


Child Safety Rules

Child Safety Regulations for Blinds for UK

Administration > Parameters

There is a field in the Parameters table called ‘Enable Child Safety Rule’.
This has three choices – ‘Enabled’, ‘Not Applicable’, and ‘Not Yet Answered’.
It records the user and the time this is filled in, in a new table called ‘Child Safety Log’.

Blind Details > Blind Types

At the moment the child safety can be switched off in Administration > Parameters > Enable Child Safety Rules.
It is also possible for this to work by blind type and 'Department' .
Therefore there is a new flag in the blind type record called ‘Child Safety Disabled’ .
If ‘Enable Child Safety Rules’ are enabled in Parameters but disabled in the blind type record or 'Department' record, then they will not apply for that blind type/blind detail.
This field defaults to false.

Order Processing > Order Entry

There is a flag in the order header form called ‘Child Safety Applicable’.
If ‘Enable Child Safety Rule’ = Enabled in Parameters, then this defaults to true.
If ‘Enable Child Safety Rule’ = ‘Not Applicable’ in Parameters, then ‘Child Safety Applicable’ defaults to false.
If ‘Enable Child Safety Rule’ is enabled, when a detail line is entered for an order, the program will first check the ‘Child Safety Rules’ table to ensure there are records set up here.
If none exist, then a message will appear saying ‘Please set up child safety rules for this blind type before proceeding’.
If a blind type does not require any child safety checking, a record should still be set up in ‘Child Safety Rules’ for ‘Exempt’.
If ‘Enter Install Height’ has been switched on for the blind type, then the user will have to enter this.
It will default to 0.
If this is left as 0, then it will be assumed that the ‘Install Height’ is not known. The ‘Install Height’ will appear below the ‘Drop’.
If child safety rules have been applied, then when options are entered/updated, this table will be checked to see if any rules apply and the necessary calculations will be made.
The child safety rule will also be checked if the ‘Chain Length’ has been amended in the order entry.
If there is no compliance, then the appropriate message will appear and the chain length will be adjusted automatically.
If the chain length is altered manually, then it will have to be validated by looking at the options and applying the relevant child safety rule.

These are regular option choices (stock items) that will be selected in the order > detail entry.
So, please create a new option > option choices OR configure 'Child Safety Rules' on the EXISTING option choices .

The chain/control length is calculated on the manufactured blind size drop, not the entered size.
The recalculation for the chain length for child safety is also calculated on the manufactured blind size drop as well.
Also, the chain length calculated by the child safety rules now includes the ‘Round Chain Down Length Down to Nearest’ value on the Blind Type record in its calculation.

There is a field for the installation height of the blind.
This works in both metric and imperial.
There is a flag on the blind type record called ‘Enter Install Height’.

Blind Details > Blind Types > Child Safety Rules

We need to identify the option that relates to the chain/control length.
There is a table in Blind Type called ‘Child Safety Rules’.
This contains the stock code (Option Choice), operating method, install height, distance from the floor, drop greater than, drop less than, cord length %, cord length max, cord length logic, message.
When records are entered or amended in this table, the changes are recorded in the ‘Child Safety Log’ file automatically.
The operating method will either be ‘Operating Loop – Breakaway System’, ‘Operating Loop – Fixed Tensioning System’, ‘Pull Cord’ or ‘Exempt’.
The specific logic that will be applied is held in the spreadsheet Child Safety Rules.xlsx.

Administration > Import From Excel

There is an option to import records to the Child Safety Rules table in ‘Import From Excel’.
This also updates the ‘Child Safety Log’.
The option in the ‘Import From Excel’ is called ‘Child Safety Rules’.
The spreadsheet contains fields for blind type, stock code, operating method, install height, distance from the floor, drop greater than,
drop less than, cord length %, cord length max, cord length logic.

EDI Enquiry > EDI Import

If an order is imported with no child safety issues but where the drop itself causes the import to fail as it is below the minimum chain drop,
rather than just failing the import, the import now proceeds and the chain length is set to be equal to the minimum chain drop.
If an order fails to import due to child safety rules reducing the chain length below the minimum chain drop, the order is still imported but is flagged as an EDI exception and left unchecked.
A note is added into the import report for the order stating there is an issue with the chain length in blind no x.
Also, if a user tries to manually check an order with an EDI exception flag, the program checks that the blinds are OK and do not fail the child safety check.
If they do fail an error message is displayed to inform the user and the order is not checked.
Alternatively, if the user has modified or deleted the blind to make it compliant then the order is checked and then scheduled as per the standard process.

Order Processing > Orders

There is a parameter called ‘Show Child Safety Message’ .
If ‘Child Safety Applicable’ is switched off, when the order is saved, a warning message now appears.
This says ‘The child safety regulations have not been applied to this order.
Please ensure that the necessary paperwork has been processed’.

When entering an order Blindata already takes into account the 'Minimum Chain Length' value, i.e.
if the blind detail is not suitable for the 'Child Safety Rules' and 'Minimum Chain Length' then this blind detail is not saved .
The message says ‘The minimum length for the chain is [Minimum Length] but the child safety rules have calculated a smaller size, so this cannot be done’ and it is not possible to save the blind.

Order Processing > Orders > Global

The Global function has been amended to take into account the child safety rules in combination with multiple changes of options.
The chain length is now recalculated each time.