order Processing > Orders > Repair
There is a new parameter called 'Set Repair Orders To On Customer Hold', which defaults to false.
If true, when the 'Repair' flag is set to true on an order, 'On Customer Hold' is also set to true.