


Checked Functionality

Order Processing > Orders

There is a field in the 'Order' table called ‘Checked’.
The purpose of this is so that orders can be flagged as ‘Checked’ before they are printed.
The following changes have been made.
A new field (true/false) has been created in the orders table called ‘Checked’.
A new parameter has been created in Administration > Parameters called ‘Display Checked’.

A new advanced permission has been created for ‘Checked’ in Administration > Users > Advanced Permissions > Orders.
The ‘Checked’ field now appears in the order entry form, but only if ‘Display Checked’ = true and there is advanced permission for it.
An order history record is created if the order is set to ‘Checked’ = true.

Archive Enquiry > Remake / Repair / Redespatch

If an order has a new order generated from here and the ‘Display Checked’ flag is switched on in Administration > Parameters, the order is now flagged as unchecked.

Works Orders / Purchase Orders / Labels

We have now implemented the Order Checked box functionality throughout the whole system.
This means that if the ‘Display Checked’ parameter is set to true in Administration > Parameters, then works orders, labels and purchase orders will not be created for orders until they have been flagged as ‘Checked’ in the order entry form.

Order Processing

There is now functionality for SMS Order Acknowledgements. There is a new field in the Company Details form Email Text section for ‘SMS Acknowledgement Text’. There is also a new flag on the customer record called ‘SMS Acknowledgement’. If ‘Display Checked’ is set to true, the SMS are generated when an order is flagged as ‘checked’ and sent to the mobile number on the customers record. If an order is checked during the EDI import, then the SMS email is generated at this stage. If ‘Display Checked’ = false, then the SMS acknowledgement message is sent when the order is saved (and if ‘SMS Acknowledgement’ = true in the customer record).

Order Processing > Orders

There is now a prompt message to tell users to send an email order acknowledgement. If the customer ‘Order Ack Delivery Method’ field is set to ‘E-mail’, then when a user saves an order after clicking the ‘Checked’ option, they are prompted with a yes/no message reading ‘This customer has requested to receive E-Mail order acknowledgements. Do you want to send now?’. If Yes is selected, then the email confirmation is sent (in the same way as if ‘Email Order Ack’ button had been clicked on the Order Amend Enquiry form). However, if No is selected, then nothing happens.

An email is also sent (after question prompt) if ‘Order Ack Delivery Method’ = Email and ‘Display Checked’ = false, when the order is saved.

Bought In Purchase Order Modifications

The following further changes that they want made to the purchase order functionality.
If ‘Display Checked’ is set to true in Parameters, it is not possible to create a bought in PO until the sales order has been ‘checked’.

Bought In Order Tracking > Export CSV

Column 12 is now used for the blind ‘serial ID’ rather than phone number.
There is now a field for a ftp location for the export CSV file.
Column 18 is now used for the blind number.
The ‘Export CSV’ button has been renamed ‘Export Batch CSV’
The function of this button has been changed so that it will generate CSV files for any outstanding orders with a PO date ‘up to’ the selected date on the pop up.
Also, it will only run for orders that have been flagged as ‘checked’ (if ‘Display Checked’ = true).
There is also be a new button called ‘Export Single CSV’ that will generate a csv file only for the highlighted order on the Bought in form.

EDI Import

If an order is imported and the value of one of its base prices is zero, and if ‘Display Checked’ is ticked, then the order is not flagged as checked.

Order Processing > Quotations

If ‘Display Checked’ is switched on, then it is possible to set ‘Checked’ = true in a quotation. If it is checked, then when it is converted to an order, the order is also checked.
If it is left as unchecked, then it will behave as it currently does.

Order Processing > Orders

If ‘Display Checked’ is ticked and an order is entered and saved with a 0 base price, a message nowd says ‘At least one detail line has a 0 base price. Do you still want this order to be flagged as checked?’.

Order Processing > Orders

If 'Display Checked' is switched on, it is no longer possible to send an OOS email to a customer until the order has been flagged as checked.

OOS Email To Customer

We made a change in dev 5684 so the OOS message is only sent if ‘Checked’ is ticked in the order (‘Display Checked’ = true in Parameters).
However if you enter an order but don’t check it and save it, then go back into the order and set ‘Checked’ to true, the email isn’t sent. It now is.
The logic was changed so when we save the order, if ‘Display Checked’ is true in Parameters and there is an OOS stock detail line, it sends an OOS email to the customer.
It only do this once.
We could have a situation where an order is checked, and an email sent. Then another detail line is added later which is also OOS. It also sends an email for this.

Quotations > Create Order

If a quote is entered and it is flagged as ‘Out Of Stock’, when it is converted to an order, it now removes all the ‘Out Of Stock’ flags and then recalculate the BOM and flag as ‘Out Of stock’ where necessary.
This is because the stock in hand may have altered between the quote being entered and the order being created.
This is dependent on whether ‘Display Checked’ is switched on in Parameters.
If it is and the quotation is flagged as ‘Checked’, when it is converted to an order, it has the same rules as an order ie if ‘Checked’, it then sends the order ack email (if this is switched on).
If the order that is created from the converted quotation is flagged as ‘Out Of stock’, and ‘Checked’ is true and the OOS email is switched on, the email is sent.