


Customer Default Options

With this system table, a user may define customer default options for certain blind types.

When the defaults are selected for the customer, the system will apply the default options just for that customer.
At the order entry stage, the set up options will appear in the Window Blind Amend > Blind Details form unless the options
with higher priority logic (link options, default options for fabrics, default options for wood or box blinds, etc.) have been set up
and overrode this function.

When entering the detail line in the sales order 'Default Options' are taken into account by Blindata in the first place
as these are set in Customer Default Options > System Tables.

Additionally, any 'Default Option' has priority over the other in case this is available under 'Link Options > Option Choice' with a negative sequence,
which is important, whereas the same Option Choices with a positive sequence will be followed as setting up and the Default one among them will not be prioritized.

If the 'Default Option' is not set under the 'Link Option > Option Choice' at all, it will not appear as such on the Order Entry form.

The customer default option for fabric is now working slightly differently.
A default option for a fabric that is held against a customer in System Tables > Customer Default Options is now only selected after the fabric is entered.

Customer Default Options may be also selected by Customer Account number as many customers have the same name and there is no way of
distinguishing which one is being selected. There is a column for an account code, so either an account code or customer can be selected.

There is an extra column in the spreadsheet import for ‘Fabrics’, which holds the fabric (stock) code.

In System Tables > Customer Default Options there is a new column added for ‘Blind Identifier’.
It is now possible to add a customer default for the blind type or the blind identifier.

There is a new column for ‘Department’.
It is now possible to enter a record with a Department and no customer or a Customer with no department, but not both.

The order detail line entry has been changed to take this into account.