


Cost Price Table Calculation

There is a menu option in Pricing for ‘Cost Price Table Calculation’.
The purpose of this feature is to generate cost price tables for blinds by calculating the cost price from the bill of materials for each width and drop and then filling the cost price table for that blind type and fabric group.

A significant change has been made to the ‘Cost Price Table Calculation’ functionality.

It now looks at the link options for each width and drop to determine the components that should be used, and there is also the ability to enter a fabric square yard/metre price, and a scrap %.

Previously when the cost price table calculation was done, the bill of materials is generated from the fabric group selected and the options selected here.

However, this is not giving an accurate cost price table for two reasons.
1. The fabric price is not accurate because it only does a calculation for the linear amount required.
2. When a blind gets to a certain size an option may change eg a larger tube is required or a bigger clutch is needed.

We, therefore, need to make the calculation more accurate by doing the following.

The user is now able to enter a square metre or square yard cost for the fabric and also a scrap %.
When the bill of material cost for the fabric is calculated, it will be based on the area of fabric required – this will be the width and drop calculated from the calculator, multiplied by the scrap % and the fabric cost.

On the form when the fabric is selected, as well as showing the fabric group, the unit cost price and the roll width is also displayed.
This then fills the square metre or square yard price with a calculated amount that the user can change.
The calculated amount will be (unit cost price / roll width) * 1000 for metric and (unit cost price / roll width) * 36 for square yardage.


Fabric cost per square metre = 10.00
Scrap % = 15%
Fabric calculator = Width or Drop (width * 1) + (drop + 300mm)
Width = 500
Drop = 500

Fabric cost = (500 * 800)/1000000 * 1.15 * 10 = 4.60.