



At a particular customer site, sales staff are allowed to set a client discount rate.
The company policy is that if the company makes more money the sales rep makes more money.
Hence the larger the discount given by the rep, the smaller the commission received by the sales rep.
This means we now hold commission % rates against discounts, both for blind and component sales.

Pricing > Discounts

In each form where discount can be entered, there is a new field for ‘Commission%’.

Customers > Discounts

There is a column in this tab for ‘Commission %’.

Pricing > Component Discount % by Category

There is a column in this tab for ‘Commission %’.

Order Processing > Orders

When detail lines are saved, the commission % is also saved.
The commission will only be available to see/amend in the order detail form if the following permission is set.
So if there are two discounts set up, the first with an 8% discount and the second 5%, the order detail line now saves with the commission of 5%.

It is now possible to get commission to display on order detail lines.
It is also possible to change the commission for the whole order in the Totals tab.

There is a new flag to say whether the commission amount is displayed in the order detail line.
This is held against the user in ‘Advanced Permissions’ and is called ‘Display Commission’.
If this is set to true, then the commission field is displayed on the order detail line and is amendable.
Also if this permission is set to true, then it is possible to enter a commission % in the totals tab.

If the Commission % in totals is updated, then the commission % in all the detail lines is also updated to the same amount.

There is now a column choice for ‘Commission’ in ‘View Blind Details (in the context menu in ‘Order Amend Enquiry’) and also in in ‘Window Blind Amend’ form.

If ‘Display Commission’ in Users > Advanced Permissions is switched on, then it is available as a field in the component detail line entry as well as in the blind detail entry.
At the moment the commission is picked up from Pricing > Discounts in the blind detail entry, and it is also picked up from here in the component detail entry.

Sales Analysis Commission Report

A new sales analysis report has been created called ‘Sales Analysis by Commission’. It does not include orders where ‘No Commission’ = true.
The report shows orders by detail line, showing blind type description, fabric description, width, drop, detail line net total, commission amount, by rep by customer.
The commission amount is calculated in the report as (net total * commission %)/100.

Pricing > Discounts / Commission

There is a new table in Administration > System Tables called ‘Commission Discount Ranges’ in which a single commission rate can be assigned to a range of discount percentages.
The table is used in a lookup to automatically update the Commission field depending on the value that is held in the Discount field on the Blind Edit window and Total tab during order entry.

The fields in this table are ‘Lower Discount’, ‘Upper Discount’, ‘Commission %’. So the table may look like this:

The order entry will find the discount and commission as it currently does but then also look in this table.
If the discount % is between the lower and upper figure, then the commission % from this record in the table should be used.
This is also checked if the discount % is changed.

When a quotation is converted to an order, the commission is now being calculated.
It also now calculates for EDI orders.