


Component Discount

It is possible to calculate component discount % by category when entering a component detail line.
There is also a start date and end date for when these discounts apply.

We have created a new discount table by category code for component sales.
The table contains id, category code id, discount %, start date and end date.
This table will be accessed in Component Detail Entry and will use the discount %, if found, for the category code that is held against the stock item that has been selected.
The new form for this is in Pricing below ‘Component Price Table’.

There is a column in this tab for ‘Commission %’.

There is a new column in this form called ‘Customer Class’, which looks up the ‘Customer Class’ system table.
It is not possible to have ‘Category’ and ‘Customer Class’ set up in the same record.
The component detail line entry has been changed to take this new field into account (looking at the customer class held against the customer).