


Customer Descriptions

Alternative Blind Type / Fabric Descriptions
We have created new tables so that alternative descriptions can be held for blind type descriptions and fabric descriptions, by customer.
The purpose of this is so that one manufacturer can make blinds on behalf of another company.
This other company may have their own descriptions for blind types and fabrics, and will want these to appear on the delivery docket.

The following changes have been made.

There is a new tab in the blind type form, called ‘Customer Descriptions’.
In it there is a form where you can enter a customer company name (by lookup) and a blind type description (text field).

There is a new tab in the stock items form, called ‘Customer Descriptions’.
In it there is a form where you can enter a customer company name (by lookup) and a fabric description (text field).

EDI Import

One client has a customer that wants to include their own blind type description and fabric description with the EDI record.
If this is done, then the ‘Customer Descriptions’ form in ‘Blind Types’ ‘Stock Items’ get updated with that description if it is not already there.
This is done at the EDI import stage – the fabric code mapping will remain the same.

These reports will now print the fabric description from the ‘Customer Descriptions’ tab of the stock record instead of the normal fabric description.

Label Print 3 ½ x 1 – No Desc
Invoice Laser Print (Letterhead Logo)
Delivery Docket – Laser Print (Special)
Acknowledgement – Bespoke 67
Invoice – Bespoke 67
Quotation – Bespoke 67

Order Processing > Orders

There is a new flag in the customer record called ‘Display Own Fabric Desc in Order Entry’, which defaults to false.
If a fabric record has a fabric description set up in the ‘Customer Descriptions’ tab of the stock record, and the above new flag is set to true in the customer record, then the fabric description is in the fabric lookup in the order detail line entry. If there is no record in this tab, then the normal fabric description is shown.


In Stock Control > Customer Descriptions tab it is possible to hold specific customer descriptions for products.
This fabric description is now used (if entered) when the PO XML file is created.