


Contact Status

The ‘Contact Status’ system table holds contact status names used for the order log maintaining.

The ‘Contact Status’ field of the ‘Contact Management Details’ form (Order Processing > Quotations > Contact Management > Add/Amend)
or the ‘Status’ field of the ‘Contact Management Amend Form’ (Order Processing > Orders > Contact Management > Add/Amend) refer
to this table.

If to check the flag in Administration > Parameters > Quotation Parameters > Next Contact Date is Quote Required Date, the contact
status checked as ‘Quote Required’ (the first one checked in the system table) will be displayed by default in the ‘Contact Management
Details’ form.

When the quote contact record is updated with a status of completed, it will prompt a new contact record. Therefore, if the ‘Completed’
field for certain contact status is checked, 2 records will be created for this quotation contact when saving the ‘Contact Management’
form (Order Processing > Quotations > Contact Management > Add/Amend > Contact Status).

The ‘Hide at Login’ field is used to stop certain records appearing at login or when CTRL/T is used. The contacts checked will not be
displayed when Blindata is started. If the flags ‘Display Current Order Contact Info on Login’ and/or ‘Display Current Quote Contact
Info on Login’ (Administration > Users > Add/Amend) are checked, at the stage of Blindata starting the ‘All Contact Records’ form will
appear. If ‘Hide at Login’ is set to true, then contact records with this status will not appear in this form.