


Customer Delivery Days

There is a menu option called ‘Customer Delivery Days’.
This allows a user to select a customer by either account code or name and then amend the delivery days:

If the customer delivery days are set so that Saturday and Sunday are delivery days, then the system picked a Saturday or a Sunday as a required date, regardless of the fact that they are weekends.
We have changed this so that a weekend day off takes priority over a weekend delivery day on set in the customer record, and so the required date is calculated as Monday instead of Saturday or Sunday.

We have changed the functionality of the ‘Consolidated Delivery’ field on the Options tab of the customer form.
This field has no impact on despatching, required dates or scheduling and is for information only.
It is set to false if a customer has all of its delivery days selected.
If they only have certain delivery days selected, then it is set to true.
This is updated automatically as delivery days are changed, either on the Options tab of the customer form, or in Sales Files > Customer Delivery Days.

Also, ‘Consolidated Delivery’ has been added as a column to the Order Amend Enquiry form.