


Company Details

The Company Details form contains the main information relating to the company that Blindata is being used for.

The following fields are in the 'General' tab of the Company Details form.

Registration Date - this is a non editable field.

Company Name - this is the name of the company using Blindata. It will appear as the company name in the top left of the application and is also used as the main company name in documentation that is sent to customers eg quotations, invoices etc.

Account Code - this code is used as the account code when EDI XML files are sent to suppliers/vendors.

VAT Number - this is the VAT number (or Sales Tax number) for the company using Blindata. It can appear on invoices etc.

Reg. No. - this is the company registration number.

URL - this is the website for the company.

Client Account Number -

Client Password -

E-Mail - this is the main email address for the company.

Attach Docs Root Location - documents can be attached to orders, quotations etc. They should all be held in a central location and this field holds the root directory for this location. It relates to 'File Attachments' in Order processing > Orders etc.

Bank: name of the company's bank.

Sort Code - the sort code for the bank (in UK).

Account No - the bank account code.

Accounts Tel Number - this is the direct telephone number for the accounts department in the company.

Daily Sales Target - this is the sales target for a day and is used in the Dashboard that can be set to appear when logging into Blindata.

Wholesale Daily Sales Target - this is the wholesale sales target for a day and can be displayed by selecting 'bar Graph Rep' or 'Bar Graph Area' in Administration > Parameters > Order / Quotation Defaults > Dashboard Type.

Goods Out Sales Target - this is the goods out sales target in the same dashboard as Wholesale Daily Sales Target

SWIFT Number - the SWIFT number for your bank, this can be provided by the bank.

IBAN Number - the IBAN number for your bank, this can be provided by the bank.

Facebook URL - the URL for the company Facebook page.

Charity Name - the name of a charity supported by the company.

Charity Nominal Code - the nominal code that charity amounts should post to.

Accounts Email - an email address for the accounts department, this can print on invoices and credit notes.

Logo - the main logo for the company. This can be loaded by left clicking on the field to load jpg files and right clicking to load jpg or bmp files.

Retail Name -

Retail Phone -

Registered Office - the office name where the company is registered.

Registered office address - the address where the company is registered.

Confirmation PDF Location -

Quotation attachment - files can be held here which will then be attached to quotations that are emailed.

The following fields are in the 'General' tab of the Company Details form.

Company Address - this is where the main contact name, address, phone and fax number for the company is held.

Use PO Delivery Address - if this flag is selected, then fields appear for entering different details to the main company address. This is used if purchase orders are to be delivered to a different address.

Alt Manufacturing Base - if there is a separate address for the manufacturing plant/factory, this can be held here.

The following fields are in the 'Logos' tab of the Company Details form.

Logo 2-13 - these logos can be used for specific bespoke reports in the system.

The following fields are in the 'Directors' tab of the Company Details form.

Director Name - director's name

Qualifications - qualifications eg B.Sc.

Position - job title within the company.

The following fields are in the 'Report Texts' tab of the Company Details form.

These text fields only relate to standard reports, and are not necessarily applied to specific bespoke reports.

Acknowledgement text - this text can be printed on the order acknowledgement in the footer section.

Invoice text - this text can be printed on the invoice in the footer section.

Quotation text - this text can be printed on the quotation in the footer section. At the bottom of the form field 'Quote Expiry Date' can also be selected in this text field.

Proforma text - this text can be printed on the proforma in the footer section.

Delivery text - this text can be printed on the delivery docket (packing slip) in the footer section.

Receipt text - this text can be printed on the receipt (printed from Order Processing > Orders > Receipts) in the footer section.

Post proforma invoice text -

Purchase terms and conditions -

The following fields are in the 'Report Texts 2' tab of the Company Details form.

Registered office -

Regular purchase order text - this text can be printed on the regular purchase order in the footer section.

The following fields are in the 'FS/SL Texts' tab of the Company Details form.

Sales lead header text -

Sales lead text -

Sales lead contact details -

Sales lead payment terms -

Cooling off period -

Child safety text -

The following fields are in the 'Email Texts' tab of the Company Details form. The purpose of these fields is to enable text to be entered in the body of the email when it is sent. specific fields for email text can be slected from the bottom of this form in the 'Email Text Filling Hints' section. To select a field, left click on the field and it will then appear in the place where the cursor is.

Email invoice text - this is placed in the body of the invoice email.

Email quotation text - this is placed in the body of the quotation email.

Email acknowledgement text - this is placed in the body of the order acknowledgement email.

Email delivery text - this is placed in the body of the delivery docket (packing slip) email.

Email purchase order text - this is placed in the body of the PO email.

OOS email text - this is placed in the body of the out of stock email.

BIS email text - this is placed in the body of the back in stock email.

Email contact management text - this is placed in the body of the contact management email.

The following fields are in the 'Email Texts 2' tab of the Company Details form.