



Fire Resistant
There are two new fields called ‘Antimicrobial Desc’ and ‘Fire Resistant Desc’.
It is also possible to import these fields in Import From Excel > Stock Update.
It is now possible to import ‘Turn If Width > Roll Width’ in ‘Stock Update as well.

We now hold the following extra fields against the stock record.
These are displayed in the ‘Characteristics’ tab in ‘Stock Items’.

They are all text fields except where identified.

Collection (30 Characters)
PVC Free (Y/N)
Composition (30 Char)
Backing (10 Char)
Weight g/m2 (Number 2dp)
Fire Resistant (Y/N)
Green (20 Char)
Antimcrobial (Y/N)
Tariff Item No (20 Char)
Tariff Rate (Number 2dp)

No Production Label

To resolve this, there is a new flag in the stock record called ‘No Production Label’ which defaults to false.
If true, then if any of the options in the production label have this flag set to true, it does not print on Label Print – Bespoke 68.

Benthin Vertical Barcode
A new barcode has been added here if blind identifier = Vertical. This new barcode only print on ‘Label Print – Bespoke 33B’.
This only applies if the blind identifier = Vertical or Vanes Only.
A new ‘Enclosed’ choice was added in ‘Fabric > Characteristic > Enclosed’ flag.
The’ Lvre Mach Size Hem-Hem’ cutting size should be selected with name = ‘Lvre Mach Size Hem-Hem’ for the relevant Cutting Option on the ‘Blind Type Options > Cutting Options’ tab (in the ‘Cutting Option Name’ grid).
In cases when
a) ‘count vanes = 0’;
b) ‘Lvre Mach Size Hem-Hem’ is not found
c) Detail>Fabric>RollWidth is not equal 127 or 89mm
d) The ‘Print Barcode’ flag is switched off;
e) Blind identifier is not Vertical or Vanes Only.
The ‘Louvre Barcode’ not be printed.
In these cases, the ‘Special Instruction’ will be printed as before.

Fill Note In Order

There is a new flag in the stock record (in the Characteristics tab) called 'Fill Note In Order' which defaults to false.
If this is set to true, then update the 'Notes' field in the order.


The installation costs can now be printed in the total section and not displayed in the detail section.
To implement this, there is a new ‘Installation’ flag in the stock record.
For the Quotation – Bespoke 76 report, any items with this flag set to true will be totalled in the footer section of this report and will not appear in the detail section.

Service Item

Financial Report > Sales By Tax Code
Previously all the components sales went to the Miscellaneous column in this report.
The problem for one customer was Misc. should only have non stock items sales (such as service charges).
It is subtracted from Gross sales to get net sales. Components sales are part of gross amount. It should not be deducted under Misc.

Therefore we have a new flag in the stock record called ‘Service Item’.
Only detail lines where the fabric code has this new flag set to true now appear in the ‘Misc’ column.
The rest appear in the Gross Amount or will be Freight.

The ‘Description column’ is now filled with the ‘City’ field from the ‘Sales Tax Rates’ table.

Default Quantity To 1

There is a new flag in the stock record Defaults tab called ‘Default Quantity To 1’ which defaults to false.
This field is now a choice in Stock Control > Fabric Group Setup and it is also possible to update it in Import From Excel > Stock Update.
The component order detail line entry has been changed to look at this flag – if it is set to true, then the Quantity defaults to 1.

Works Order Non Print

This apply to Works Order - Bespoke 77.

The Works Order – Label 5 is now controlled by the setup in Blind Types > Blind Type Setup > WO Control.
There is also a new flag in Stock Items > Default tab called ‘Works Order Non Print.
If this is set to true and this is the only option set up in WO Control, then a works order label will not print.


Is not used.

Same Day Despatch

More details here.

Round Up to Nearest 0.1

There is now a flag in the stock record called 'Round Up To Nearest 0.1' which defaults to false.
If true, the quantity in the BOM is rounded up to the nearest 0.1 for the relevant stock record.