


Carrier Freight Feedback

At the moment we can set an automated task to import the consignment note number (tracking number) from two different CSV files.
We have had requests to be able to import two more different import layouts.
To do this, we have added some more flexibility to this functionality, in a similar way that we did for exporting carrier files at the despatch stage.
There is a new system table called ‘Carrier/Freight Feedback Layout’.
It is similar to ‘Carrier File Layout’, in that the user is able to enter Layout Name (unique) and select Layout Type (XML or CSV).
The following changes were made on the Parameters form.

There is a new tab in Administration > Parameters called ‘Carrier/Freight Feedback’:

There is a flag called ‘Skip Non Numeric Order Numbers’.

If this is set to true, the import routine now skips all non numeric order numbers.

This is only relevant if the following is applicable.

1. ‘Update Consignment Note No Only’ flag ticked in Parameters.
2. Orders which are found by Order No or PO No (but NOT for Orders found by Cust Ref as it could be non-numeric).
3. CSV files as they could contain several lines in them.

Removed ‘TNT Carrier Only’ flag;
Removed ‘Location’ from ‘Carrier/Freight Feedback’ section and replace it with the grid;
The grid has had two columns: ‘Carrier/Freight Feedback Layout’ and ‘Location’;
It has been moved to the ‘Carrier/Freight Feedback’ tab Archive Location and Broken Location will remain common for all Layouts so far.

After Layout type is selected user will be able to define file structure.

For CSV files only three fields are available:

Order No Identifier (alphanumeric) – this is the column name in CSV file where Order No from Blindata will be found;
Consignment Note No Identifier (alphanumeric) – this is the column name in CSV file where Consignment Note No will be found;
Find Order By (drop-down list with 2 available choices: Order No, Cust. Ref.).

For XML files only three fields will be available:

Order No Node Name (alphanumeric) – this is the node name in XML file where Order No from Blindata will be found;
Consignment Note No Node Name (alphanumeric) – this is the node name in XML file where Consignment Note No will be found;
Find Order By (drop-down list with 2 available choices: Order No, Cust. Ref.).

When the Automated Task is run it will go through all records from the new grid, take all files from ‘Location’ for each Layout and try to process each file according to rules specified in System Tables.
If the file doesn’t match rules then it will be moved to the Broken folder, otherwise – to Archive if these paths are specified.

Please note that there are settings in the 'Carrier/Freight Feedback Layout' system table:

If you use the header in the imported file (in this case the 'Contains Header' should be enabled), the 'Order No Identifier' and 'Cons. Note No. Identifier' should be entered as header column names (without special characters like space, slash and so on) instead of the Excel column position (A, B, C etc).
If you will re-name the 'Order No Identifier' and 'Cons. Note No. Identifier', please note that these names should match with the names in CSV file.
Also please note, the imported file will be moved to the 'Archived' folder in the case only if all the rows in the CSV file are correct and all the orders exist in Blindata.

Please check the example of the CSV file below if we need to update the 'Consignment Number' (the 'Update Consignment Number Only' flag is ticked):

And when the automated task is applied, you will receive the pop-up message:

Check the updated consignment note number column:

The other settings are used for the XML file, please check it below:

There are new choices for defining a ‘PO Number’ identifier column and a ‘Dispatch Date’ identifier column in this form.

If the ‘PO Number’ is used as the identifier, then the PO number will be used to find the sales order number.
It is assumed there will be a one to one relationship here.
It is then possible to update the despatch date and the consignment note number to the sales order.
This means the dispatch date is updated in the sales order when the carrier feedback is done.
As well as this, we now want to update the sales order to 'Despatched'.
Previously when Consignment No was updated in a Sales Order the Order Status was not updated.
There is now a flag held against the supplier called 'Update Status to Despatched After Carrier Feedback', which defaults to false.
If true, when the Carrier Feedback is done, it will update the sales order status to 'Despatched' if the consignment note no is not null.

This is required because there may be records in the file that do not have consignment numbers ie these orders have not yet been despatched.

Please check more details in the Consignment Note Number section.