


Credit Hold

Order Processing > Orders > Credit Control

The credit-control functionality has been improved.
Previously an order would go ‘On Credit Hold’ if the outstanding orders value total + customer balance > credit limit.
Outstanding orders value is the sum of 'Actual Total' of sales orders with a status less than 'Invoice Posted'.
There are now two extra ways of deciding whether an order should go on credit hold or not.

Firstly, there is a new tab in Sales Files > Customers called ‘Credit Control’.
The existing fields ‘Credit Limit’, ‘On Stop’, ‘Is Proforma Customer’, ‘On Stop’ and ‘Credit Approved’ have been moved to the new tab.

There are three new flags in this new tab called:

Activate Credit Approved (defaults to false)
Activate Credit Limit Check (defaults to true)
Activate Invoice Terms Check (defaults to false)

The first flag will only be active if ‘Check Credit Approved Flag’ is set to true in Parameters.

The third flag will only appear if ‘Blindata Accounting’ is switched on.

If ‘Activate Credit Approved’ is false, then the existing functionality will not change.
If set to true, if the ‘Credit Approved’ flag is set to false in the customer record, the order will go on credit hold.
If ‘Activate Credit Limit Check’ = true, then the existing functionality will work. If false, then the credit limit check will not take place.
If ‘Activate Invoice Terms Check’ is true, then the existing functionality will not change.
If set to true, then when an order is entered, the customer transaction activity will be checked and if any invoices are older than the current date – payment days (from Invoice Terms and Conditions), the order will go on credit hold.

Check the ‘Credit Control’ tab for the ‘TRADE’ customer:

The ‘Credit Limit’ is equal to ‘500’.
The ‘Customer Balance’ is equal to ‘1147.67’.
The ‘Credit Approved’ flag is ticked.
The ‘Activate Credit Limit Check’ flag is ticked.
If Sage is used please check the ‘Trade’ account in the ‘Sage’:

The ‘Balance’ value is ’1147.67’.
The ‘Credit Limit’ value is ‘500’.

Create a new order for the ‘TRADE’ customer with the amount which is exceeded the credit limit:

In order to uncheck the 'On Credit Hold' flag, please open 'Order Processing > Orders on Credit Hold' tab and check the 'Taken off credit hold' flag.

The credit hold information is recorded in the history of the sales order based on the changes state of the 'Taken off credit hold' flag.
So in case when you need to take a sales order off the 'On Credit Hold' please tick the 'Taken off credit hold' flag OR untick the 'On Credit Hold' flag.

So when the 'Taken off credit hold' flag will be ticked and when you save the line ('Up/Down' arrows and 'Enter' buttons) the 'On Credit Hold' flag will be unticked automatically and wise versa.

And if the 'Taken off credit hold' flag is unticked by the default in the sales order that is marked as 'On Credit Hold' then if you uncheck this flag (when you are changing the state of the credit order record in the 'Orders On Credit Hold' tab) you are not actually changing the value of the flag (False=False), so the history is not updated in this case.

Administration > Parameters

There is a new parameter to only update credit hold if an order has the status ‘Order Entered’.
This parameter is called ‘Credit Hold At Order Entry Only’.
It defaults to false but if set to true, then an order can only go on ‘On Credit Hold’ if the order status of the order is ‘Order Entered’.

There is now an option to still show a credit control message ie over the credit limit, but not have the order put on credit hold.
To do this, switch on the new parameter in Administration > Parameters called ‘Display Credit Control Message Only’

Credit Hold Functionality and Required Date

There is a new field in the customer record called ‘Req. Date Days For Credit Hold’, which defaults to 0. If 0, the existing credit hold functionality is performed.
In other words, an order will be placed on credit hold if the sum of outstanding orders in Blindata plus account balance exceeds the credit limit.
If > 0, then the only orders that will make up the sum of outstanding orders will be those with a required date of less than current date plus ‘Req. Date Days For Credit Hold’.

Let’s go to the online ordering:

Create a new order via Blindata online where the amount is exceeded the credit limit:

Submit the order:

Click the ‘Check New Transactions’ on the ‘EDI Enquiry’ form:

And import the order:

Check the imported information:

Check the history of the order that was imported via EDI functionality:

The order was placed on ‘Credit Hold’.